nia的爱 研究 Showing: g1(host), a new iteration, 暗流


nia的爱 研究 Showing: g1(host), a new iteration, 暗流
Saturday | April 3 | 7:30 p.m. 

暗流 Virtual Screening
Free and open to the Bi-Co Community and the public.

暗流 Community Screening*
Free and open to the Bi-Co Community.

编排 nia的爱 
表演 nia的爱, Lela Aisha Jones, Makeda Roney

导演 艾丹联合国

The 表演艺术系列 presents simultaneous virtual and community screenings of "暗流," the culmination of performance research choreographer nia的爱 conducted this year in residency at Bryn Mawr College. love explored embodied memory, 黑暗, and healing through the lens of her work "g1(host)" in two two-week residencies in November and March. This screening will comprise two short films by 艾丹联合国, 第一个, a short documentary of love’s time at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 in residence and in community with students, 第二个是, 一篇记录“暗流," the newest iteration of love’s multi-year performance research "G1(主机):lost at sea." This work features performances by Lela Aisha Jones, Makeda Roney, and nia的爱.

"The center of gravity in my work is the question of blackness and the complexity held within the experiences it names: resistance, 对艺术品的爱好, 打破, 高流动性对企业有利, 过度的约束. I aim to destabilize and dismantle ‘dance,’ redressing it as gesture–the memory of movement and geographies held in the body. My work gets made under the viewer’s gaze: interfaces between the audience, 我的肉,和 object-sonic environment, produces experimental flows of real-time visceral response and improvisatory action. I craft for the stage and beyond: galleries, gardens, farms, and most recently, the ocean floor.——我爱你  

*Bi-Co Community Members Only: The 表演艺术系列 invites you to experience this screening in community, 戴着面具, socially-distant, limited-capacity gathering, following the College's COVID-19 safety guidelines. 


Presently, love lives on unceded Lenape Nation land known as New York. In honor of her maternal grandmothers and their historical participation in black feminism and the powers of domesticity that radically move away from patriarchy, love wanted her pen name to be spelled in lowercase to shift the attention from her identity to her ideas.

Her career spans 40 years, beginning in 1978 as one of the youngest international apprentices with Ballet Nacional de Cuba. 爱情得了B.F.A. in theater directing and pre-medicine from Howard University and an M.F.A. in choreography from Florida State University. In 1996, love studied Butoh and toured with Japanese Butoh master Min Tanaka. She was named an honorary Fulbright Fellow in 2002-03.

love has two Bessie Awards: a 2017 Outstanding 表演 award for "Skeleton Architecture" and a 2020 Outstanding Music Composition/Sound Design award for "g1(host)." love is a recipient of the 2019 Gibney Presents Residency and Gibney Dance in Process, Urban Bush Women’s 2019-2021 Choreographic Center Initiative Fellowship (extended award due to COVID-19 pandemic), 2020年MAP基金赠款, a 2020-21 Artist Residency at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, the 2021 MANCC (Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography) Residency, the Movement 研究 Rosin Fund Residency, and the EYEBALA award at Gibney Dance.

She is currently the Brooklyn Arts Exchange Artist-In-Residence Co-Advisor and New York Live Arts Fresh Tracks Advisor. love presently serves as an adjunct assistant professor at Queens College and the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts at The New School.

Find nia的爱 on Instagram/推特/脸谱网 @nialovedance.

nia的爱's residency has been made possible through the 舞蹈节目 at Bryn Mawr College in partnership with the 表演艺术系列, with major support from the 360°项目,和 玛丽·弗莱克斯纳讲师.