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Bryn Mawr College Names Wendy Cadge 10th President

April 9, 2024
Bryn Mawr College President-Elect Wendy Cadge

Wendy Cadge, a sociologist and national expert in contemporary American religion, 被推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜董事会选为学院的10名校友th president, effective July 1. 

现任艺术与科学研究生院院长,布兰代斯大学人文社会科学芭芭拉·曼德尔教授, Cadge is the author of three books and more than 100 scholarly articles. At Brandeis, 她通过重建和扩大学生的专业发展,以研究生的经历为中心, collaborating to strengthen degree programs, and advancing the graduate school’s anti-racism plan. She built Brandeis’ first Office of Undergraduate Research & 创造性合作,扩大并使所有本科生获得研究机会, led the Division of Social Sciences, and chaired the Brandeis Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Program. 她曾担任校董会的教师代表,并主持了学院治理工作组, 一项为期三年的倡议,旨在加强教师在共同治理中的作用. 

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜独特的结合了女性本科文科和男女同校的研究生课程,吸引了凯奇. "I believe the liberal arts change lives, and their influence does not stop with a bachelor’s degree,” said Cadge. “我在高等教育领域的工作将本科生、研究生与教职员工聚集在一起,共同教学和学习, grow and collaborate, nurture and celebrate. Bryn Mawr’s remarkable commitment to undergraduate and graduate students, academic excellence, 让我们所有人都为有意义的人生做好准备是我来这里的原因." 


“温迪在众多才华横溢的候选人中脱颖而出,”阿切尔说. “她是一位富有创造力和创业精神的学者,也是一位杰出的教育家,她的工作和生活与布林莫尔的使命完美契合.  Her clear intellect, innate collegiality, perceptive listening, and compelling energy make her an inspiring choice.  我相信,她将与我们卓越的社区联合起来,带领布林莫尔走向充满活力和卓越的新高度.” 

布兰代斯大学校长罗恩·利博维茨说:“温迪为布兰代斯做出了持久的贡献. “In addition to her own scholarship, 她对年轻学者著名的指导将贯穿他们在学院和其他地方的职业生涯. 我祝贺温蒂,欢迎她加入大学校长的行列.”

A public intellectual, 凯奇于2018年启动了牧师创新实验室,以推进牧师在为公众提供创新精神关怀和支持方面的工作,并经常与媒体和社区合作伙伴就相关主题进行合作. In addition to its academic rigor, 凯奇被吸引到布林茅尔的承诺,公平和包容作为卓越的引擎和社会的承诺,彼此. 

“布兰迪斯大学的许多学生和教职员工都从温迪在课堂上的领导中受益, in the field, and in academic administration,” said Brandeis University Provost Carol Fierke. “I know her keen intellect, dedication to students, and administrative expertise will serve the Bryn Mawr community well.”

Bryn Mawr College, a flourishing, diverse liberal arts educational community, 自1885年成立以来一直致力于最高的学术标准. The first women’s college to offer a Ph.D. education in the United States, 96% of undergraduate students are employed or engaged in graduate study, fellowships, or other professional opportunities. Bryn Mawr has been a top producer of Fulbright U.S. 在过去五年的学生项目参与者中排名第二,在文理学院的研究中排名第二, according to a 2023 Washington Monthly magazine ranking.

学院董事会发起了一项全国范围的搜索,寻找布林·莫尔的10名校友th president in May 2023. The search committee, 由16名布林莫尔社区成员和一名哈弗福德大学管理委员会代表组成, was chaired by trustee Amy Loftus, ’90, and trustee Cecilia Conrad served as vice-chair. Since the search’s launch, 该委员会主持了20多次包容性社区听取会议,并审查了400多项提名以供考虑, supported by executive search firm Spencer Stuart. 

Loftus说:“我们很高兴选择Wendy Cadge作为Bryn Mawr的第十任总裁. In a field of tremendous candidates, 温迪给我们的委员会留下了深刻的印象,她是一个大胆而富有创造力的领导者和学者,她深深致力于学生和教师的卓越,体现了她的核心包容性. 我们期待着温迪领导这个非凡的学生社区, faculty, staff, and alumnae/i to build on Bryn Mawr’s rich history of success.”

Vice-chair Conrad said, “我们感谢每一个为搜寻过程做出贡献的人——那些完成调查的人, participated in listening sessions, and submitted nominations. From an amazing pool of candidates, 温迪·凯奇成为了布林·莫尔未来的企业家领袖.”

Undergraduate student Adalia Rodriguez, a senior who was one of two student members of the search committee, said, "Wendy is an incredible listener and collaborator. When it comes to innovation or solving an issue, she will always work with the community to find the best approach, even if she has many of her own ideas.  我非常兴奋地看到Bryn Mawr将在她的领导下提升到新的高度!"

Faculty Chair Catherine Conybeare, one of four faculty search committee members, is the Leslie Clark Professor in the Humanities and Chair of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies.  “我们非常幸运地吸引了温迪·凯奇作为我们的下一任总裁. 她是一个聪明的系统和创造性的思想家,并坚信在文科教育的力量,以改变生活," said Conybeare. "她还赞扬了布林莫尔作为一所文理学院的独特地位,其中包括一些严肃的研究生课程."

Staff representative David Consiglio said, “温迪·凯奇集各种特质于一身,是领导布林莫尔走向未来的合适人选.  I was immediately drawn to her intellect, the creativity of her ideas, 以及她抓住问题本质并看到问题带来的机遇的能力. 她对妇女教育的奉献和对每个社区成员的真正兴趣和关心是非常清楚的. I could not be happier that she will be our next president.”

Cadge succeeds Bryn Mawr’s ninth president, Kim Cassidy, 在担任11年总统后,她将在2024年6月第二任期结束时卸任. 休假后,她将回到学院的心理学系任教.

坐落在一个美丽的住宅校园外费城,宾夕法尼亚州., 布林莫尔的本科学院吸引了那些对知识探索有着强烈承诺的女性, an independent and purposeful vision of their lives, and a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world. Two distinctive coed graduate schools, 文理研究生院和社会工作与社会研究研究生院, along with a post-baccalaureate premedical program, enrich the College community and offer opportunities for advanced study. 

要了解更多关于凯奇和总统竞选的信息,请访问布林茅尔学院 website. Email us at for media inquiries.