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Summer Internships: Whitney Rigodon '24

July 26, 2023
Whitney smiling next to a biolution sign

Name: Whitney Rigodon 
Class Year: 2024
Major: Anthropology
Minor: Biology
Hometown: Bayville, New Jersey

Internship Organization: biolution
Job Title: Summer Intern
Location: Vienna, Austria

What's happening at your internship? We would love to hear what kind of work you are doing!

今年夏天,我有幸在奥地利维也纳的biution公司实习. biution GmbH是一家科学传播和咨询公司,由科学家为科学家服务. In 2002, Dr. Iris Grünert decided to change the game for scientists all over the EU. Over the past 20 years, biution成功地为生命科学家提供了支持,并提供了一系列咨询和平面设计解决方案, 拥有众多高级讲师对其服务的杰出评价, head coordinators, and other management roles within the industries. biution在不同的领域进行优化,成为奥地利首屈一指的应用服务提供商, managing, and realizing research projects in the life sciences. 在这个领域,有几个部门的服务,生物优化. Those fields are graphic design, social media management, grant writing, interview preparation, project management, and project integration. 生物学旨在通过提供他们实现目标所需的支持,帮助研究人员在他们的研究项目中取得成功. In addition to biolution consulting and design services, 生物还提供培训项目,帮助研究人员提高他们的沟通技巧. 成为所有客户的一站式服务使他们与其他公司相比脱颖而出. They also offer 3D visualizations within the special features, from violation on-demand libraries to custom-made visualizations, to bring clients' research to life. 他们带到现场的这些独特的小东西表明,他们与研究人员密切合作,了解他们的独特需求,并开发定制的解决方案来满足这些需求. biution的客户主要是试图推广其最新产品的公司或试图获得资助以进一步资助其研究的个人科学家. Biolution has developed an in-depth process; they personalize their approach with their clients. I worked primarily with the creative strategy department for biolution, working with their social media platforms. I worked on a range of projects, including helping with: graphic designs, 学习和编程项目管理软件,提高公司效率, 为公司研究主题,在公司会议上分发资料或介绍信息, analyzing biolution analytics, and any other tasks to help around the office. 我主要与生物创意策略部门合作,并与他们的社交媒体平台合作. I worked on a range of projects, including helping with graphic designs, 学习和编程项目管理软件,提高公司效率, researching topics for the company, giving handouts or presenting information at company meetings, investigating biolution analytics, and any other tasks to help around the office.

Why did you apply for this internship?

我是通过布林茅尔学院与国际学生教育协会的公民参与伙伴关系申请的. The Institute for the International Education of Students, or IES Abroad, is a non-profit study abroad organization that administers programs for U.S. college-aged students. 我接受了生物科技的面试,因为我想在我的技能和企业界的知识方面都有所成长. As someone who has interned in research-driven institutions, I want to become well-rounded in all aspects of scientific research. That includes even the elements that do not include the wet lab. 学习项目管理和拨款提案的写作让我了解了必要的行动,知道资金是如何发生的,以允许湿计划中的这些活动发生. I want to gain experience running a business and working with people, not within patient and doctor dyadic relations but in a business relationship. Since I have little understanding of the business or corporate world, I wanted to have a good general knowledge of the client's onboarding process, contracting, and outlining processing that occurs

What has been your favorite part of this internship?

Alongside getting to know the team and learning about Austrian culture, I enjoyed becoming well-rounded in all aspects of scientific research, especially in stage zero that comes with producing a successful project. 而我的大部分时间都在实验室里,或者在教室里上课, I have yet to experience corporate. 能够见证项目管理和拨款提案是一次丰富的经历! Additionally, 我喜欢理解无数企业为实现其目标而积累必要预算的融资过程. 而且,好心地为内部业务制定严格的截止日期是不可思议的. I'm excited to use some of the tactics Dr. Grünert used for biolution with my school clubs and in future projects. I am receiving experience in running a business and working with people, not within patient and doctor dyadic relations but in a business relationship. I also helped with writing and edits for biolution, 这有助于我对客户的入职流程有一个大致的了解, contracting, and outlining processing that occurs. Also, 学习如何准备文件的英文翻译,以及如何为生物团队提供支持,让我在变得简洁方面得到了提高. 我要做的另一项任务是在研究完他们想要分析的主题后,在团队面前展示, which ranged from project management software to their own analytics. Though I was nervous about presenting, 我从团队的平面设计师那里获得了很多改进ppt设计的经验,并在友好的环境中接受了建设性的批评. 我非常感谢他们对我的耐心,以及整个夏天我在每次演讲中的成长.

What is something you have learned from your internship that you didn't expect?

我没想到会学到经营一家企业所需的不同级别的许可. Each time I found myself having an idea, this question was always asked, "can we do this as a business?" For the first time, 我必须调查一家企业是否可以免费使用某种字体,甚至是一些程序运行的服务器. I was so surprised to see how in-depth planning needs to go, and it made me realize that nothing should be done without a plan or research!

Working remotely for the first time? What has that experience been like for you?

During my time working at the Vienna Bio Life Center in Austria, I had the opportunity to experience and appreciate cultural diversity. 在办公室的亲身工作使我能够观察到奥地利公司的运作和做法. Overall, the experience was both exciting and enriching for me.


I am equipped to operate in the Microsoft Office suite, 它能让我在Excel中处理项目,并准备PowerPoint演示文稿. 另一项技能是,我可以利用我在SGA健康与健康学生咨询委员会的项目管理方面的广泛理解:健康 & Wellness Week to think ahead to help with project integration. 我的研究背景是来自生命科学和社会科学,以思考创建故障排除方法. These are all important to me because I want to utilize them professionally.

Group photo of biolution staff members.
biolution team and me! @biolution_visual and

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced at your internship?

My biggest challenge is that as a novice in the field, I need more background in the corporate and business world. I found that not knowing the answers from my knowledge learned in a classroom was a little terrifying; however, I now know that I can experience a topic and learn about it. 在未知中全面发展,然后展现出来,这让我对自己的技能有了信心.

What is most rewarding about your internship?

As a newcomer to the business world, my main obstacle is my lack of experience in the corporate setting. 当我面对仅凭课堂教育无法回答的问题时,我可能会感到气馁. Despite this, I have learned that with dedication and effort, 我有能力在不熟悉的领域拓展自己的知识面,变得更加全面. 因此,我对自己在这些主题上的表现能力有了信心.

Was this internship what you expected it to be?

Yes, it was a fantastic experience! 我感谢推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜公民参与、IES和生物学院使这一切成为可能.

Anthropology Biology