

所有斯沃斯莫尔和宾大的课程信息都有可能发生变化. 此页最后更新于2024年4月9日.


Our Bi-College agreement with Haverford makes registering for Haverford 课程s a seamless experience. Please follow the process you would use to register for any Bryn Mawr 课程.



斯沃斯莫尔学院将于8月开始注册2024年秋季课程的学生.  关于注册状态的所有问题, 请寄往布林茅尔学院注册办公室,地址是 registrar@wolaipei.com.

斯沃斯莫尔秋季学期: 9月3-Dec. 11, 2024.
Bryn Mawr students' last day to 添加 a 课程 is Monday, September 16, 2024.
Last day of exams at Swarthmore: 12:00 noon, Saturday, December 21, 2024. (期末考试不会因旅行计划而改期.)  

步骤1: 登记加入特警999
Declare your intention to enroll in a Swarthmore class by enrolling in the SWAT 999 placeholder 课程. 一旦你的注册被斯沃斯莫尔批准, 这门课程将被你正在学习的实际课程所取代. Students who do not register for SWAT 999 may experience a delay in finalizing registration.

登记班级编号 2078 为你的 第一个 课程.
登记班级编号 2079 如果你打算报名参加 第二个 课程.
登记班级编号 2080 如果您已获得注册的许可 第三 课程.


步骤2: 联络导师,索取课程许可表格 在这里.


经导师同意,将表格转发至 这两个 布林茅尔及斯沃斯莫尔登记处(registrar@wolaipei.com 和 registrar@swarthmore.edu). 你 will then hear from your home school 注册商 about your enrollment.  如有任何问题,请直接向你的家乡学校询问.  请不要联系斯沃斯莫尔,除非你是斯沃斯莫尔的学生. 


Since the Linguistics department at Swarthmore is part of the TriCo Linguistics department, 学生可直接在仿生注册课程. 您的注册将直接发送到斯沃斯莫尔学院. If your registration is not accepted due to over-enrollment (or any other factor) you will be notified of the results. 如果你没有看到仿生提供的语言学课程, 请通知布林茅尔注册办公室. [交叉列出的课程应使用非语言学形式 在这里 然后送到 这两个 布林茅尔及斯沃斯莫尔登记处(registrar@wolaipei.com 和 registrar@swarthmore.edu).]

Once you have the Swarthmore 美国手语 课程 instructor's permission, please send the complete Swarthmore 美国手语 课程许可表格, 在这里.

登记 is not complete until you return the emailed permission to 这两个 注册商s' Offices by September 16, 2024.

After submitting this form if you decide to drop any Swarthmore 课程, 请通知两所院校的注册办公室.

斯沃斯莫尔的 校历 和布林莫尔不一样吗. Please make sure you review when Swarthmore classes start 和 end (often this is the day before Bryn Mawr starts classes) 和 if they are changing their meeting schedule during the semester to make up missed days.   

Bryn Mawr students taking classes at Swarthmore will receive an email with a user name 和 password to log in to 斯沃斯莫尔的Moodle 网站. 

Tri-Co巴士时刻表是可用的 在这里.


Bryn Mawr students may enroll in 课程s at Penn as guest students through an agreement called the 贵格会教徒的财团.

  • 宾大将于2024年1月18日开学.
  • 最后一天 添加 或删除 宾夕法尼亚大学的课程是 2024年1月31日.
  • 宾大旅游资助信息
  • 一如既往,布林茅尔荣誉守则生效了.
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学的期末考试将在2024年5月6日至14日举行.
  • Seniors 必须 confirm with their Penn 课程 instructor in writing (email is fine) that they will be able to get your final 课程 grade to the Bryn Mawr 注册商's Office by the 高年级截止日期:2024年5月13日星期一中午这样你的毕业典礼就不会被耽搁了.


  • 宾大将于2024年8月27日开学.
  • 最后一天 添加 或删除 宾夕法尼亚大学的课程是 TBD 2024.
  • 宾大旅游资助信息
  • 在宾大的课程中获得一席之地是不确定的. As always, have a backup 课程 planned, 和 the Bryn Mawr Honor Code is in effect.
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学的期末考试将在2024年12月12日至19日举行.

提交一份完整的 贵格会会员登记表格 for approval (form open on April 15, 2024, 和 will close on TBD 2024).  [不接受纸质表格 -学生只可递交网上表格].  Please check for restrictions 和 special approval requirements within Path@Penn in advance 和 confirm seat availability at http://课程s.宾夕法尼亚大学.edu 在提交请求之前. 表格将于2024年提交给宾夕法尼亚大学. 

  • 查看 LPS课程指南 点击此处或查看 语言中心课程 or search Penn's web网站 by the department you are interested in 和 find 课程s on each department's web网站.  Use that undergraduate 课程 information to complete the 课程 request form. 宾夕法尼亚大学的政策, 贵格会教徒的财团 students may only take 课程s not offered at their home institution.
  • 查看 宾大LPS学术日历在这里.
  • 学生不能旁听宾夕法尼亚大学的课程.  
  • 的 贵格会教徒的财团 协议正在修订中. 我们会在收到宾夕法尼亚大学的最新消息后立即发布.
  • 布林莫尔的学生可以报名参加 本科课程 由通识及专业研究学院提供, 语言中心, 或文理学院(课程编号0001-4999). 
  • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生在宾大没有优先权.  A seat in a Penn class is never guaranteed 和 students should always have a back up Tri-Co 课程 in mind when planning their schedules.
  • 宾大将从日期待定开始处理注册请求. Students will start to receive emails about your 课程 request status up through the start of the Spring semester.
  • If you see "restrictions" on a 课程 in Path@Penn, please read them carefully. 如果课程需要许可,请遵循以下步骤 在这里. Always include the fact that you are a "贵格会教徒的财团 Student from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜" in any correspondence with Penn. IMPORTANT: if you get a notification from Penn that you got permission for a 课程, 请把这封邮件转发到布林茅尔注册办公室 [registrar@wolaipei.com] 立即 as permission in Penn 课程s is 第一个-come, 第一个-served, 和 does not reserve a seat for you. Note: Penn Instructors do not manage enrollment 和 can't help you with 课程 permission, please do not reach out to them 和 direct any questions to the Bryn Mawr 注册商's office.
  • If you are a Bryn Mawr student who has accommodations 和 you want to receive accommodations at Penn, 你被宾夕法尼亚大学的课程录取了, 你就可以使用宾大的残疾服务. 你 will receive instructions from 这两个 Bryn Mawr 和 Penn about this process once enrolled.

你 will receive 和 email with instructions regarding your Path@Penn, PennKey, 和 other next steps. If you receive login credentials, the student is responsible for checking to see if they are 注册 他们在宾大要求的课程.  对于任何更改, 添加/滴/取款, 布林莫尔的学生必须联系布林莫尔注册办公室.

  1. 你 必须 register for the placeholder PENN B500 课程 in Bionic to show your intent. 
  2. 提交一份完整的 贵格会研究生联会登记表格 收到之后 导师的批准 你感兴趣的课程.
    • 查看 宾夕法尼亚大学艺术与科学学院研究生系网页 课程设置.
    • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生在宾大没有优先权 in accordance with the 贵格会教徒的财团 Agreement. A seat in a Penn class is never guaranteed 和 students should have a back up Bryn Mawr 课程 in mind when planning their schedules.
    • 学生不能旁听课程. 
    • 视图 宾夕法尼亚大学校历 学期开始/结束日期.
  3. Please check for restrictions 和 special approval requirements within Path@Penn in advance 和 confirm seat availability at http://课程s.宾夕法尼亚大学.edu 在提交请求之前. 表格将于2024年提交给宾夕法尼亚大学.
    • If you see "restrictions" on a 课程 in Path@Penn, please read them carefully. 如果课程需要许可,请遵循以下步骤 在这里. Always include the fact that you are a "贵格会教徒的财团 Student from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜." IMPORTANT: if you get a notification from Penn that you got permission for a 课程, 请把这封邮件转发到布林茅尔注册办公室 [mkenny@wolaipei.com] 立即 as permission in Penn 课程s is 第一个-come, 第一个-served, 和 does not reserve a seat for you. Note: Penn Instructors do not manage enrollment 和 can't help you with 课程 permission, please do not reach out to them 和 direct any questions to the Bryn Mawr 注册商's office.
  4. 当你收到宾大关于你所申请课程的回复, you will get instructions regarding your PennKey 和 other next steps.

联系梅根·肯尼: mkenny@wolaipei.com 在注册办公室.

  1. 你 必须 register for the placeholder PENN B500 课程 in Bionic to show your intent.
  2. 提交一份完整的 贵格会研究生联会登记表格.
    • Courses taken at Penn 必须 be related to graduate social work education 和 be approved by your advisor.
    • 的 number of 课程s that may be taken at Penn is limited to one per semester.
    • Courses at the 宾夕法尼亚大学 艺术与科学研究生院 are available to Bryn Mawr graduate students only during the academic year. Summer 课程s at Penn 和 课程s offered at Penn’s School of Social Work are not part of the Reciprocal Plan.
    • 查看 宾夕法尼亚大学艺术与科学学院研究生系网页 课程设置.
    • 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生在宾大没有优先权 in accordance with the 贵格会教徒的财团 Agreement. A seat in a Penn class is never guaranteed 和 students should have a back up 课程 in mind when planning their schedules.
    • 学生不能旁听课程. 
    • 视图 宾夕法尼亚大学校历 学期开始/结束日期.
  3. Please check for restrictions 和 special approval requirements within Path@Penn in advance 和 confirm seat availability at http://课程s.宾夕法尼亚大学.edu 在提交请求之前. 表格将于2024年提交给宾夕法尼亚大学.
    • If you see "restrictions" on a 课程 in Path@Penn, please read them carefully. 如果课程需要许可,请遵循以下步骤 在这里. Always include the fact that you are a "贵格会教徒的财团 Student from 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜." IMPORTANT: if you get a notification from Penn that you got permission for a 课程, 请把这封邮件转发到布林茅尔注册办公室 [mkenny@wolaipei.com] 立即 as permission in Penn 课程s is 第一个-come, 第一个-served, 和 does not reserve a seat for you. Note: Penn Instructors do not manage enrollment 和 can't help you with 课程 permission, please do not reach out to them 和 direct any questions to the Bryn Mawr 注册商's office.
  4. 当你收到宾大关于你所申请课程的回复, you will get instructions regarding your PennKey 和 other next steps.

联系梅根·肯尼: mkenny@wolaipei.com 在注册办公室.


联络Sara Forrest (sforrest@wolaipei.com)




101 N. 梅里恩大街.