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December 8, 2020

这一信息是金·卡西迪总统于12月11日星期一发出的. 7, 2020.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:

我很高兴有机会与大家分享对莱斯利·瑞斯科拉更长久的怀念, 心理学名誉教授1897届科学名誉教授, who passed away on Oct. 12. 当我1993年加入心理学系时,Rescorla教授是我的导师, and in the years following. She modeled passion for teaching, and taking joy in watching students learn; demonstrated that a commitment to research goes hand in hand with good teaching; and was an exemplar of service to the College. She brought extraordinary energy, determination, and creativity to all parts of her work and her life.

心理学并不是Rescorla教授最初的研究领域. 她在拉德克利夫学院主修欧洲现代史,并以优异成绩毕业 and Phi Beta Kappa in 1967, and earned a M.A. 1968年在伦敦经济学院获得经济史学士学位. 后来,她的学术兴趣发生了变化,并获得了博士学位.D. 1976年获得耶鲁大学儿童发展与临床心理学博士学位, and to complete her clinical training at Yale, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center. 在她的职业生涯中,她一直是一名有执照的临床和学校心理学家, 并指导了布林·莫尔的学校心理学家认证项目多年, 在她多年的实践中,帮助了几十个孩子和家庭.

Professor Rescorla came to Bryn Mawr in 1985, 她在心理学系任教,并指导学院的菲比·安娜·索恩学院和, until 2018, the Child Study Institute. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991, to Professor in 1997, 并于2010年被授予1897级科学教授. In 2002 she received the McPherson Prize 在教学、学术和社区服务方面表现卓越.

Professor Rescorla’s research focused on late development of language in children; she also collaborated with her husband, Professor Thomas Achenbach of the University of Vermont, 阿肯巴赫儿童行为实证评价体系的国际比较研究. She published more than 150 scholarly papers, 包括她对晚说话幼儿的纵向研究 Language Development Survey that she created, 在许多语言中已经被改编和使用,以帮助早期识别语言发展问题. She gave invited talks and papers around the world, 她经常选择温习多种语言,这样她就可以用东道国的语言进行演讲(有时甚至回答问题). 心理学教授兼主席马克·舒尔茨评论说:“莱斯利有着非凡的职业生涯. 她在这个领域的巨大贡献和影响力反映了她令人难以置信的智慧,以及无与伦比的职业道德和效率.”

Professor Schulz goes on to say, “莱斯利的学术活动从来不只是为了对科学和知识做出贡献. 学生总是莱斯利研究工作的中心.“除了教跨课程的课程, 从入门心理学105到变态心理学再到研究生研讨会, Rescorla教授指导了70多个本科生高级研究项目, 26 M.A. theses, and 45 Ph.D. dissertations. 

Her service to the College included 20 years of leading the doctoral program in Clinical Developmental Psychology; chairing the Psychology Department, uniting what was once the human development department and the psychology department into a single department; leading the Katharine Hepburn Center; serving as Commencement Grand Marshall; overseeing the Child Study Institute for over 30 years; and perhaps most notably, 她在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的整个职业生涯都在指导索恩学院. Retired Director Marilyn Henkelman, who led the Thorne School from 1985-2018, 她回忆道:“只要我们需要,莱斯利就会出现, whether for budgeting concerns or child and parent consultation and support; and she was totally hands off when she knew we could operate on our own. 她将在布林莫尔留下不朽的遗产,不仅是杰出的教学和研究, 她还创造和支持了改善儿童生活的项目——她是一种现象!现任主任阿曼达·乌尔里希(Amanda Ulrich)将Rescorla教授描述为一位具有远见卓识的人,他是一位“教师的导师”, therapists, speech pathologists, and me.”

Rescorla教授慷慨地将她的关怀和专业知识扩展到属于索恩的家庭和儿童身上, CSI, and campus communities. 艺术史名誉教授克里斯蒂安·赫特尔(Christiane Hertel)回忆说,当她和家人就复杂的州儿童服务要求进行谈判时,Rescorla教授立即提供了帮助, 她写道:“她的直率让我感到震惊和谦卑, objective, professional approach, and with that, 她个人的善良和对一个她从未见过的孩子的承诺, and to our family.” 

Professor Rescorla was a remarkable colleague, teacher, and friend who gave tirelessly to the College, to her colleagues, and most especially to her students. 她触动了我们许多人的生活,我们将深深怀念她.

Professor Rescorla is survived by her husband; her siblings Will, Peter, Jacoby, and Tamar; her sons Eric and Michael; and  grandsons Darwin, Lincoln, Alex, and Nicky. Condolences may be sent to Leslie’s brother, Will Altman, at 6 East Mercer Avenue, Havertown, PA  19083. 




Department of Psychology

Phebe Anna Thorne School

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