
Author and Activist 索尼娅·蕾妮·泰勒 to 给 2024 黑人历史月 Keynote


Author and activist 索尼娅·蕾妮·泰勒 will give Bryn Mawr's 黑人历史月 keynote address at 7 p.m. 2月3日星期三. 在旧图书馆的大厅里. Alexie Coleman '27 and Kaili Martinez-Beasley '27 will serve as moderators. Coleman and Martinez-Beasley are the student coordinators for this year's 黑人历史月 programming along with Tay Jones '25 and Savannah Ghermay '25.

关于 索尼娅·蕾妮·泰勒 (摘自她的网站):

索尼娅·蕾妮·泰勒是 纽约时报 畅销书作家, world-renowned activist and thought leader on racial justice, 身体解放和转型改变, 国际获奖艺术家, 也是The Body Is Not an Apology (TBINAA)的创始人。, a global digital media and education company exploring the intersections of identity, 疗愈, and 社会正义 through the framework of radical self-love. 在她的同名书中, The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love, 索尼娅展示了她激进的自爱愿景, arguing that all people arrive on this planet in a state of self-love before internalizing messages of shame and injustice from systems of oppression. 疗愈, 桑娅建议, takes place through reconnecting with our inherent divine enoughness, transforming how we live in and relate to both our bodies and the bodies of others. 桑娅写道, “Using the term ‘radical’ elevates the reality that our society requires a drastic political, 经济, and social reformation in the ways in which we deal with bodies and body difference.”

Sonya is the author of seven books, including the 纽约时报 bestseller The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self Love (第一版和第二版), 你的身体不是道歉手册, 庆祝你的身体(以及它的变化)!)、诗集 衬衫上的小真理, The Book of Radical Answers (That I Know You Already Know) (拨2023),和激进许可杂志 与阿德里安娜·玛丽·布朗合著. 她还与已故的凯特·帕瑟尔(Cat paus)共同担任编辑 劳特利奇国际脂肪研究手册. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors over the past two decades, from her National Individual Poetry Slam Championship award in 2004 to her 2016 invitation by the Obama administration to participate in the White House Forum on LGBT and Disability Issues. 最近, she was awarded a Global Impact Visa where she served as an inaugural Edmund Hillary Fellow in Aotearoa (New Zealand) from 2017-2020. 

Sonya’s passion for the arts and collective liberation began at an early age. She graduated from the Pittsburgh High School for Creative and Performing Arts as a musical theater major in 1995. She then went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from HBCU Hampton University and a Master of Science in Administration in Organizational Management from Trinity College. 这种教育为索尼娅的非营利组织提供了信息, 宣传, 以及行动主义生涯, 其中包括性健康教育工作者的工作, therapeutic wilderness counselor; 心理健康 case worker; Director of Peer Education at HIPS (Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive) in Washington, D.C.; and Capacity Building and Training Director at the Los Angeles-based Black AIDS Institute. 

十多年来, Sonya built an award-winning international performance poetry and poetry slam career. It was in this iteration of her journey that she stumbled into her greater purpose. 在诺克斯维尔的南方油炸诗歌大满贯上, 2010年夏天的田纳西州, Sonya found herself in a conversation with a friend that would change the trajectory of her life. During this conversation, Sonya first uttered the words, “Your body is not an apology.” She did not know this moment of radical vulnerability with a friend would become a poem, 然后是脸谱网主页, then launch an international movement and shift the cultural lens around bodies and justice through the power of radical self-love. 截至2021年, TBINAA’s content has reached tens of millions of people across the world, 网站的访问者来自140多个国家. The digital media platform boasts an Article Library with nearly 1,来自世界各地作家的5000篇文章, solidifying TBINAA as one of the pioneering digital media and educational platforms exploring bodies, understanding identities and connecting radical self-love with global issues of intersectional 社会正义.

Considering herself one of many midwives for the new world, Sonya’s work is engaged in and responsive to the historical moment we find ourselves in and the world we have the ability to bring into being. This is evidenced by her ongoing public video series “What’s Up, Y’all?”, which tackles topics including but not limited to white supremacist delusion, “取消文化”, 废除和问责, 对生育自由的攻击, and the existential twin crises of COVID-19 and climate chaos. The 2020 uprisings against anti-Black terrorism also inspired her to co-found Buy Back Black Debt, a reparations inspired initiative of financial and spiritual right relationship that in October of 2020 facilitated the buyback of over half a million dollars of debt held by Black people.

Sonya is a resident of the globe while maintaining her engagement in issues of racial justice, 心理健康, 生殖权利和正义, 精神治疗和更多. She continues to share her insights globally as a highly sought-after international speaker, 激进自爱问题的艺术家和教育家, 社会正义, 以及个人和全球的转变. 

For the very latest updates on 黑人历史月 programming, follow 伊妮德·库克31年中心 (ECC)在Instagram上.

The student group Sisterhood* works with the ECC in taking the lead on much of Bryn Mawr's 黑人历史月 programming with special support from The President's Office. Many departments and offices contribute to the month's programming including Conferences and 事件, 通信, 影响中心, 校友关系及发展, 床位数, 餐饮服务, 非洲研究, 和更多的.