Philadelphia Elfreth's Alley


Explore Tri-Co Philly course offerings. 


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Featured Courses

 Philadelphia skyline from helipad-3181

Tri-Co Philly: A City of Homes: Housing Issues in Philadelphia

Spring 2025
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This class investigates the unique history of housing in Philadelphia. 解决经济适用房建设中存在的问题和问题, 公平获得住房,创造多样化和充满活力的社区,以及这一领域创新的伟大遗产.


Spring 2025
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本课程旨在探讨小企业和中低收入家庭获得融资的重要性, 确定缺乏这种访问的方式和原因,并检查为解决这一问题所做的努力.
Philadelphia LOVE Sign

Tri-Co Philly: Philadelphia Music City

Spring 2025
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Drawing on the “music” side of the previously taught “Popular Music & Media” course, 本课程将探讨费城及其地区音乐创作的历史和当代状况.
Philadelphia Tri-Co Philly Reading Terminal

Tri-Co Philly: Food Cultures in Philadelphia

Fall 2024
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This course will explore the deep history of dining in Philadelphia, 从Lenape美食到赫拉克勒斯·波西(Hercules Posey)——乔治·华盛顿的奴隶厨师——的技能,再到费城厨师和餐馆老板最近参与的社会正义运动.
Philadelphia Bridge


Fall 2024
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Philadelphia City Hall

Tri-Co Philly: Philadelphia and the 2024 Election

Fall 2024
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This course will cover, as the title suggests, 费城人民和政治组织在2024年大选中的作用. We will work together to understand how people understand politics, and how political campaigns, PACs, and non-profit organizations work to persuade and mobilize potential voters.

Previous Courses

Spring 2024

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Philadelphia Moon

Tri-Co Philly: University City: Race, Power and Politics in Philadelphia

Spring 2024

本课程旨在追溯高等教育的历史及其对地理的持续影响, economy, and culture of greater Philadelphia and U.S. urban space broadly.

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Philadelphia City Hall William Penn

Tri-Co Philly: Literature in and of Philadelphia, 1682-1865

Spring 2024

In this course, and in the city itself, 我们将研究内战前写在费城和关于费城的文学作品, exploring how and why Philadelphians engaged questions of love, freedom and non-freedom.

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 Philadelphia skyline from helipad-3181

Tri-Co Philly: History & Politics of Punishment: The School to Prison Pipeline

Spring 2024

这个跨学科的高级研讨会将探讨复杂的学校政策, teacher instructional decisions, as well as historical, political, social, economic, cultural, 结构性力量导致了“从学校到监狱的管道”这一事实的出现.”

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Fall 2023

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Philadelphia Buildings


Fall 2023

What is public art? What is public space? What is the role of public art in a democracy? 某件事具有历史意义,这一事实就给了我们保护它的理由吗? Which historically significant things should we preserve and why? What is the moral value of commemorative art?  我们应该如何评估围绕移除我们现在认为在道德上令人反感的个人或团体的艺术的争议? How best should we memorialize victims of injustice?

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Philadelphia Broad Street BW

Tri-Co Philly: Epidemic City: Philadelphia from Yellow Fever to COVID-19

Fall 2023

This course will examine the history of epidemic disease in American cities, with a focus on Philadelphia.

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Philadelphia Pine Street Trees


Fall 2023

An introduction to the history and theory of environmental justice, an interdisciplinary field that examines how inequalities based on race, class, ethnicity, 性别决定了不同群体如何受到环境问题的影响,以及他们如何倡导社会和环境变革.

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Spring 2023

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Philadelphia Skyline at Night

Tri-Co Philly: Popular Music and Media

Spring 2023

This team-taught interdisciplinary course investigates the histories, 费城流行音乐和其他媒体之间的结构和文化联系.

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Philadelphia Museum of Art

Tri-Co Philly: Contemporary Art and Film in Philadelphia

Spring 2023

本课程将探索费城充满活力的当代艺术世界,这座城市以其众多顶级艺术学校吸引着艺术家, world-class museums, affordable living and studio spaces, and thriving network of artist-run galleries and exhibition spaces.

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Philadelphia LOVE Sign

Tri-Co Philly: City of Brotherly Love: Images of a Changing City

Spring 2023


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Fall 2022

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Philadelphia Sidewalk


Fall 2022

本课程将使用社会学的镜头来批判和比较地研究历史上不同的移民社区, economically, politically, and socially have shaped the city of Philadelphia.

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Spring 2022

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 Philadelphia skyline from helipad-3181

Tri-Co Philly: Power and Politics in Philadelphia

Spring 2022

我们将通过一系列对费城人民非常突出的关键政策问题的案例研究,探讨谁在政治舞台上获胜,谁在政治舞台上失败, including criminal justice reform, immigrants’ rights, gentrification and affordable housing, urban development, and workforce diversity.

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Philadelphia Fountain

Tri-Co Philly: History of Philadelphia Architecture and Urbanism

Spring 2022


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Fall 2021

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Philadelphia Sunset Silhouette

Tri-Co Philly: Narrativity and Hip Hop

Fall 2021


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Philadelphia LOVE Park Sign


Fall 2021

This course will take a broad view of the nation’s first capital, in anthropological, geographic, and historical perspective.

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Fall 2020

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Philadelphia City

Tri-Co Philly: Race and Place: A Philadelphia Story

Fall 2020

Using Philadelphia neighborhoods as our site of study, 本课程将分析种族/民族与空间不平等之间的关系, emphasizing the institutions, processes, and mechanisms that shape the lives of urban dwellers.

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Philadelphia Mural

Tri-Co Philly: The Nature of Public Art and the Ethics of Commemoration

Fall 2020

In this course, 我们将讨论一些关于公共艺术本质的哲学问题, political aesthetics, and the ethics of commemoration using case studies drawn from Philadelphia.

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Philadelphia Street


Spring 2020


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Spring 2020

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Philadelphia at Night

Tri-Co Philly: Philadelphia’s Opioid Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Interventions Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

Spring 2020

本课程将利用学生的直接参与和社区合作伙伴(包括医生)的经验, harm reduction activists, politicians, journalists, people who use drugs, 以及受影响的社区——询问药物过量的原因和后果.

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Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Tri-Co Philly: The Philadelphia Mosaic: Immigrant Communities in the City

Spring 2020


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Fall 2019

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Philadelphia Highway

Tri-Co Philly: Environmental Justice: Theory and Action

Fall 2019

An introduction to the history and theory of environmental justice, an interdisciplinary field that examines how inequalities based on race, class, ethnicity, 性别决定了不同群体如何受到环境问题的影响,以及他们如何倡导社会和环境变革.

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Philadelphia Parkway

Tri-Co Philly: Place, People and Collaborative Research in Philadelphia

Fall 2019

This transdisciplinary course, which will be taught in Philadelphia, 关注人类学对城市环境中关键环境问题的贡献(和潜在贡献).

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Philadelphia Delaware River

Tri-Co Philly: Fight for #PhlEd: Urban Educational and Environmental Justice

Fall 2019


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Spring 2019

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Philadelphia Traffic

Tri-Co Philly: Narrativity and Hip Hop

Spring 2019

This course explores narrative and poetic forms and themes in hip-hop culture.

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Philadelphia University City

Tri-Co Philly: The Politics of the Creative Class in American Cities 

Spring 2019

Explore the social, economic, 在过去的十年里,大量的大学毕业生涌入许多城市,这带来了政治影响.

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Philadelphia Elfreth's Alley

Tri-Co Philly: Philadelphia: Inventing a City

Spring 2019

From its patricians to its philistines, the course explores Philadelphia through a roster of writers, journalists, civic scribes, Quaker legerdemain, and pamphleteers who charted a number of cultural transformations. 

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Philadelphia Skyline

Contact Us

Tri-Co Philly

Calista Cleary
Tri-Co Philly Program Director

Susan "Kiki" Hatwell
Faculty Administrative Assistant