
凡妮莎Petroj Joins Bryn Mawr as the New Director of Multilingual Writing


Q. 欢迎来到布林茅尔! 你能介绍一下自己并分享一下你的职业道路吗?

A. 谢谢,很高兴来到这里! 我叫 凡妮莎Petroj 我是多语言写作的新主管. I joined 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 this summer 和 I am absolutely thrilled to be here!

我的家乡是乌兹丁,塞尔维亚一个罗马尼亚人占多数的村庄. 我第一次来美国.S. 作为密西西比大学的本科生交换生. 我喜欢在美国学习.S.所以,在完成我的B之后.S. 在塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学任教, I came back as a graduate student at the University of Connecticut where I completed my Ph.D. 在语言学. My thesis explores the topic of code-switching between Romanian 和 Serbian, 一个非正式的, spoken-only dialect of Romanian used by people who identify ethnically as Romanian in my hometown in Serbia. 从那时起, I’ve worked in writing centers 和 as a writing instructor across the country, where most of my work involved supporting multilingual 和 international students.

Q. 你是如何对语言学产生兴趣并决定教写作的? 这些兴趣是如何在你的工作中相互影响的?

A. I think I have always been passionate about linguistics, even before I knew what linguistics was. 反思我的背景和教育, 我一直被多种语言包围着, 方言, 文化, 以及不同的表达方式. 我的K-8教育是罗马尼亚语, 我的高中教育是塞尔维亚语, 我的大学教育是塞尔维亚语和英语的混合课程, 和 my graduate education 在语言学 revolved around learning about different languages in a department that was filled with international 和 multilingual students 和 faculty. 在所有这些经历中, I remember always being fascinated by different ways of expressing thoughts, 通过语言之间的相互作用, 和, 在一般情况下, I simply always wanted to know more—more languages 和 more about those languages. 在某种程度上,语言学对我来说是一个自然的选择.

It wasn’t until I started working at the University of Connecticut’s Writing Center that I realized that teaching writing 和 being involved in the writing center circles is truly what motivates me most about going to work every day. Working with writing, especially by multilingual writers, is like a playground for linguists! Analyzing multilingual writing 和 finding ways to consider the influences of other languages in an English text has always intrigued me. 同时, I see myself in my students who are navigating being a college student in a foreign culture, 通过一门外语, 在一个全新的环境中接受教育. It takes a lot of courage, determination, 和 mental 和 emotional strength. I am always in awe at their drive 和 how graceful they are in their pursuit.

Q. 你今年教什么课程?

A. 每年秋天, I will be teaching a couple of sections of WR 120: Workshop for Multilingual Writers, 专为一年级多语种学生设计. 我喜欢把这门课称为家庭课堂,因为, 而重点是学术写作和阅读, 我们在文化适应上花了很多时间, 建立关系, 和 simply having a safe space for my students to share their experiences 和 bring any questions or concerns they are having at the time. 这 spring, I will teach WR B210: More than Language Barriers: Adjusting to the U.S. 学术界, intended for non-first year multilingual students where we will be tackling cross-academic, 跨语言, 以及美国文化的跨文化方面.S. 学术界, focusing on highlighting the challenges 和 contributions by multilingual 和 multi文化 students 和 scholars, as well as ways in which to navigate path towards success 和 a sense of belonging.

Q. 你在写作中心扮演什么角色?

A. 在写作中心, 我在一对一的会议上辅导学生, 与珍·卡拉汉合作, 写作中心主任, 我为导师提供培训,重点是多语言写作支持.

Q. 你在学院的角色是什么?

A. 在写作中心外面, 我是所有关于多语言写作的问题的首选人选. I meet with faculty 和 staff who are interested in best practices 和 策略 for supporting multilingual students. I am involved in organizing various workshops geared towards multilingual writing, 无论是在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜还是在Tri-Co公司. 最后, I am involved in committees that support multilingual 和 multi文化 students, such as the International Coordinating Council 和 International Students Planning 和 Programming. More information 和 resources on multilingual writing is available on my departmental webpage.

Q. 你的目标和抱负是什么?

A. 除了和学生一起工作, one of the main reasons that this position attracted me to 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 was the flexibility to be involved in various committees 和 projects around multilingual matters. Being a part of a strong community that believes 和 advocates for linguistic, 文化, 种族多样性和包容性本身就是有益的, but it also means that there are multiple avenues through which we can create a safer 和 more inclusive environment where our multilingual 和 multidialectal students can have a true sense of belonging 和 where their voices 和 their identities are empowered 和 celebrated. That, I would say, is my overarching goal fueling how I show up to work every day.

一个更具体的, immediate goal is a research project that I have been thinking about for several years 和 I think I finally have the b和width to actualize. I am working on a research study that would enable us to capture 和 explore the influence of our students’ native languages on their writing in English. 这, 反过来, 将允许更多具体的培训材料, 策略, 和 an overall increased awareness on how we can support our multilingual students as they are navigating their college education in the U.S. 最终, 我希望能制作一部能放大多语种声音的纪录片, 颂扬他们对美国教育的看法.S., 和 that serves as an informative 和 training opportunity for educators at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 和 across the U.S.

Q. 最后,你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?

A. 我喜欢和丈夫以及14个月大的儿子一起度过闲暇时光, 不管我们在做什么. I also enjoy hosting student gatherings 和 having friends 和 family over whenever possible. 我丈夫和我都是美国的移民.S., so we truly value spending quality time with people 和 being a part of a community.

As a former Serbian professional table tennis player, I am always looking for ways to stay active. 大流行之前, I enjoyed playing table tennis 和 going to local 和 national tournaments, 特别是作为美国的一部分.S. 全国大学生乒乓球协会. 这 is something I’m hoping to resume once playing sports indoors is safe again. I also enjoy traveling, meeting new people, 和 trying different food everywhere I go. 这些天, 然而, 我的大部分空闲时间都在户外度过, 远足或跑步, 和我丈夫和儿子一起.
