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February 23, 2023

In this Faculty Spotlight, 助理教授兼舞蹈总监莱拉·艾莎·琼斯反映了什么驱使她成为一名艺术家, teaching in dance and this year's 360° cluster, as well as her latest projects.

Can you start off by telling us about yourself?

我是一名运动行为艺术家和跨学科策展人, organizer, and arts collaborator. I am also the associate director of Brown Body这是一家总部位于明尼苏达州的全黑人花样滑冰表演公司.

我倾向于说,我的专业是黑人和非洲侨民. 我认为自己是一个艺术和文化的游牧民——这一点我并不轻视. 能够周游世界,体验黑人民间社区的舞蹈是一种荣幸. It's not just a privilege, 但对我来说,这是一种与生俱来的权利和责任,在与其他文化接触时要保持一定的诚信. Even though I was born and raised in 作为一名黑人女性在一个非常强大的黑人和非裔美国人社区, every time I enter a community, 我必须考虑我的社交位置在性别方面是什么, class, ability, and race. 所以,当我说“文化游牧民”这个词时,我并不认为这是理所当然的.


研究生毕业后,我从佛罗里达搬到了纽约,在那里表演了四五年. 然后我开始找地方定居因为纽约对这个佛罗里达女孩来说太大了. 那里的艺术家社区非常棒,但总是很忙. I missed the access to nature; it's just not the same as what I grew up with. 我最终选择了费城,因为那里似乎有一个充满活力的编舞社区, and it was alive in making.

有一天,有人请我在布林莫尔教一个学期的课. 因为我在读博士的时候和系里有关系, I stayed in touch, 我从2017年开始在布林·莫尔的舞蹈项目做博士后和博士生. 在这里工作了40年的两位项目主任很快就要退休了, 他们问我是否想申请一个职位. 我真的没有想到这一点,因为我做了20年的自由艺术家,还拿到了博士学位.D. more so for artistic research. 我没想过会成为导演,但我真的很感激. 我正在了解这对我自己和社区意味着什么,这是一件很强大的事情. I see myself in a transformative position. When you're in a position like mine, you have the power to transform, and you can choose not to and just go along, but I don't think I’ll ever be that. I’m definitely in the change agent category.


What I love about Bryn Mawr is the intimacy. 有时候你上课的时候,这种亲密感就这样突然出现了,你不需要做太多的工作. 好像学生们在你走进教室之前就已经了解彼此了.

我真的很高兴能有机会倾听 to students 在一定程度上和他们一起在课堂上凝视, 就他们的想法和理论概念而言, embodiment, and artistic inquiry.

The ability to build 亲密的转变是我喜欢的,不仅仅是教学,也是生活. 当你是一名艺术家时,你可以随时看到人们的变化, 这几乎就像看着他们以不同的方式复活或改造自己. I really appreciate that as a teacher, 这是在布林莫尔最令人兴奋的事情之一,也是我一直在这里工作的原因.

Another thing, I know this might seem silly to some people, but I look out my window and I see nature. Being who I am and where I’m from, the ability to look out my window or go outside, and just walk across the field is nourishment for all of me and my teaching.

在今年的360中,教学是什么样的° cluster, 《黑人解放教育的复兴范式,体现 & the Arts”?

This 360° 真的很有趣,因为我们要去佛得角, a place that none of us have gone to, 但它之所以受到我们的关注,是因为它靠近非洲大陆,而且历史悠久. 这里是训练黑人成为奴隶的地方之一, so it has a very complex and difficult history. But there are still folks there living vibrantly, there are artists, people moving through the world, 所以这一切对我们所有人来说都很有趣.

My role in the 360°, is teaching my course, 《神圣的行动主义:舞动的祭坛,激进的行动》 which thinks about four areas of dance. What is the scaredness of being with the body? 哪些舞蹈被认为是传统的精神舞蹈? How do we see artistic practice as sacred? And what is the role of adornment in dance, whether it's makeup, earrings, or the garb you wear on your body, and the way that we present in spaces? 我的目标是让学生们通过这四个镜头了解非洲侨民和其他世界观.

When they go to Cape Verde for the 360°, they will have a lot of experience with dance, 所以我想让他们做好充分的准备,就与身体进行复杂而关键的对话. 我们要去见的艺术家之一是贝蒂·费尔南德斯, 她将和大家分享一篇叫做《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》的文章,这是她作为佛得角人对佛得角围绕新冠病毒出现的担忧的反应, and what social interactions have changed.


I like 去福吉谷和整个城市逛逛. I love going to see art, and any kind of exhibition. My husband’s family is from Hong Kong, so we celebrated Lunar New Year last month, 我们参加了游行和所有为我们八岁的孩子举办的活动.

我不在的时候做的很多事情都是研究和表演. Right now, I'm working with an artist, Nia Love in New York, and the work will premiere at Harlem Stage. It's called Undercurrents 我是一名表演者,同时也是一名研究人员. I also have a feature film called Revival of Blackness 现在正在流传的是由两位音乐家和一位电影制作人合作完成的 它是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与黑人的关系.

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