

  1. 布林莫尔有“数学要求”吗?
  2. What Advanced Placement Exam scores or IB Higher Level Exam scores are needed for credit in mathematics 在布林茅尔?
  3. Bryn Mawr的数学课程提供了哪些帮助和支持系统?
  4. 完成双专业需要什么特殊安排啊?
  5. 辅修数学需要什么?
  6. 我可以在国外修一个学期的数学专业吗?
  7. 我应该为高中数学教学做些什么准备?
  8. 数学系的学生就业机会多好啊?
  9. 本科生可以独立研究吗?
  10. 获得数学荣誉学位需要什么条件?
  11. 我可以在布林茅尔保持本科身份的同时修研究生课程吗?
  12. 什么是3/2工程项目?

1. 布林莫尔有“数学要求”吗?

在布林莫尔没有“数学要求”. 有一个定量和数学推理的要求, which can be fulfilled by taking one semester of mathematics at the 100 level or above, 或者参加课程指南中标记为QM的其他学院课程.

2. What Advanced Placement Exam scores or IB Higher Level Exam scores are needed for credit in mathematics 在布林茅尔?

如果你在大学预修微积分BC考试中得了4或5分, 或者是5, 6, IB高级考试成绩达到7分, 那么你已经获得了两个课程学分来获得布林莫尔学位. 你的第一门数学课是《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》. 参考我们的 示例程序 如果数学201是你的第一门数学课,那么你最好选择数学专业.

如果你在大学先修课程微积分AB考试中得了4或5分, 那么你就获得了一个课程学分来获得布林莫尔学位. 你的第一门数学课是《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》.  看到我们的 示例程序 如果数学201是你的第一门数学课,那么你最好选择数学专业.

All other students are strongly encouraged to take the 数学 Placement Exam so they can be best advised.

3. Bryn Mawr的数学课程提供了哪些帮助和支持系统?

布林莫尔数学系的支撑结构是首屈一指的. 教师 members post office hours to guarantee times when they are available to help students; but, 在一般情况下, 数学教师欢迎学生随时提问, 课内课外都一样.  

除了教师办公时间, the department has problem sessions scheduled for most courses several times during the week, 这样学生就可以在家庭作业和其他课程作业上得到帮助. 大多数数学课都组织并大力鼓励学生组成学习小组. 也有私人辅导服务, 免费, 由院长办公室提供的所有入门课程.

4. 完成双专业需要什么特殊安排啊?

必须制定一个令人满意的计划,以满足两个专业的要求. 通常情况下,只有一到两门课程可以算在两个主要项目中, 细节还需要审批. 与每个部门的主要指导老师会面,计划一个时间表. 完成高级课程(和一些研究)是明智的, (如果可能的话)在你希望从事的领域. 视图 示例程序 双专业.

注意:这可能会超载!   Double majoring can mean that you do a "minimum major" in each subject instead of going more deeply into one or the other.

5. 辅修数学需要什么?

A minor in mathematics requires five courses in mathematics at the 200 level or higher, 其中至少有两个必须在300级或更高.

6. 我可以在国外修一个学期的数学专业吗?

课程可以安排在不同的国外大学. Discussion with the Major Advisor must take place as early as possible to access the feasibility of accomplishing this within the mathematics major. 视图 示例程序 在国外待一个学期. 近年来, 学生参加了在英国的课程, 苏格兰, 澳大利亚, 和西班牙, 只是举几个例子. For those strongly interested in mathematics, there is a very intensive 程序 in Budapest, Hungary. 参见网站 www.budapestsemesters.com/.

7. 我应该为高中数学教学做些什么准备?

Students can major in mathematics and earn Pennsylvania Secondary School Teaching Certification in mathematics by completing the requirements set by the Education 程序. Interested students should consult early with an advisor from the Education 程序 for appropriate Education courses that culminate with the Practice Teaching experience during the second semester of the senior year. 查看我们的 示例程序. 也可以主修数学,只辅修教育学.

除了, there is a 5th year teacher certification option available where graduates of Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges may obtain PA state certification by completing an additional year of study at reduced tuition. 看到 教师教育网站 有关详细信息,. 你也可以考虑私立学校, 哪些不需要教育和教师认证课程. Many masters degree 程序s in education or teaching give training and certification for students with undergraduate majors in science disciplines. 除了, the "Teach for America" 程序 aims to encourage bachelor's graduates in science to consider teaching as a career (www.teachforamerica.org).

Keep in mind that employment in the mathematics department in the following capacities provides excellent preparation for teaching: grading homework assignments, 运行问题会话, 担任数学实验室主管, 辅导, 和peer-instructing. 欲了解更多信息,请咨询Amy N. 迈尔斯(anmyers@wolaipei.com). 

8. 数学系的学生就业机会多好啊?

数学专业的学生可以申请到数学系就业. Positions that are available each academic year are as follows: grader of homework assignments, 问题指导老师, 数学计算机实验室主管,实验室评分员, 私人教师, 数学计算机实验室的开放时间主管, or administrative assistant to the academic administrative assistant for the 数学 Department. 任何问题都可以直接问艾米·N. 迈尔斯在 anmyers@wolaipei.com.

9. 本科生可以独立研究吗?

Increasing numbers of undergraduates are getting a sneak preview at research mathematics by attending one of the many 研究 Experiences for 本科s (REU's) offered each summer throughout the country. 你可以 点击这里查看节目列表. Students may also apply for a summer stipend to do research 在布林茅尔 with a professor.

在学年期间, research may be done for credit by making arrangements (the previous semester) with a research supervisor and then enrolling in the proper sections of Math 395 or 396 (研究 Seminar) or Math 403 (Supervised Work). 研究 in the summers and during the academic year is encouraged for a student if it meets her career goals, 但这不是本专业的要求. 在任何情况下, research should not be viewed as a substitute for enrolling in advanced courses in the major.

10. 获得数学荣誉学位需要什么条件?

A degree with honors in mathematics will be awarded by the department to students who complete the major in mathematics and who meet the following further requirements:  

  • at least two additional semesters of work at the 300 level or above (this may include research courses);
  • completion of a meritorious project consisting of a written thesis and an oral presentation of the thesis;
  • 专业平均绩点不低于3分.6,在大四结束时计算.

An honors project normally requires two semesters of independent study with a faculty member. A student interested in pursuing honors should approach faculty members at the end of her junior year to determine the availability of a project of mutual interest. 书面论文必须在春季学期最后一天上课前完成, 最好是在口头陈述的前一周. The formal decision on honors is determined by a vote of the math faculty after the oral presentation and after the final version of the written thesis has been submitted.

11. 我可以在布林茅尔保持本科身份的同时修研究生课程吗?

Students who have completed advanced undergraduate courses because of Advanced Placement exams or another acceleration process may be given permission by the department to enroll in graduate courses. This gives advanced students an opportunity to study mathematical content at a sophisticated level beyond the normal undergraduate challenges. 速成班学生也可以选择同时完成A和A.B. 和一个M.A. 在数学中称为A.B./M.A. 程序. 这个项目的标准是学生要在四年内完成这项工作, 做研究和写M.A. 第四年毕业论文. 学生通常在大二的时候申请这个项目. 详细的要求可以与主要顾问讨论. 参观 马AB /网站 如需一般资料,请参阅我们的具体 示例程序 对数学.

12. 什么是3/2工程项目?

Students can complete three years 在布林茅尔 and then two at the California Institute of Technology receiving at the end an A.B. 从布林莫尔获得数学学士学位.S. 加州理工学院工程学专业毕业. There are other options if you are considering careers in engineering such as enrolling for a Masters in Engineering after finishing a science A.B. 在布林茅尔. To discuss the details of a particular 程序 consult with the Pre-Engineering 程序 Advisor (usually a faculty member in either the Physics or Chemistry Department).




