
Creation of Artwork Addressing BMC Legacy of Exclusion Takes Big Step Forward

如图所示, left to right: Annalise Ashman '24; Paul M Farber, Director of 纪念碑的实验室; Monique Renee Scott, Associate 艺术史教授 and Director of Museum Studies; and Eryn Peritz '25.

The creation of a new on-campus public artwork that addresses the legacy of exclusionary practices at the College has taken a major step forward with the launch of an online application 门户网站 for artists to submit ideas and express interest.


This news, as well as a formal name for the project— (Art Remediating Campus Histories)—was announced by members of the steering committee guiding the project and 纪念碑的实验室 director Paul Farber at a September 27 event on campus. 纪念碑的实验室 is a non-profit public art and history studio with 谁m the College is partnering on this project. 这种合作关系是 首次宣布 2021年9月.

The idea for the project originated in 2019 as a recommendation by the 讲述布林茅尔历史工作组.   The proposal since garnered support from students, 包括2020年的罢工要求, 以及各种各样的校园利益相关者. The partnership with 纪念碑的实验室 began in earnest during the 2021–22 academic year, when 纪念碑的实验室 工作人员 worked with paid student researchers on an 密集的社区参与过程 around the same question the interested artists will be asked to answer: “What stories are missing from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜?”

“There are a lot of different ways that artists might answer this prompt, building on some powerful ideas campus participants have already shared during our year of engagement,法伯在活动上说. “如果你花时间在特别收藏上, 这里有很多故事, if you spend time speaking with alums and 工作人员, 他们在那里. If you hear current students engaging and interacting with each other, the stories are there and meaningful to spotlight and build upon.”

In February 2022 the student researchers facilitated on-campus events in which students, 工作人员, 教师, and alums were invited to respond to the research question through paper engagement forms that asked respondents to map the campus according to their own perspectives and experiences. Respondents could draw, sketch, and/or describe their maps. A total of 303 maps were collected and 56 alums filled out engagement forms online. Student researchers also conducted several oral history interviews with long-serving 工作人员 and with alumnae.

The artist application 门户网站 went live on October 6 and will be accepting submissions until November 8. 在那之后, the project’s Artist Advisory Committee will select five artists 谁 will be paid to produce more detailed proposals. 一旦五名决赛选手被选出, 入围者将获得4美元奖金,000 for their full proposals and will have opportunities to visit campus to spend time with the community. Public presentations by the finalists are planned for late March 2023.

The plan is to have the final artist and proposal selected by late April 2023 and the piece dedicated in 2024. The dedication will include a multi-disciplinary symposium on issues related to the artwork and project.

从项目的开始, 整合记忆研究, 纪念馆, 纪念碑一直是一个中心思想, says Associate 艺术史教授 and Director of Museum Studies Monique斯科特, 艺术家顾问委员会联席主席. 幸运的是, there are 教师 across the college that can contribute expertise on this endeavor, in particular Professors Sharon Ullman and Lisa Saltzman.

历史教授莎伦·乌尔曼的电流 讲1960年代 includes  extensive consideration of Civil Rights monuments and an 即将到来的课程 from 艺术史教授 Lisa Saltzman will “让学生沉浸在政治中, 审美, and ethical issues at stake in the creation and reception of monuments, 纪念馆, 以及其他集体记忆的场所.2022年春天,斯科特开设了这门课程 博物馆、纪念碑 & 内存, 其中考察了各种艺术, 历史, and museological approaches to public memory and public history, with particular attention paid to sites of memory on Bryn Mawr’s campus.

Scott also shares that she hopes the new artwork created for Bryn Mawr’s campus will become an active site for new rituals, 为学生讲故事和制造记忆, 工作人员, 教职员工和校友.

Members of the Artist Advisory Committee are: 安娜丽丝·阿什曼24岁; 米莉·邦德05年, executive director of constituent engagement, alumni relations; 艾米对 ’86; Erika Guadalupe Nuñez ’13; 奥利维亚Harkins-Finn ’23; 贾丝廷Jentes ’88; board of trustees member Tuajuanda乔丹; 艺术史教授霍梅·金; Ruth Lindeborg, 80年, chief of 工作人员 and secretary of the College; 艺术史教授 丽莎·萨尔兹曼; Associate 艺术史教授 and Director of Museum Studies Monique斯科特; 历史学教授 Sharon Ullman; and Elliot Waters-Fleming ’22他是纪念碑实验室的助理项目经理.

In addition to the current students on the advisory committee, Eryn Peritz, 25岁 在纪念碑实验室实习. 包括以前的学生研究实习生 Elliot Waters-Fleming ’22 (谁 now works for 纪念碑的实验室), Faryal A. Khan ’22, 奥利维亚Harkins-Finn ’23, Annalise Ashman ’24, Aaliyah R. 22岁的约瑟夫和23岁的琳达·陈.

“This has been an incredible year-plus of close work with students, 工作人员, 教师, and alums. 我们作为合作伙伴继续学习. We are excited to take this next step and to open this to artists and to see how the work sparks reckoning and reimagining in new ways,法伯说。, 谁 我将在 视觉文化研讨会 10月26日下午12:30.m.

“我们不知道艺术家会想象什么,斯科特补充道。, “whether the artwork will be quiet and contemplative or striking and invigorating, 或者其他任何东西yond or in 之间的. But we do know that this piece of public art will have a presence that shifts the energy on campus in new ways, 这本身就是鼓舞人心的."