


数学专业代表也是数学系全体数学专业教师的代表. 我们随时欢迎您直接向数学系的教职员工提出您的任何担忧或建议. 然而, 也欢迎您与主要代表沟通,他们可以匿名向数学系主席传达您的担忧和/或建议. 









大家好! My name is Jo, and I’m a 数学 major with a Japanese minor at Haverford. As a freshman I intended to be a 数学/physics double major, but unfortunately that turned out to be unfeasible for me (still, 向物理系致敬). 我选择数学是因为我喜欢学生和老师之间的友情. 我坚信,每个人都属于数学系,每个人都有权利在这些空间里感到安全和被接受. 数学之外, 我喜欢编织和钩针编织, 万智牌, 日本动画和电子游戏, 有时还会在凌晨12点在石拱的台阶上给我的许多植物浇水. Feel free to reach out to me anytime you feel comfortable doing so, especially with questions about the AB/MA application process if that interests you!


大家好! My name is 林德利丧心病狂的, and I'm a 数学 major and French minor from Chicago! 从小到大,我的父亲是一名数学老师,数学一直是我生活中很重要的一部分. 进入大学, I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in, but when I realized I didn't want to stop taking 数学 classes, I realized the major made the most sense for me. Outside of the lovely numerical world at Bryn Mawr, 我还是鲁尼曲调无伴奏合唱团和跛脚鸭冰球俱乐部的成员. 如果你对主修数学和出国留学/参加360º项目有疑问, 或者其他问题, 请伸出援手!! Welcome to the Math Department <3!


嘿,你们! I’m Chloe, and I’m a 数学 major from Houston, TX. I developed my love for 数学 in early elementary school, 到了中学, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in 数学. The Bryn Mawr 数学 community is so supportive, and I love getting to work with and learn from other 数学 majors everyday. 如果你在公园找不到我在便利贴上做数学作业,那我可能在舞蹈室. I’m actively involved in the Bi-Co and greater Philadelphia dance communities, 和Shift舞蹈团一起表演, 噪音投诉自来水公司, 和“霍弗夫人踢踏舞合奏团”. I love talking about 数学 with other people, and I’m happy to answer any questions so 请随时联系我!


大家好!! 我的名字是Abhi苏雷什,我现在是一名数学专业的大四学生,辅修教育研究. 在校园, 我参与了很多事情,包括担任AMO负责人和SGA电子董事会的联席财务主管. I came into Bryn Mawr wanting to do 数学 - and safe to say I stuck with it! I'm always happy to answer questions or ponderings you might have about the major, 数学, 以及我做的其他事情. 学术之外, I love trying new cafes and restaurants in Philly; if you have any recommendations, 请伸出援手! 



大家好!! I am Cavan, and I am a 数学 major with a minor in data science. 进入布林茅尔, I took Multivariable Calculus to fulfill my 数学 requirement, 但在几周内, 我知道我想主修数学. Everyone is so collaborative within the department and wants you to succeed. 除了我在公园的时间, you can find me working out at Schwartz gym, 在查巴德家的犹太活动中, 或者做我的实习工作! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out! I would love to talk to you, whether about a major, minor, or the AB/MA program!


Hi! 我是凯西.c, and I’m a 数学 major from Columbus, Ohio. 我也是数据科学和地质学的辅修学生,我对将数学应用于现实世界的问题非常感兴趣! 我一直很喜欢数学,但直到我看到数学系的支持和热情,我才知道我想成为数学专业的学生. 在学校之外,我喜欢徒步旅行,打匹克球,和朋友们出去玩. 周末的时候,我经常去博物馆、餐馆、看棒球比赛,在费城四处走走. I also work with Campus Philly to help introduce college students to the area. Feel free to reach out with any questions!


大家好!! 我叫莎拉, and I am a 数学 major and education studies minor on the teacher certification track. I am from Yardley, PA, so only about 45 minutes from Bryn Mawr. 我一直都很喜欢数学,所以我知道进入布林莫尔后,我想成为数学专业的学生. 这里的数学系有很棒的教授,他们关心你的学习过程,真的希望你成功, 他们也支持你作为一个人和你参加的活动. 除了做数学, I play for the soccer team at Bryn Mawr, 很高兴看到数学教授来到足球比赛现场,创造了一个如此欢迎和支持的社区. 如果你对专业有任何疑问,特别是关于教师资格认证的过程, 请随时联系我!


Heyyy!! My name is 奥瑞丽McGuire-Berk, and I am a Math Major from South Jersey. 我来到布林莫尔是对数学,物理和城市的增长和结构感兴趣. 在大二开始的时候,我慢慢地发现自己对数学越来越感兴趣,并很快宣布了我的专业. 我发现老师们非常热情和开放,喜欢我在应用数学上的选修课. 数学之外,我是一个自由和队长的排球队,我是长曲棍球队. 我非常热衷于在Bryn Mawr数学社区创造一个温暖和欢迎的空间. 就我个人而言,我喜欢讲数学笑话. My friend and fellow Math Major Smidge and I constantly make 数学 jokes, 舞蹈, and try to foster a welcoming environment. 如果你对作为一个数学专业的学生或作为一个STEM专业的学生参加大学运动有任何问题,请随时推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜!


Hi! 我是索菲亚(也被称为斯米奇),我在布林莫尔大学主修数学,辅修西班牙语. Entering college as a freshman, I had no idea that I would now be a 数学 major. I spent my first three semesters of college on track to major in physics, but my love for the Math Department changed my mind. The Bryn Mawr Math Department is super fun and welcoming - all the professors, 工作人员, 学生们真的很棒, 每个人都希望你成功! 也, 数学 jokes are plentiful in the Math Department, so pay us a visit if you ever want to have a good laugh! 数学之外, 我喜欢表演Smash Mouth的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》精心编排的舞蹈,也喜欢和我的数学专业朋友Orli一起演唱《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》. Please reach out to me with any questions about 数学 or anything else! 我总是很乐意聊天!


嗨,你们! 我叫安娜. I am a 数学 major with a chemistry minor from Houston, Texas. 来到布林莫尔大学时,我原本打算主修生物学,但在第一学期的多元微积分课程后,我发现了我对数学及其美丽的热爱和热情. 我非常热衷于改变小学数学教育的观点,使其包含艺术和乐趣. If you don't see me in Park struggling with my 数学 or pre-med courses, you’ll probably see me in the Wellness Building doing AMO or CDA duties. 我真的很喜欢网球、攀岩、尝试费城周围不同的餐馆,还有R&B和放克音乐. Feel free to stop me whenever you have these interests too or just wanna talk!


大家好!! My name is Lucy, and I’m a 数学 major from the Bay Area, California. I came to Bryn Mawr unsure about what I wanted to major in, but after taking Multivariable Calculus I knew I wanted to pursue a career in 数学. 具体地说, 我培养了对应用数学领域的兴趣,比如数学生物学和数学社会学. 除了我的课, you can usually find me working on my research, where I use 数学ematical models to explore voting patterns, 或者用极限键进行口技练习! 布林莫尔的数学系是我有幸加入的最鼓舞人心的学术团体之一, and 我总是很乐意聊天 about why I love being a 数学 student here. Feel free to say hi if you see me, and happy 数学-ing!


你好,每个人! I am Daisy, and I’m a 数学 major at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. My interest in 数学 began at high school. 我被数学背后的逻辑以及数学在现实生活中的广泛应用所吸引. 进入布林茅尔, I was very certain that I would become a 数学 major. 通过我所修的课程,我发现自己对应用数学和代数很感兴趣. 布林莫尔数学系非常欢迎所有对数学感兴趣的学生,所有教授都为他们创造了一个包容的学习环境, 工作人员, 和学生. Outside of classrooms, I really enjoy watching Asian films. I’m eager to help you with any questions about being a 数学 major and 数学 courses. Please 请随时联系我 to me for any questions!


大家好! I'm Christine (Jingxuan) Yang, hailing from the beautiful city of Jinan, China. I'm pursuing a double major in 数学 and Physics at Bryn Mawr. My journey into the world of 数学ematics began in middle school, with a particular fascination for applied 数学ematics and 数学ematical modeling. 目前, 我正全神贯注地写论文, focusing on the intriguing realm of financial 数学ematics. 超越我的学术追求, I hold a fervent passion for Chinese classical dance, 怀揣着一个梦想,希望有一天自己编舞,传播中国舞蹈之美. The Math Department here is like my second home. 我喜欢这里热情好客的氛围,我找到了宝贵的支持和友谊. I am absolutely delighted to be serving as a 数学 major representative this year, 所以,如果你有任何问题或建议,请随时联系我. :)





