
Assistant Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology


电子邮件 rpalermo@wolaipei.com
电话 610-526-5385
位置 旧图书馆 216
Wednesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m.


Remote appointments should be scheduled via Calendly



Ph.D. (University of Naples Federico II, Italy / Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)


古老的帝国, Archaeology of South-West Asia from the Iron Age to the 罗马 Period, 景观考古学, GIS and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, 陶瓷的研究, Fieldwork Methodologies and Techniques, 考古中的无人机.


I am an archaeologist who examines the long-term human-environment interactions embodied in the spatial organization of large-scale, 全球帝国, with a focus on South-West Asia from the Iron Age to the 罗马 period. My research draws on different sets of data: from survey records to excavation evidence, from GIS-based analysis to paleo-environmental data and to historical and textual documents. I specifically focus on the role of rural and non-urban communities within the far-flung world of pre-modern empires. 

- From 2021 to 2023 I was a 研究er (RTD, in Italy) at the University of Pisa, where I investigated the correlation between mutated environmental condition and settlement transformations in South-West Asia in the Hellenistic and 罗马 period. 

- From 2017 to 2021 I was a Postdoctoral 研究er at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and PI of the project Beyond the Rivers of Babylon: Settlements and Landscapes in Hellenistic Mesopotamia, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific 研究 (NWO).

我所参与的, 组合, and directed several archaeological projects in Italy, 叙利亚, 火鸡, 约旦, 阿曼, 伊拉克, 和加拿大北极地区.

Major fieldwork activities include:

- Since 2022 I am the Director of the Girdi Matrab Archaeological Project (GMAP) in the plain of Erbil, 伊拉克i Kurdistan. This is a unique site whose occupation spans from the Prehistory (Late Chalcolithic Period) to the 罗马 Empire. 特别是, Girdi Matrab (“the dusty mound” in Kurdish) was intensively settled during the Hellenistic and 帕提亚人 period, thus representing the perfect case for the investigation of the response – or lack thereof – rural communities of Mesopotamia to imperial transformation through time. 




- Until 2022 I was also the Associate Director of the Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey, a Harvard-based project directed by Prof. Jason Ur (Harvard University). The project aims at reconstructing the history of this part of Mesopotamia through a landscape-archaeology approach, with a specific focus on the urbanization practices in the Early Bronze Age, the physical modification of the area during the Neo-Assyrian period, and the consequent re-organization of the settled space in the Hellenistic, 帕提亚人, 罗马, and Sasanian-early Islamic phases.

- From 2012 to 2018 I was a member of the Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project (伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区), a University of Udine (Italy) -led project that aimed at mapping the hinterland of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh through means of field walking survey. I was a surveyor and pottery expert for the Hellenistic, 罗马, and 帕提亚人-Sasanian phases.

- From 2003 to 2010 I was a member and trench supervisor for the Italian Archaeological Project at Tell Barri (叙利亚), where I supervised and directed the excavation and the ceramic analysis of the 罗马 and 帕提亚人 periods.

- The application and testing of newly established survey and excavation techniques brought me to also investigate regions and time periods far from my core area of expertise. I used drones and state-of-the-art techniques to map the Inuit and Thule communities of the Uglit island in Nunavut, Arctic Canada (thanks to the collaboration with the Arctic Centre at the University of Groningen).

我的第一本书, 《帝国边缘. North Mesopotamia during the 罗马 Period, was published by Routledge in 2019.