

2021年4月15日 肖恩·基南,20岁
两个人看着笔记本电脑上显示的内容. 他们背对着镜头.

Sean Keenan '20 sat down for an interview with 林登 Wright '22 to hear about her experience using LinkedIn Learning, an online training library that allows users to learn a variety of different skill sets at their own pace.

肖恩:嗨,林登! 很高兴你能来接受采访. 请随意介绍你自己.

林登听起来不错! 我是林登·查姆利·赖特. 我是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜2022届的一员... a英语文学和社会学专业.

S:太好了! So, 林登, I know you got a chance to look around LinkedIn Learning before you picked out a course. What was your first impression of LinkedIn Learning?

L: My first impression was seeing a huge variety of courses.They seemed to just have about anything related to professional skills that you could be interested in. 如果它存在,就会有一条路线. I was impressed by how many courses there were that were not just business analytics or marketing skills. 适用于人力资源专业人士和其他类似领域的人士, they had “Team Management” skills and “Leadership” skills courses. They also had soft skills in relationship to communicating with employees 和同事 and potentially customers. There was such a big range, it was really impressive.

店员:我很高兴你喜欢我们的内容范围! 我听说你选了一门Excel的课程?  

李:是的, so the course I took was “Excel Essentials Training for Office 365/Microsoft 365” and it went over everything from basic uses of Excel to data entry and data management to creating charts, 以及充分利用Excel和Office 365. I was drawn to it because spreadsheets are something I make almost daily but I wasn’t well-versed in any of its advanced uses. I could add up cells, but I couldn’t do anything more complicated than that. It seemed like a really useful skill for a wide variety of job positions – and potentially even classes – because I’m still on the job hunt for the summer. I’m looking at a huge variety of internships and positions and just having actual proficiency in Excel seemed like it will be a really useful skill in any place I land.

S: It seems very relevant to what you want to do in the future so it's good to hear you got a lot out of it! What would you say your favorite thing you learned from this course?

L: I would say my favorite thing is a new Excel feature that’s been updated a few times over the past few years. Depending on which version of Excel you have, it's either called “Ideas” or “Analyze Data."  It’s a tool that will suggest charts and tables and data visualizations for you based on what you’ve put in the spreadsheet. You can look at it and it will analyze the data you’ve put in without you having to decide “Oh, 我很清楚自己想做什么.” So if you don't know the best way to visualize the data you've got, 它会为你提供建议. I found really cool that it’s not only storing your information, 而是找出什么对你有好处. 这是一个非常方便的捷径.


李:是的, I don’t quite understand how it works and I imagine quite a lot of software programming went into it… I had no idea it existed, 但课程是这样的:“用这个东西! 玩得开心! 这真的很有帮助!“看起来绝对可以.

S: So you would say that you liked LinkedIn Learning’s teaching style and the way it was formatted?

L:是的. 有几样东西是我喜欢的. It was easy to track my progress and I didn’t have to do it all in one sitting. The course I took was a few hours and I did it over a few days. There were times when I reached the end of a chapter, 做了个小测验, and did not remember exactly what the answer to a question would be. I was able to go back to the three-minute video the quiz was referencing and quickly refresh myself on that topic. 然后我可以给自己做个笔记,然后说:“哦, that topic might be one that I want to return to and watch a few times to really take it in and understand it.” So, I like that there are so many divisions and clear categories [in regard to the course's format]. You don’t have to watch 30 minutes of content to find the two minutes of information you need. 在哪里找东西都很清楚, 所以它真的很容易使用, 很容易理解. I felt like it definitely matched my learning style.

S:很高兴听到这个消息! 我很高兴你从中得到了很多好处. Would you say you would want to use this software again? And, if so, what kind of courses do you think you would take?

L: I definitely would like to use LinkedIn Learning again. I think it’s really cool that we can access to it through Bryn Mawr. I use LinkedIn quite a lot to network and to connect with peers, 导师, 和同事, but I wasn’t familiar with LinkedIn Learning at all before this. Now I definitely want to continue using it, so I’ve started looking at new courses to save. I just started a new course called “Persuasive Sales,” which is very different than “Essentials of Excel” but which I’m really interested in. I'm trying to get an internship in development and fundraising for non-profits, and it seems that the course is about persuasive selling and sales, 做一个好的沟通者. That format might be really useful in persuading people to donate money to a nonprofit cause, so I’m hoping to use that course to build a transferable skill.

S:那太好了. 非常感谢你的到来, and thank you so much for being willing to talk with me about your experience using LinkedIn Learning.

L:当然可以. I really enjoyed using it and I'm excited to keep doing so.

如果你想了解更多关于LinkedIn Learning, make sure to check out our Intro to LinkedIn Learning week (April 19–23, 2021) on 它的社交媒体.

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