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Mindy fullillove '71将担任2023年Mary Flexner的讲师


Dr. Mindy Fullilove 1971年,芝加哥大学城市政策与健康教授 New School and a board-certified psychiatrist, will hold the Mary Flexner Lectureship at Bryn Mawr in fall 2023. 她是学院第一位担任讲师的校友.  

富勒洛夫的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》将促成一本书的完成,书名暂定为 The Tao of K-Drama: Perspectives on Moving from Displacement to Empowered Collaboration. 

Fullilove’s research on the psychology of place and the collective trauma of displacement and healing dates from the mid-1990s, when she began to study the desertification of poor and minority neighborhoods across the nation and the alienation and disorientation that followed the disruption of the bonds of place. Her Flexner Lectures emerge from her encounter with K-drama at the beginning of the pandemic, which she argues sheds distinctive light on the trauma of displacement and modes of healing.

While careful to acknowledge that she approaches this project as a social psychiatrist and not as a Korean culture or media studies scholar, Fullilove一直在与一个由跨学科学者组成的项目团队合作. She has also engaged in intensive study of the Korean language and will spend the coming semester in South Korea.


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"In 2021, during the Covid pandemic, I found myself at home and somewhat bored by the isolation. I stumbled upon K-drama—often called “soap operas” because each K-drama is composed of a set of 16 or so hour-long shows—and became fascinated by their stories. 看过和研究了几十部韩剧, 我已经确信这些故事, 与美国故事有着惊人的不同, 阐明流离失所的问题.

他说:“韩国人民面临着巨大的动荡,这是无可争辩的. 一些学者估计这个国家被侵略过800次, 最近一次是1910年的日本, 直到第二次世界大战结束前一直是这个国家的殖民地, 试图消灭它的语言和文化. 那个悲惨的时代之后是朝鲜战争, partition, and dueling dictatorships—the capitalist dictatorship in the South and the Communist dictatorship in the North. Though the North and South have diverged in many ways, the massive upheaval has continued. The South, for example, managed to convert itself from one of the poorest countries on earth to the 13th largest economy in the world over the course of 70 years. 朝鲜走上了另一条军事化和孤立的道路, 除了偶尔发射导弹外,切断了与世界的联系. 这种强度的剧变是文化的高压锅, aided by the conscious policy of the government in South Korea to use culture as an export and source of 'soft power,’这种‘了解你’的影响是如此迷人 The King and I of my youth. 

“尽管发生了动乱和800次入侵, 韩国人对自己的文化非常清楚, philosophical, 语言和历史根源有几千年的历史. 他们能够利用萨满教的综合组合, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, 和基督教向世界展示自己. 这就是韩剧里的深刻知识. 而大多数观众都被这些帅气的明星所迷惑, 华丽的服装, yummy-looking食物, 还有华丽的布景, 我一直被一种信念所迷惑,那就是事情远比我们看到的要复杂.

"The project I’ve undertaken is an effort to discern what the underlying deeper truth might be. 当我在做这个项目的时候, 包括学习韩国语言和文化吗, 并在韩国度过2023年春季学期, 对于我所看到的,我已经有了一些初步的假设. 总的来说,我认为这传递的信息是:‘这就是你生存的方式.' What the shows delineate is a passage from the disabling aftermath of upheaval to re-engagement with the making of society. While there are certainly stories in the Western canon of people who are grappling with upheaval, few go past the individual recovery to demonstrate the creation of an ensemble that can tackle a social need or problem. 这赋予了这些节目深刻的乐观主义,甚至可能是颠覆性的色彩. 整个过程对于一个陷入严重困境的世界来说是一笔惊人的资源."

明迪·汤普森·富利洛夫,M.D.他在纽约州奥兰治长大.J.他出生在一个激进的家庭. Her father was a prominent civil rights activist and her mother was committed to anti-racism in all aspects of her life and work. Growing up, Fullilove was torn and upset by the tension between the belief in her parents’s work and the costs of taking on the system. Yet the kinds of extravagant emotions she experienced were out of step with the buttoned-down world in which she lived. 发现精神病学是一种极大的解脱, and to be given tools to make sense of that rich and painful body of lived experience. Her training in family therapy gave her a sound understanding of social systems and a deep interest in interventions at levels of scale that could help many people. Her studies of urban epidemics—what she called the “mad plagues of the 90s”—led her to social psychiatry, 对社会制度影响人们心理健康的方式的研究. Her observations of the destructive effects of mad plagues on inner-city neighborhoods led to the study of cities under the tutelage of the renowned French urbanist, 米歇尔Cantal-Dupart. 

Dr. Fullilove将这些观点结合在一起,创造了一个独特的作品. Her contributions to the scientific community include: early identification of the intersection of the crack and AIDS epidemics; documentation of the high levels of trauma among women in recovery from crack addiction and proposals to address that form of co-morbidity; the description of “root shock” in the aftermath of mass upheaval; the description of “serial forced displacement"; and the identification of nine elements of urban restoration. 

Her contributions to social interventions include: the adaptation of Uri Treisman’s PDP model to the medical school setting; the proposal to adapt the Church of Latter-Day Saints’s Family Home Evening program for Harlem and other inner-city families; the proposal of a trail to link Manhattan’s cliffside parks, the CLIMB project; the concept that Orange, N.J., was a university, an idea that led to the establishment the University of Orange; the 2016 observation that the U.S. ought to observe the 2019 anniversary of the first landing of Africans at Jamestown; and the 2022 plea for a “people’s CDC,,这导致了同名联盟的成立.

她的作品是专题文章的主题,包括2015年 New York Times "小镇心理医生" 她发表了一百多篇科学论文和八本书. fullillove因她的工作获得了许多奖项, 包括两个荣誉学位, and was elected to honorary membership in the American Institute of Architects in 2016 and Life Fellowship in the American Psychiatric Association in 2018.

是为了纪念玛丽·弗莱克斯纳而建立的, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜1895届的毕业生, 这次演讲带来了一些 世界上最著名的人文主义者和人文社会科学家 to campus. Holders of the Mary Flexner Lectureship give a series of on-campus public talks that introduce their unique scholarship and present new chapters or developments in that work. 讲座日期为11月11日. 2023年2、9、16日. 讲师在哈佛大学出版社出版他们的奖学金.

在居住期间, 讲师经常与本科生和研究生进行研讨会或讨论. 讲师职位也为教师创建新课程提供了一个框架, 重新考虑现有的课程,让讲师参与研究, 并为整个社区开发附属节目. 

fullillove是100多篇科学文章和8本书的作者: 《乡巴佬来到奥兰治:人民力量的故事 (with E. Thompson), 黑人家庭:心理健康视角, 《约书亚之家:关于家庭与地方的沉思, Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America and What We Can Do About It集体意识及其不满: 美国制度分布认知、种族政策与公共卫生.S. (with R. Wallace), 《城市炼金术:恢复美国城市的欢乐, 从执法者到守护者:结束警察暴力的公共卫生入门(与H.Cooper), and 主街:一个城市的心脏如何连接我们所有人.

她在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜)获得历史学学士学位.S. and M.D. degrees from Columbia University and her certificate in landscape design from the New York Botanical Garden.