

The Bryn Mawr curriculum is designed to encourage breadth of learning and training in the fundamentals of scholarship in the first two years, and mature and sophisticated study in depth in a major program during the last two years.

A的要求.B. 学位

Students work with class deans and faculty to design an educational program appropriate to their interests, 需要, 长期目标. 


32个学术单位 都是毕业必须的. Courses can meet multiple requirements based on the attributes they carry but can generally only count toward one requirement. 1学分等于4学分.

体育课程和课外课程 不带学分吗. Some majors and minors may require participation in non-credit brown bags, colloquia, or lectures.

成绩 of 2.所有课程要求都需要0分或以上. 成绩在1分之间的课程.0和1.7 count toward Residency and as electives toward the 32 units for graduation.


  1. 艾米丽·鲍尔奇研讨会
    The 艾米丽·鲍尔奇研讨会 (EMLY B001) must be completed in the first semester with a grade of 2.0或更高.
  2. 定量要求
    Successful completion of the Quantitative Readiness assessment or QUAN B001, AND one unit to meet the Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning requirement (QM).
  3. 权力、不平等和正义要求
    课程中指定为PIJ的一个单元. PIJ课程可以在探究方法中重复计算
  4. 查询要求的处理方法
    Before the start of the senior year, each student must have completed, with grades of 2.0 or higher, one unit in each of the following Approaches to Inquiry:
    1. 科学调查(SI) - understanding the natural world by testing hypotheses against observational evidence.
    2. 关键解释(CI) - critically interpreting works such as texts, 对象, 艺术创作, 和表演,
    3. 跨文化分析(CC) - analyzing the variety of societal systems and patterns of behavior across space.
    4. 历史调查(IP) - inquiring into the development and transformation of human experience over time.
  5. 外语要求
    Before the start of the senior year, each student must complete, with a grade of 2.0级以上,两门外语. Courses that fulfill this requirement must be taught in the foreign language; they cannot be taught in translation. Students may fulfill the requirement by completing two sequential semester-long courses in one language, 初级水平或中级水平.
  6. 主修科目顺序要求.
    Students declare a major in the Sophomore year before completing 16 units. 专业平均11-13门课程. 一些专业包括非课程要求.  学生可以在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜或哈弗福德学院申报专业. 
  7. 居住要求
    Students must complete at least 6 full-time semesters and earn a minimum of 24 unites at Bryn Mawr. 在哈弗福德学习的课程, 斯沃斯莫尔, 和宾大在这24个单元中.
  8. 体育要求
    • Successful completion of the THRIVE seminar in the first semester
    • 游泳能力
    • 体育选修课3学分
  9. 选修单位的工作,以完成本科课程.

A需要32个单位的功.B. 学位.


  • 艾米丽·鲍尔奇研讨会.
  • One unit to meet the Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning Requirement [QM] (preceded by the successful completion of the Quantitative Readiness 评估 or Quantitative Readiness Seminar)
  • 两个单元达到外语要求
    • Before the start of the senior year, each student must complete, with a grade of 2.0级以上,两门外语. Courses that fulfill this requirement must be taught in the foreign language; they cannot be taught in translation. Students may fulfill the requirement by completing two sequential semester-long courses in one language, 初级水平或中级水平.
  • 四个单元满足分配要求.
    • Before the start of the senior year, each student must have completed, with grades of 2.0 or higher, one unit in each of the following Approaches to Inquiry:
      • 科学调查(SI)
      • 关键解释(CI)
      • 跨文化分析(CC)
      • 历史调查(IP)
    • Although some courses may be classified as representing more than one Approach to Inquiry, a student may use any given course to satisfy only one of the four Approaches.
      Only one course within the major department may be used to satisfy both the distribution requirement and the requirements of the major. No more than one course in any given department may be used to satisfy distribution requirements.
  • 一个主要的主题序列.
  • 选修单位的工作,以完成本科课程.

除了, 所有学生必须修满6个体育学分, 包括健康, successfully complete a swim proficiency requirement and meet the residency requirement.

在2011年秋季之前入学的学生应咨询 目录 他们进入的那一年.


Submatriculation allows undergraduate students to begin work on a Master's 学位 while still completing their Bachelor's 学位. 进一步了解我们的 结合程度 产品.

  • Students interested in submatriculating, should first talk with the program advisor listed 在这里 尽可能早.
  • Students can not submatriculate until they have a declared major in their sophomore year, and some programs do not allow submatriculation until the junior year.
  • 一旦您决定并符合条件,请填写 这种形式 当你申请的时候.
  • Once you are accepted, we will also need a copy of your program acceptance letter. 它必须包括你的预期开始日期.

Students entering 3+2 program or other sequence enrollment programs should check in with the 注册商’s Office about the process for your program and graduation.

更多关于Bryn Mawr's A.B./B.S. 双学位课程可以在这里找到.

为申请宾大项目的学生准备的, additional information for concurrent enrollment can be found 在这里:

  • BMC Undergrads can only enroll in Penn graduate courses if they are officially submatriculated into a graduate program.
  • BMC Undergrads take all courses during the academic year through the Quaker Consortium.  Under the QC students pay their home institution for all courses taken.  Students would not be billed by Penn until they graduate from BMC and fully matriculate into the Penn grad program.
  • 一旦submatriculated, Bryn Mawr students may not take courses outside of their submatriculation curriculum. 
  • 每学期注册宾夕法尼亚大学的课程, a screenshot from the student’s Path@Penn “course details" screen which includes the full name and course number and a checkmark confirming that you're registered. 
  • 一旦学生进入最后一个学期, we must get confirmation from Penn course faculty that they will be able to meet the senior grade deadline so that the student may graduate on time. 
  • 提醒一下, 布林莫尔学生必须遵守所有布林莫尔学生规则, 一如既往, 遵守《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》.  Any questions about policies should be directed to the Bryn Mawr 注册商’s Office.

If you are interested in completing a bachelor's 学位 and master's 学位 in a shortened timeline, Bryn Mawr offers a number of opportunities through its 社会工作与社会研究研究生院 and its 艺术与科学研究生院. 







101 N. 梅里恩大街.