


实习与两年的实习课程同时进行. 与实践课程[基础实践一、二]相似, 临床社会工作I及II, or Communities, Organizations, Policy, 和宣传(COPA) I和II], 实地实习开始于秋季学期的第一周, 并在该学年4月的第三或第四周结束. 对于作为兼职学生进入该计划的学生, 你的实习从第二年开始.

学生通常在两年中的每一年都有不同的一年的实地实习. Students employed by social service agencies with qualified social work roles may be eligible to use their worksite as their field placement for both years with permission from the agencies and the Office of 领域的教育. 

请参阅 实地教育日历 查看具体日期和其他相关信息.


学生将有机会接触到宏观和微观层面的社会工作, 多样化的人口, 临床和社区实践干预, 非营利组织管理策略, 循证实践, challenges, 以及当代社会工作的机会. 学生将学习使用不同的评估和干预方法和模式, develop plans, 评估服务. 在现场经验的核心, students will also encounter and strategize practical ways to advocate for human rights and social and economic justice while applying social work values and ethics.

一年的实地实习使学生适应社会工作专业, 使他们能够吸引客户, 评估客户和社区的需求, 并为个人提供直接的服务干预, families, groups, organizations, 和社区.

高级专业年实地实习建立在通才年的基础技能. Students in the Advanced Clinical Specialization will be able to demonstrate an advanced understanding of clinical, ecological, developmental, 以及社会文化理论来指导和改进临床实践. 高级社区的学生, Organizations, Policy, 和宣传(COPA)专业化将侧重于政策分析和改革, 社区组织, 非营利组织管理, 研究与评价, 发展政策制定过程的知识.


发展提供社会工作直接服务的知识和技能, 与客户的临床干预, 社区实践, policy, 倡导活动在一名拥有硕士学位的社会工作者的监督下进行.S.W. 或同等学历(如M.S.S.CSWE认证课程的学位, 谁有至少两年的硕士后社会工作经验. 


实地实习发生在各种各样的环境中. 这些可能包括但不限于以下内容:

  • inpatient, outpatient, 或部分精神病学设置,如社区精神健康, 医疗和/或精神病院
  • 儿童及家庭福利服务
  • 依赖的服务
  • 卫生保健机构
  • 员工援助计划
  • 少年司法服务
  • 教育设施,如课后活动 
  • 提供住房、法律和食品等援助的非营利组织
  • 政策/研究机构
  • 妇幼保健服务
  • 社区组织
  • 身体康复项目
  • 公益事业
  • 家庭暴力项目


实地教育办公室分配学生到他们的实地实习, working in conjunction with students to ensure that their field experience will support their academic coursework and enhance their professional growth. 你的实习是你学业成绩的重要组成部分, as such, must originate from GSSWSR’s 实地教育办事处; students do not arrange their own placements and agencies do not interview students in advance of contact with the 实地教育办事处.

在分配实地实习时, gsssr考虑学生以前的经历, interests, 学术和职业目标, 以及gsssr对机构资源的了解和适当的学习机会. 学生一次只能参加一个实习设置.  

全日制学生进入该领域的通才年, the 实地教育办事处 meets individually with each student within two weeks of enrollment in the program and reviews students’ background, experience, 以及将学生与中介机构匹配的兴趣领域. The 实地教育办事处 meets with part-time students early in the spring semester of their first year in the program to begin the field placement process. Continuing students entering the Advanced Specialization Year begin the process of securing their placement in late fall or early spring semester of their Generalist, or first year, in the field; Advanced Standing students begin this process immediately upon enrollment in the program.

同时研究潜在的场位, negotiated, 并由外地教育办事处安排, 学生可以建议一个新的代理机构供学院考虑, 实地教育办公室将调查该机构是否符合实地安置的要求.


Agencies seeking to provide a field placement must demonstrate compatibility of the agency's mission and philosophy of service with the values and ethics of the social work profession and the capacity to provide:

  • 足够数量和种类的作业,以发展学生的知识和实践技能,在每一个 CSWE EPAS核心竞争力;
  • 与个人有深入的监督经验, groups, families, 组织和/或社区, 有机会和期望学生与客户/客户系统独立工作;
  • ample time for field instruction to permit individual and (where appropriate) group conferences with students;
  • field instruction from individuals with a master’s degree in social work (or equivalent) from a CSWE accredited program with two years of post-master's social work experience;
  • 有足够的空间和行政资源支持学生的工作;
  • congruence between the student’s field assignments and assignments in the practice course taken concurrently with the field placement.


在某些情况下,学生可以使用当前的就业网站作为实地教育设置. Students must be employed in a human services capacity and the agency must be able to meet the requirements of a social work field placement. Students must be employed by the agency for a minimum of three months before beginning their work-site field placement and have completed the probationary work period by July 1st of the calendar year for which the placement is sought. 在这些情况下, the GSSWSR works closely with the agency and the student to establish a learning experience that recognizes the complexity of the student-employee role, 同时为学生提供丰富的教育和先进的学习机会来应用这些原则, knowledge, 并练习在课程中学到的技能. 


在通才项目的第一年, 学生在该领域相当于两个完整的(7).在秋季和春季学期,每周5小时的代理工作. 在高级专业(第二年), 学生在该领域相当于三个完整的(7).每周工作5小时.


Student schedules are arranged by the student with the agency Field Instructor and are based upon both agency need and student class schedule. 实地安置开始和结束与秋季和春季学术学期时间表相称. 非全日制学生可以选择完成相当于两门全日制课程的课程.通过延长在实地工作的时间到6月,每周5小时的代理日, 第二年, 第三年8月开始(见下文:如果我是兼职学生, 现场的时间要求是什么?)

 请参阅 实地教育日历 具体的领域日历日期和其他相关信息.


实地实习通常在工作日的正常营业时间进行. 实习机构通常不能在周末接待实习生, and the availability of a field placement occurring only during evening and/or weekend hours is not guaranteed. Applicants are admitted with the understanding that they must be available for a minimum of two full days during the work week (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)作为该领域每周常规要求的一部分:两个完整的7.5-hour agency days week for Generalist Year and part-time students electing the two-day/week option in the third year; and three full 7.高级专业一年每周5小时的代理时间.



Agencies may require students to apply for clearances and/or background checks as a requirement of the practicum. Some agencies, 特别是那些在卫生保健机构为儿童或个人服务的人, 要求有虐待儿童和/或犯罪记录, 包括州和联邦调查局的许可. 在某些情况下,机构还要求体检、特定免疫接种和药物筛查. Students must be aware that having criminal backgrounds or negative findings on screenings may delay start of placement or prevent them from being placed in agency settings. 这也可能影响他们获得专业社会工作者执照的能力. 学生负责与这些许可和测试相关的所有费用.


Some agencies state that skills in language(s) beyond English would be beneficial for a successful placement experience.


非全日制学生完成两个完整的课程.实习第一年每周工作5小时, 从他们在M的第二年九月开始.S.S. program and ending in mid-late April of that same academic year; they carry out three full (7.5小时)代理工作日/周在第二, (或高级专业)一年, 从第三年的9月开始,到同年的4月中下旬结束. 

另外,非全日制学生可以选择完成相当于两个完整(7)的课程.在硕士课程的第二年和第三年,每周5小时的代理工作日.S.S. program. Part-time students who elect this option begin field in September and continue through June in their second Generalist Year of the M.S.S. program, and begin their Advanced Specialization Year field placement at the beginning of August until late April of their third year in the program.


Yes. 实地教育最终成绩(满意), 令人不满意的, or Incomplete) is given at the end of each semester by the Field Liaison and is based on the following criteria:

  • 学生的职业操守, attendance, 并在机构安置时充分参与实地学习;
  • appropriate use of supervision with the Field Instructor and communication with the Field Liaison to further their learning; 
  • 完成规定的现场工作时间;
  • 及时、完整地提交所有作业, 包括学习协议和过程记录, 参加与外地联络员的个别和外地会议, 以及由现场指导员完成的最终现场评估.


The 实地教育办事处 takes into consideration whether students have their own car or will require the use of public transportation to their agency. 没有车的学生应该使用公共交通工具. Generally, 实习地点在学生所在地理位置的一到一个半小时内.


实地教育办公室在几个州提供实习机会. Students are encouraged to discuss plans to be out of state early in the placement process so that a strong placement opportunity, if available, can be secured.


It is the expectation that students will interview at their field sites before they are accepted for placement. 尽管建议进行面对面(现场)面试, some agencies may be agreeable to phone or virtual interviews for students who are unable to interview in-person due to geographical distance prior to beginning the program.

300 Airdale Rd.
Fax: 610-520-2655