
Frequently Asked Questions


的一个.B. 学位可以以优异成绩授予大学范围内的学位, magna cum laude and summa cum laude.


All students with cumulative grade point averages of 3.40名或以上(不包括CR/NC和转学成绩),有资格获得荣誉学位. [Complete in格式ion on calculating your GPA]


To determine eligibility for magna cum laude, 重新计算平均绩点,以包括CR所涵盖的成绩, NC and Haverford Non-Numerical Grades. All students with recalculated grade point averages of 3.60 or higher are eligible to receive the degree magna cum laude.


To determine eligibility for summa cum laude, 重新计算平均绩点,以包括CR所涵盖的成绩, NC and Haverford Non-Numerical Grades. 重新计算的平均成绩最高的10名学生将获得最高荣誉学位, provided their recalculated grade point averages equal or exceed 3.80.



除了大学范围内的荣誉,大多数院系也会颁发本专业的荣誉. Each department sets its own criteria for these honors.

Bookshop Textbook List


教材信息是根据学院教师和我们的供应商提供给布林茅尔学院书店的信息尽可能最新的. 书单可根据教职员的决定随时更改. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of our vendors. Bookshop prices are updated as new data and shipments arrive. 

请到 这个链接 to view in格式ion regarding textbooks. 

注册办公室可以核实推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的注册状态和入学日期. 许多保险和奖学金机构需要特定的表格,这些表格应该转发到我们的办公室进行处理. A downloadable form is also available in PDF or  格式.

第三方申请者必须联系国家学生信息中心进行注册验证. 他们可以为雇主或其他需要背景筛选的人提供即时注册验证. To request enrollment verification, please visit www.degreeverify.org. The Bryn Mawr code is 003237.


有时,学生还需要验证他们的入学状态以推迟贷款. 这通常需要贷款服务机构提供一份特定的表格. 这些表格应提交到公会大厅的注册办公室填写并发送给贷款机构.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的校友可以通过电话或书面方式要求学位认证. A downloadable 毕业 Verification Form is available in PDF or  格式.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜已授权国家学生信息中心为雇主或背景筛选公司提供学位认证. 雇主必须通过学生信息中心获取信息. To request degree verification, please visit www.degreeverify.org. The Clearinghouse mailing address is:

                  National Student Clearinghouse
                  13254 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
                  Herndon VA 20171

What is an Apostille?

An apostille is essentially a certificate of authenticity. 截至10月. 15, 1981, 美国成为1961年海牙公约的成员,该公约废除了对外国公共文件的合法化要求. 公约规定了在加入公约的国家使用的公共(包括公证)文件的简化认证. Under the Hague Convention, 签署国同意承认其他签署国签发的公共文件,如果这些公共文件附有国际公认的认证形式,即附注.


开始这个过程, 请仔细阅读宾夕法尼亚州国务院提供的以下信息: How Do I Obtain an Apostille or Certification?

Then send the 注册处 the following items:

  1. Transcript request form 或者一个 Diploma reorder request
  2. PA状态 Request for Legalization of Documents form
  3. A check made out to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  4. 一个大的(大约). 9 × 12英寸),加盖邮票/邮资已付的邮寄信封,地址为宾夕法尼亚州国务院
  5. 第二件大事, stamped/pre-paid mailing envelope addressed to yourself, so the state can send you the finished documents

Send the above items to:

                  101 N. 梅里恩大街.

我们将免费为您的成绩单/文凭进行公证,并将该文件与您的其他文件一起发送到州. Then the state will apostille it and mail the document to you. If you have additional questions, please contact Megan Kenny at mkenny@wolaipei.com.

GPA Calculation Guidelines

  • Grades behind CR/NC are not included.
  • Grades from Haverford College, 斯沃斯莫尔学院, 和宾夕法尼亚大学也包括在内,前提是该课程是学生在布林茅尔活跃期间学习的,并且是在秋季或春季学期学习的. (不包括在这些机构的暑期课程或在布林莫尔大学休假期间的课程)
  • 从其他机构(包括维拉诺瓦)转学的成绩不包括在内, even if taken during the regular academic term (Fall/Spring).
  • Summer school grades from Bryn Mawr courses are included, 在布林莫尔校区的课程和在阿维尼翁学院的课程.
  • Summer school grades from other institutions are not included.
  • GPA is calculated to three decimal points.

请注意,为了确定是否有资格获得两项最高毕业荣誉(优等生和优等生), grades behind CR/NC are included.

How to Calculate your GPA

Most Bryn Mawr courses are worth 1.0的单位. There are a few courses (mostly intensive languages) worth 1.5单位 and quarter classes are worth 0.5单位. 课程的单元数可以在您的成绩单上找到,也可以在BIONIC中查看您的课程.

Bryn Mawr courses are graded on a 4.0规模. 如果您对信等效等级有疑问,请参考评分标准.

GPA = total grade points / total attempted units



Sally Student got the following grades for the Fall semester:

  • [au:] [au:.0个单位)- 3.70 (3.70 total grade points)
  • 生物学报[j].5个单位)- 3.00 (1.50 total grade points)
  • 生物学杂志[j].5个单位)- 3.30 (1.65 total grade points)
  • [参考译文.0个单位)- 4.00 (4.00 total grade points)
  • [1].5个单位)- 3.70 (5.55 total grade points)
  • 数学b104 (1.0的单位) - CR (no grade points because CR/NC)

* Total grade points is the grade multiplied by the number of units.

Her total number of units taken was 5.但是她选了数学B104 CR/NC,这并不计入她的GPA. Therefore, for calculating the GPA we divide by 4.5(不包括1.0 unit counted as CR). Gpa = 16.4 / 4.5 = 3.64年平均绩点

If you are graduating, Commencement takes place in May. 虽然有些学生可能会在12月完成本科课程, 他们被邀请并鼓励在完成学业要求后的五月参加毕业典礼.

参加毕业典礼:学院每年5月举行毕业典礼,以表彰那些已经完成学位的学生和那些即将在8月和12月完成学位的学生. 参与, 学生在春季学期早期向注册主任提交一份可行的计划,证明他们将在即将到来的5月之前完成所有学位要求, 8月, 或12月. 除了, 在8月和12月完成学位的学生,如果选择不参加前一个5月的毕业典礼,将被邀请在接下来的5月毕业典礼上庆祝他们的完成.

For Commencement In格式ion, visit Conference and 事件 Commencement In格式ion website.



Office of the 注册商

101 N. 梅里恩大街.