
证书 in Trauma: The Basics and Beyond

9月. 6 - 11月. 15, 2024 | 10 a.m.-3 p.m. ET
$125 per session ($750 for full program) | 4 CEUs | Virtual

$125 per session ($750 for full program) | 4 CEUs | Virtual

创伤证书课程提供了对创伤理论的基本理解,并提出了原则, 工具和道德指导策略,使创伤知情的做法.


交付: Synchronous Virtual Classroom via Zoom
时间: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. ET (12:00-1:00 Lunch Break)

项目成本: $125 per session or $750 for the full program. (See below for discount rate.)

Register for single session(s) or full program.

Continuing Education Credit: 每节课4个ceu |完整证书= 24个ceu | Act 48学分(如有注明)|只有参加完整系列课程的学生才能获得道德学分.

Mission: Trauma 证书 Program
The Trauma 证书 Program 提供对创伤理论的基本理解,并提出原则, 工具和道德指导策略,使创伤知情的做法. 本课程通过减少无意伤害,促进康复和改善功能,为那些支持成人和儿童康复和治疗的环境提供装备.  Cultural considerations, ethical principles of practice, 同时也考虑了创伤的影响和直接服务人员的适当支持.

本系列适合硕士后水平的临床从业人员, 社会工作ers, 教育工作者, 心理学家, child welfare workers, and other behavioral health professionals.

时间:星期五., 9月. 6, 2024 |劳拉·海因兹
The Basics of Trauma
4对比增强超声 and/or Act 48 credits
This foundational course explores the various definitions of trauma, prevalence and impact on children, neurological and cognitive development, and impact on adult behavior. 还讨论了与临床工作相关的常见触发因素以及减轻其对参与和结果的影响的方法. 学习目标包括:1)解释创伤对大脑结构影响的当前神经科学, social development, and psychosocial traits; 2) insight into the impact of intergenerational trauma, hereditary aspects of trauma, and cumulative impact of childhood trauma on physical and social experiences; and 3) strategies, 的见解, and language for engaging clients affected by trauma.

时间:星期五., 9月. 20, 2024 |劳拉·海因兹
本课程从提供者的角度探讨创伤如何影响临床和社会服务. 重点将放在从业者管理自己的个人创伤历史和触发因素,同时导航客户的激活和具有挑战性的行为, as well as the very real and derailing impact of high acuity clients, 贫困, and vicarious experience that violence can have on practitioners. Learning objectives include: 1) learning how power, 位置, and privilege can re-enact trauma on clients; 2) exploration of ways in which a practitioner’s history of trauma, or experience of vicarious trauma may result when supporting the struggles of their clients; and 3) reflection on compassion fatigue and the tools to safeguard one’s practice and psyche from the impact of high level trauma.

时间:星期五.10月. 4, 2024 |劳拉·海因兹 | Hayley Nelson
Brains, Biology, and Behavior
4对比增强超声 and/or 2 Act 48 credits
这门课程描绘了大脑、我们的行为和我们如何驾驭世界之间的联系. Distilling the complications of neuroscience and cognitive development, 这门课程使临床医生能够理解和解释大脑是如何工作的,以及以什么方式创伤, 物质, and social support impact how we hurt and heal. 其次, 本课程将解释我们的干预如何直接影响我们客户的大脑和生物功能. 学习目标包括:1)深入了解和洞察我们的大脑如何, Central Nervous System and Neurochemicals impact behavior; 2) information regarding how trauma and toxic stress directly impact brain productivity, neurochemical production and utilization, and parasympathetic responses; and 3) identification of ways that this information can enhance, 影响, or alter our efforts in engagement and intervention.

时间:星期五.10月. 18, 2024 | 劳拉·希德
Impact of Intervention-Related Trauma for Children in Helping Systems
4对比增强超声 and/or 4 Act 48 credits
本课程分为两个互补模块,重点关注儿童和家庭如何受到系统服务和保护他们的努力的直接影响. Learning objectives include: 1) explanation of techniques to be used to create safety for children and 青少年 exposed to trauma; 2) defining re-traumatization / triggers and ways children and their families can be victimized by the systems intended to help them; and 3) considerations and 的见解 regarding ways practitioners can mitigate the negative impact of potentially traumatizing crises with children and families.
上午: 上午的会议讨论了具体的策略和技巧,以尽可能多地干预和防止这一特殊和弱势群体的持久创伤.
下午: 下午的会议提供了一个中心概念和实践的变化,参加创伤通知修改服务的概述, including the use of universal precautions against re-traumatization, 和创伤’s impact on brain development.

时间:星期五.11月. 1, 2024 | 劳拉·希德 
The Legacy of Trauma
本课程介绍了让来访者参与讨论和治疗与创伤(边缘型人格障碍)相关的诊断的共同挑战, 创伤后应激障碍, and Dissociative Disorders) their symptomology, and the most current guidelines for treatment/management. 讨论了参与和支持客户成功的实用策略. 参与者有权维护和提高其工作的效率水平, while abiding by ethical and clinical standards of the profession. Learning objectives include: 1)  discussion of effective methods for assisting clients in acknowledging their past trauma and present realities; 2) DSM-5 criteria for and presentation of  the common diagnoses associated with Trauma; and 3) language, clinical exercises, 以及安全规划,以确保客户和从业人员在从事这项具有挑战性的工作时受到保护.

时间:星期五.11月. 15, 2024 | 劳拉·希德 | Emilee Duckworth
Trauma Intervention Tools
本课程回顾了创伤干预领域中基于证据的常用策略, including Reflective Supervision, Motivational Interviewing, 此种疗法, and Trauma 信息rmed De-escalation.  参与者将对这些理论的原则以及练习和干预措施有更深入的了解,以便立即支持他们的治疗工作. 注意: This course does not train participants in these modalities, as further training would be required for proficiency. Learning objectives include: 1) review of current treatment modalities associated with Trauma related diagnoses; 2) identification of opportunities and limits inherent in these modalities in light of practitioner expertise, 设置, and level of functioning of clients; and 3) discussion of ways these modalities are utilized in the field, 在执行中包括注意事项和人口方面的具体考虑.

成本| ceu

项目成本: $125 per session or $750 for the full certificate program

折现率: $660 ($110 per session)
注意: In order to receive the discount rate of $110 per session, 必须在注册课程时全额付款. 

Payment Plan Option: 

  • 注册人可以选择使用每次120美元的随用随付费率注册完整证书. If using this payment plan option, 第一次会议的费用必须在首次注册时提交. 后续课程的费用必须在每个剩余课程日期前至少两周提交. 

对比增强超声: 每节课4个ceu |完整证书= 24个ceu | Act 48学分(注明)|参加完整系列课程的学员可获得3个道德学分.

Additional Trauma 证书 信息rmation

那些在创伤证书系列中完成六门课程的人将在最后一次会议后通过电子邮件收到一个可框架的完成证书. 参加创伤证书系列课程少于六次的学员将丧失该证书.

该证书旨在通过培训和教育培养创伤知情护理和干预策略方面的技能. 该证书的目的是为技能发展和市场的个人寻求这项工作和/或在创伤知情的职位上的进步.


There are no make-up sessions available for absences. If you are unable to attend a session(s) in the series, it is recommended you register and pay for session(s) you can attend.

注册和预付全部证书系列的前提是参加所有六次会议. There is no refund available for missed sessions. If you are unable to attend a session(s) in the series, it is recommended you register and pay for session(s) you can attend. 错过会议的付款不能应用于ProDev计划日历上的其他研讨会.

劳拉·希德, 垃圾, LCSW,  is Principal Partner of Hindsight Consulting Group, 哪个组织为不同领域的非营利组织提供培训和小组干预他是宾夕法尼亚大学社会政策与实践学院的讲师. An alum of Penn's SP2, Laura began her career as a direct practitioner with children, 青少年, and families at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, developing skills in HIV/AIDS specific care needs, case management, and high acuity hospital based 社会工作 practice, as well as psychotherapy. 劳拉也是国家社会工作者委员会的名誉主席, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors, and a current Board Member of The Therapy Center of Philadelphia.

Hayley Nelson, PhD, is 特拉华县社区学院(DCCC)心理学助理教授,她在那里教授普通心理学和成瘾基础课程. 她目前正在DCCC开发一门神经科学课程,并积极参与校园社区,担任学术顾问和各种学院委员会. Prior to joining DCCC, Dr. 尼尔森是宾夕法尼亚大学行为生物学基础项目的全职讲师和研究主任, 曾在Exponent Failure Analysis Associates担任人为因素科学顾问,在那里她研究了人类感知的作用, 表演, and behavior in accident scenarios.. Dr. 尼尔森于2010年在约翰霍普金斯大学心理与脑科学系获得博士学位,在那里她接受了课堂和实验室的行为神经科学培训, 发表了几篇同行评议的关于多巴胺在动机行为中的作用的研究论文. Dr. 尼尔森还发表了她在国家精神卫生研究所(NIMH)和国家药物滥用研究所(NIDA)担任研究员期间的研究成果.

Lisa Pozzi,  LPC, currently practices at John F. 费城肯尼迪行为健康中心主要为需要心理健康和成瘾咨询服务的变性人提供服务.   Ms. 自1997年以来,Pozzi一直在费城行为健康系统工作,担任治疗师, supervisor and program director.  她是美国心理咨询协会和女同性恋协会的专业成员, 同性恋, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling, 他是费城完形治疗研究所的助理,并获得了国家认证咨询师委员会的认证.  她目前参与费城完形治疗研究所和费城ITDOR的委员会,并担任费城艾滋病协会的董事会成员. 

Monica Sullivan, MEd has provided and managed diverse, interactive professional development programs throughout her career. 莫妮卡致力于将脑科学和基于身体的实践融入到她创新的现场培训课程中. 莫妮卡也是一名正念减压(MBSR)促进者和一名认证瑜伽老师. 她也是社区复原力模型©的认证讲师, a body-based model to restore balance and encourage optimism and hope. 她寻求将这些反思实践整合到她与组织的工作中,以促进创伤响应环境,从而建立员工和客户的复原力. 当她不帮助费城的组织变得更了解创伤时, Monica enjoys cooking and baking, 被外, making art and reading.

Terry Sturmer, 垃圾, LSW, is a clinical associate with Healing Concepts, LLC.  她擅长与面临收养挑战的个人和家庭合作, anxiety and depression, family distress, 悲伤和失落, physical illness, teenage transitions, 和创伤.  她是一个致力于在不同的客户群体中使用此种疗法的倡导者.  Terry is a frequent lecturer on issues of  compassion fatigue, organizational leadership, and stress management.  She has co-written a chapter with Lara Krawchuk, 垃圾, LCSW, 公共卫生硕士对创造性治疗的悲伤客户的悲伤治疗技术:评估 & Intervention, edited by Robert Neimeyer, PhD.
