
安全 & 提示

健康 & 安全提示

Should a student believe they have been sexually assaulted or become that an act of sexual assault has taken place, 他们应该向旅行协调员寻求帮助. 学生安全至上, 所有学生都被鼓励举报不当性行为. Travel Coordinator will report that to the College's 第九条 Coordinator immediately, 根据联邦法律和学校政策的要求, 但只是为了确保学生了解可用的支持和资源. 第九条协调员将与学生联系,讨论选项和 学生大学报告程序 是否会遵循,如适用.

使用 国际旅行安全注意事项工作表 to think about 和 plan for safety based on your specific travel 和 destination circumstances.

For educational 和 learning materials on international health 和 safety, 参观 SAFETI (安全 Abroad First – Educational Travel Information) Clearinghouse Project

旅行前, you must conduct background research regarding the region to which you will be traveling, 包括从 美国国务院旅游网站. 浏览有关该地区的进一步资料, 你必须咨询协调你旅行的个人/办公室, as well as with other students traveling with you or who have traveled to the region in the past.

关于疾病预防的国别信息, 疫苗的需求, 还有食物/水的小贴士, 参观 疾病控制和预防中心

把所有的药品都装在随身行李里. You may wish to bring: cold medicine, allergy medicine, gastrointestinal medications (e.g.止痛药(阿司匹林/布洛芬). Bring a photocopy of the original prescription for any prescription medications that you may take regularly 和 any medications that may be considered controlled substances.

注意你吃的食物和你的环境中可能含有什么. 不要以为所有的食物都是安全的, 和, 旅行前, 研究你旅行地区独特的食物和饮食方式. 如果你不确定自来水是否可以安全饮用, err on the side of caution 和 use only bottled water for consumption 和 brushing your teeth. 

国际航班, 穿舒适的衣服, 多喝水, 避免饮酒,多休息. 如果你感觉不舒服就告诉别人. 努力确保你睡得足够多, 规律饮食, 当你在家里处于一个健康的环境时,要经常锻炼.



  • 如果在一个群体中, remain with the group unless you have the permission of a group leader or designated participant, 谁一定知道你在哪儿.
  • 不要和海关官员或警察开玩笑.
  • 如果你有节目时间表的话, 随身携带,并确保遵循它,除非小组领导另有指示.
  • 不要让任何随身行李或其他行李无人看管.
  • 携带你不愿意丢失、被盗或损坏的物品吗.

F-1, J-1,非公民学生

进行研究, 包括文化适应资源, 关于期待什么以及如何帮助你适应新环境.

  • 有关如何成功适应海外文化的建议, with a focus on culture 和 how it affects one’s ability to underst和 和 function in a new environment, 参观 文化怎么了? 资源.
  • For descriptions 和 guidelines on how to deal with cultural etiquette around the world, visit eDiplomat.

All travelers must have working cell phones with international access or purchase an in-country phone/SIM card upon arrival. It is important that you determine that you have cell phone coverage for areas to which you are traveling, 旅行前, 和 have a plan for obtaining another cell phone or additional coverage in the event that your cell phone does not work upon arrival. 您必须在抵达后测试手机的短信和电话功能.

旅游协调员: 提醒你的学生上面提到的步骤. You 和 you students must test your phone upon arrival for both text 和 phone call capabilities, 你必须把你的电话号码发给你小组的所有成员.

It is recommended that you have an ATM card 和 credit card(s) (VISA/MasterCard) with a PIN in order to obtain local currency during your travel. You must inform your bank 和 credit card companies of your travel dates 和 destination countries. 因为在机场兑换货币很贵, you may want to investigate more cost-effective ways of obtaining local currency 旅行前 so that you have cash available to you in advance of using an ATM. 考虑使用钱袋/腰带,以更好地防止扒手.

旅游协调员: 你也必须提醒你的学生这些注意事项.

The office/individual coordinating your travel will provide a packing list specific to your travel. 除了, 查看天气情况/想想你的旅行需要什么, 包括您可能参与的任何研究或其他活动, 在包装之前.

旅游协调员: 为这次旅行制作一份行装清单,分发给学生. 除了, instruct students to look up weather conditions/think about what will be necessary for the travel, 包括您可能参与的任何研究或其他活动, 在包装之前.



防止数据泄露和入侵, 资料加密已/将在学院所有电脑上实施. 一旦你的电脑被加密, there are some additional considerations when it comes to international travel since some nations have travel restrictions related to encrypted computers (China 和 Russia, 等). 如果你想用学院的设备出国旅行, please contact the Help Desk well in advance of your travel date for a LITS consult. LITS将与您一起寻找满足您需求的解决方案, 符合国家的要求, 并妥善保护学院(和您的个人)资料.

更多信息可在 问雅典娜

The College carries a supplemental insurance policy that provides international travel accident coverage for students, faculty 和 staff traveling for purposes related to their work at the College or sponsored by the College. The policy covers emergency medical costs incurred during business travel after a $100 deductible. 该保单还全额支付医疗紧急后送费用. Emergency medical or travel arrangements must be coordinated by the insurance provider in order for services 和 costs to be covered. You must research in advance 和 communicate to students pre-approved medical facilities for your travel location.  The policy does not cover routine medical care 和 is in excess to any coverage provided by your primary medical insurance policy. 旅游保险不包括学生的个人旅行, 教员或职员, 即使它被添加到正式旅行中. 然而, family members traveling with Bryn Mawr faculty 和 staff during College-related trips may enroll in the policy.


  • Emergency services: assistance with communications problems; travel arrangements; legal assistance; location of lost items; interpretation/translation
  • Referrals to a hospital or doctor; medical monitoring 和 referrals; dispatch of specialist
  • Emergency medical payments; medical 和 hospital expense guarantee
  • Emergency medical transport, evacuation, or repatriation with escort or family member
  • 安全疏散

在美国境外租车时.S.它的领土,波多黎各或加拿大, both liability 和 physical damage coverage must be purchased in the local country or jurisdiction. 当地法律是否要求购买汽车租赁保险, vehicle rental insurance should always be purchased for domestic or international rentals. 购买的最低限额,相当于美国.S. 美元, 是:10美元,000人/ 20美元,每起事故的人身伤害赔偿责任, 和10美元,每起事故财产损害赔偿责任. The College’s international automobile insurance provides only for excess insurance over local coverage for an auto liability claim involving an employee, 出国旅行的志愿者或学生. 只有当本地覆盖耗尽时,该覆盖才适用.

学院也为布林莫尔的员工提供保险, 志愿者, 和 students for personal injuries while working abroad or to cover loss or damage to College property abroad. 如果你有可能涉及保险索赔的经历, 请尽快联系Sakinah Rahman.


A 关键事件 是否有需要紧急医疗护理的事件, 挑战旅行行程, 或对个人或团体旅行构成伤害威胁.

任何经历或学习…的人 关键事件 during a travel experience should immediately call the College’s 校园安全 Department at 1-610-526-7911 传达电话的关键性质. 校园安全 will gather as much information as the caller has available at the time 和 will notify the appropriate College administrator(s) who will coordinate the response.