

阿德兰特项目学生协调员三人一组,负责监督阿德兰特STEAM项目的管理和协调. 阿德兰特协调员将招募, 阿德兰特协调员的招聘, 火车, and coordinate a group of undergraduate student volunteers; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising volunteers, 包括考勤跟踪, 制定每周课程和志愿者时间表, 计划和促进每月与志愿者的反思/监督会议, 作为志愿者的主要联络人, 并创建社交媒体内容来推广该计划, 产生意识, 激进主义, 以及布林茅尔社区成员的倡导. 具体地说, 这些学生协调员将负责通过他们的阿德兰特项目在布林茅尔社区和ACLAMO家庭中心之间进行联络. 阿德兰特计划寻求志愿者参与一组多达15名来自诺里斯敦地区学区的7年级和8年级和高中学生及其家长的大学准备计划,重点是个人发展和STEM丰富. ACLAMO进来吧 Coordinators can expect to work 8-10 hours per week during the academic year. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

The ACT Coordinators work in a team of two to oversee the administration and coordination of the Ardmore Community Tutoring Program. ACT协调员将:招聘, 雇佣, 火车, and coordinate a team of undergraduate work-study tutors; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising tutors 包括考勤跟踪, 配对导师和学生, 制定每周辅导计划, 计划和促进每月与导师的反思/监督会议, 作为导师的主要联系人. 阿德莫尔社区辅导(ACT)计划是学院的“美国阅读/美国计数”计划,通过与“邻居帮助邻居”在主线上的合作伙伴关系发挥作用, 当地的非营利组织. Tutors and tutor coordinators must have federal work-study as part of their financial aid package to be eligible for these positions. ACT协调员在学年期间每周工作8-12小时. 工作人员联系: 艾莉埃斯蒙德

ACT导师是本科生,他们与当地K-12年级的学生进行一对一的辅导合作,他们提供家庭作业帮助和学术丰富和支持. 布林莫尔 tutors are matched with K-12 students through the College’s partnership with Neighbors Helping Neighbors on the Main Line, 当地的非营利组织. Tutors may meet with their tutees online via Zoom or in person at the Ludington 图书馆 in 布林莫尔. Students must have federal work-study as part of their financial aid package in order to be eligible for these positions. 导师预计在学年期间每周工作4 - 6小时. 工作人员联系: 艾莉埃斯蒙德

BMC社区花园协调员将负责维护校园内的社区花园,其中包括位于新宿舍食堂旁边的一个目前蓬勃发展的花园. 协调员将通过招募和协调志愿者来促进学生参与花园活动,并通过外展和服务促进与当地环保组织的联系. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

The 布林莫尔兄弟 Coordinators work in a team of two to oversee the administration and coordination of the 布林莫尔兄弟 Program. BMB协调员将:招聘, 雇佣, 火车, and coordinate a team of undergraduate volunteers; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising volunteers 包括考勤跟踪, 制定每周学校访问计划, 计划和促进每月与志愿者的反思/监督会议, 作为志愿者的主要联络人. 布林毛尔伙伴(BMB)计划 buddy是一项指导计划,将BMC学生与来自Merion小学的国际学生配对,他们说同样的语言. BMC志愿者帮助他们的小伙伴适应美国的学校生活.S. 当他们在课堂上加入他们时,通过积极的影响, 在操场和其他学校活动中. BMB协调员在学年期间每周工作8-10小时. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

职业同伴代表中心向内部和外部的成分. They are 火车ed to provide information and advice to students on resume and cover letter preparation, 展示在线资源和职业探索工具的使用, 在模拟面试中提供反馈. 职业同行 actively outreach to the College community on behalf of the Center in an "ambassador" role, present student programs to special interest groups and develop and implement marketing plans for 事件 and services. 另外, 职业同伴协助中心的主要活动,如模拟面试日, 非营利和公共服务招聘会, 布林莫尔 & 除了等. 工作人员联系: Dayna征税.

复地校园大使与另一位复地大使合作并独立工作,在BMC校园推广和支持复地的使命. 加强大使促进的认识 的强项 by introducing 的强项 事件 to student clubs, organizations, and the overall campus community. 复特大使利用社交媒体(但不限于社交媒体)和其他传播渠道开展营销活动,以提高复特的参与度和知名度. 复地大使还负责完成复地职业准备证书,并鼓励学生同龄人也完成证书. 工作人员联系: Dayna征税.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 & 健康大厦雇佣自我激励的员工, 组织良好的, 外向的学生填补前台办公室助理的职位.  该职位在职业生涯中支持行政团队 & 公民参与中心, 社区影响中心, 股本, and Understanding; and the Health & Wellness Center, and reports to the Administrative Program Coordinator in 职业生涯 Engagement.  主要职责包括:接待所有进入大楼的访客, 亲自回答咨询, 通过电话, and email; and assisting in the preparation of 事件 run by the 3 Centers in the building.  前台办公室助理 work 5-8 hours/week and attend a weekly staff meeting for ongoing 火车ing and teambuilding.  工作人员联系: 凯瑟琳的妇女不同.

The 女孩散居 Student Coordinators work in a team of two to oversee the administration and coordination of the 女孩散居. “女孩壹散居”协调员将进行招募, 雇佣女孩移民项目的协调员, 火车, and coordinate a group of undergraduate student volunteers; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising volunteers, 包括考勤跟踪, 志愿者计划, 计划和促进每月与志愿者的反思/监督会议, 作为志愿者的主要联络人, 并创建社交媒体内容来推广该计划, 产生意识, 激进主义, 以及布林茅尔社区成员的倡导. 具体地说, these student coordinators will be responsible for acting as a liaison between the 布林莫尔 community and the College of Physicians. The 女孩散居 Program functions through a partnership with the College of Physicians located in Philadelphia. The program Coordinators seeks volunteers to engage with high school-aged students to support tutoring students in STEAM related disciplines. 女孩散居 Coordinators can expect to work 6-8 hours per week during the academic year. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

健康公平 & Social Justice Student Coordinators work in a team of three to oversee the administration and coordination of the 卫生公平 & 社会正义计划. 必要时,卫生公平 & 社会公正协调员将招聘、雇用和培训健康公平 & Social Justice Coordinators; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising volunteers, 包括考勤跟踪, planning short and long-term volunteer opportunities onto Civic Engagement and BMC social media platforms, 以及进入Handshake招募志愿者, preparing and facilitating volunteer opportunity reflections 作为志愿者的主要联络人, 并创建社交媒体内容来推广该计划, 产生意识, 激进主义, 以及布林茅尔社区成员的倡导. 具体地说, these student coordinators will be responsible for acting as a liaison between the 布林莫尔 community and 卫生公平 & 社会公正计划. 此外,卫生公平 & 社会公正项目协调员负责提高推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区的健康素养,通过提供可操作的信息和途径,参与解决健康公平问题 How to Health播客. The Coordinators are responsible for conducting evidence-based research and recruiting internal and external experts to interview for the podcast. 卫生公平 & Social Justice Coordinators can expect to work 8-10 hours per week during the academic year. 工作人员联系人: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

办公室助理支持职业生涯的工作 & 协助公民参与中心的文书工作,包括, 但不限于, 接电话, 复印, 申请, 和打字. 有时, 办公室助理负责送货, 房间预订, 参加员工会议.  Office assistants can help to plan, market, execute and staff 事件 around campus. 工作人员联系: 莎朗·肯尼

The Outreach and Service Manager will work with other Civic Engagement student coordinators and staff to promote involvement in service, 布林茅尔社区成员的行动主义和倡导.  具体地说, 该学生协调员将负责向很少参与服务活动的学生提供服务,并帮助他们联系适当的资源, 事件, 和程序. 外联和服务经理将与外联和服务协调员密切合作,履行这些职责,并将培训该学生担任经理职位,主要负责行政长官的外联和服务活动. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

The 外联及服务协调员 will work with other student coordinators and staff to promote involvement in service, 布林茅尔社区成员的行动主义和倡导. 具体地说, 该学生协调员将负责向很少参与服务活动的学生提供服务,并帮助他们联系适当的资源, 事件, 和程序. The 外联及服务协调员 will coordinate outreach activities; serve as a liaison between the Center and students/student groups; and organize 事件 和程序 designed to encourage civic engagement among students who are new to community involvement. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

The Overbrook Art Program Student Coordinators work in a team of three to oversee the administration and coordination of the Overbrook Art Program. 奥弗布鲁克艺术协调员会招募, 聘请任何奥弗布鲁克艺术项目协调员, 火车, and coordinate a group of undergraduate student volunteers; attend weekly supervision meetings with their Civic Engagement supervisor; manage all aspects of supervising volunteers, 包括考勤跟踪, 制定每周以艺术为基础的课程和志愿者时间表, 计划和促进每月与志愿者的反思/监督会议, 作为志愿者的主要联络人, 并创建社交媒体内容来推广该计划, 产生意识, 激进主义, 以及布林玛社区成员的倡导. 具体地说, 这些学生协调员将负责通过他们的Overbrook艺术项目在布林莫尔社区和Overbrook小学之间充当联络人. The Overbrook Art Program seeks volunteers to engage with grade school-aged students from Overbrook Elementary School, 参加费城地区学区的一个课堂艺术项目. Overbrook Coordinators can expect to work 6-8 hours per week during the academic year. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

这个职位主要负责营销我们的项目, 通过我们的社交媒体和其他在线资源举办活动和提供服务, 以及印刷和面对面的营销. The 社交媒体协调员 helps to plan and implement our social media marketing efforts including Instagram and Handshake. 这个人与专业人员一起创建和发布内容,这些内容将吸引学生,并帮助我们制定计划,增加我们的在线存在和活动. There is typically one 社交媒体协调员 role for each of the Center's two main functional areas: Civic Engagement and 职业生涯 Engagement. 职员联络市民: A曼达岛Moser-Shick. 工作经历: Dayna征税

公民参与依靠一组学生面包车司机,在适当的时候,通过BMC学院面包车提供交通工具,帮助同学们访问他们的志愿者和实地站点. 对该职位感兴趣的学生必须持有有效的美国驾驶执照,并获得Bi-Co运输部颁发的驾驶推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜面包车的认证. 一旦面包车认证和雇用, 货车司机s will be either assigned a regular driving shift or be “on call” for driving assignments as their schedule permits. 工作人员联系: 悉尼罗伯逊

The VITA首席协调员 will take a leadership role in organizing and implementing 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s 志愿者所得税援助 (VITA)与Norristown的CADCOM合作. 除了, the Lead Coordinator will work closely with the 维塔协调员 to prepare this student to take on the lead role in the following year. 这样做的时候, CPIA VITA首席协调员在维持推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和诺里斯敦社区之间的可持续关系方面发挥着不可或缺的作用. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.

The 维塔协调员 will take a leadership role in organizing and implementing 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s 志愿者所得税援助 (VITA)项目倡议与CADCOM在诺里斯敦. 这样做的时候, the CPIA 维塔协调员 plays an integral role in maintaining a sustainable relationship between 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and the Norristown community. 工作人员联系: A曼达岛Moser-Shick.



的职业 & 公民参与中心
