
Email from Professor 莉莎特雷诺 to Math Majors and 研究生 Students (February 2021)


我想花点时间欢迎你们所有人这学期回来,并向你们介绍数学系在多样性方面所做的一些重要工作, 股本, 在过去的几个月里. 你们都知道, 去年夏天,我们决定与机构研究办公室的玛尔塔Esquilin(外部DEI顾问)和Richard Barry合作,以更好地了解我们部门内部的文化氛围以及BIPOC和其他代表性不足的社区的经验. 我们参与这一评估过程的决定是在2018-2019年进行外部审查的结果. 外部审查总体上取得了积极成果, 会议强调需要更深入地探讨这些问题.

玛尔塔和理查德在秋季学期参与了一个评估过程,并通过焦点小组和调查来收集数据,探索该部门的文化氛围. Reports from both processes were shared with members of the Department in mid-January; I am sharing executive summaries of these reports provided by 玛尔塔Esquilin and Richard Barry. The Department met in late January to discuss the reports and begin to make plans for action. I want to share with you some of the steps we have taken and the start of plans for moving forward. 


  1. The Department had a faculty meeting to discuss the reports and brainstorm about actions that can be done.
  2. 根据报告, 该部聘请了两名TLI顾问, Kirtee Ramo和Madison Kearns, to advise the Department on innovative and more inclusive methods for teaching.
  3. The Department has gathered information about DEI efforts at other peer liberal arts institutions.
  4. 本系创建了一个Moodle页面,其中有许多反种族主义资源的链接,供教师自我教育和未来的部门会议讨论.
  5. The Department had a faculty meeting to discuss changes being made to this semester’s classes based on the reports and recommendations of the TLI consultants; 所有 faculty members are making several changes to how they run their courses.
  6. 本系将在今后的部门会议上定期讨论如何努力使课堂更加公平.
  7. The Department has shared documents about STEM microaggressions to raise our awareness. We are working on establishing a mechanism for anonymously reporting microaggressions and bias to the Department.
  8. The Department has submitted a request for a TT position in Statistics. 我们致力于使我们的师资队伍多样化, 我们将集中精力,确保我们能够确定有色人种和来自不同背景的优秀候选人.
  9. 在以后的部门会议上, 我们同意讨论白人至上文化的特点,以及白人至上主义如何影响数学文化和系里的各个方面.
  10. 我们将支持由学生领导的反种族主义自我教育小组,把他们的会议作为课堂上的“充实”机会.

在这一点上,我们已经产生了许多未来行动的想法. 例如, 我们计划让我们的TLI顾问与专业和数学学生组织市政厅,以进一步产生想法. We are also planning to develop a web site where we can clearly communicate actions and plans.

We look forward to working together with you on these important actions.


Professor and Chair of 数学, The Class of 1897 Chair of Science



10月26日,周一,小沃尔特·华莱士., a Black man, was killed by white police officers in West Philadelphia. 我们对他的死感到悲伤和愤怒. 这起杀人事件是个人和机构的行为,他们继续把黑人的生命视为无关紧要. We watch in reverence as BIPOC students from the Haverford Women of Color House, 黑人学生拒绝继续无所作为, 黑人学生联盟已经成立, 推动, 现在我们在维护, 布林莫尔罢工团体也加入了进来, strikes across the BiCo to confront our own Institutions’ complicity with structures responsible for Mr. W所有ace’s death and the continued oppression of students on our campuses.

On Wednesday, November 4th, we met with a number of you to specific所有y discuss the strike. We want to thank 所有 of you for your participation in this meeting. We deeply appreciate hearing from those of you that shared your convictions. We acknowledge the anger and pain that leaves students no choice but to strike.

我们认识到学生们通过罢课所做出的牺牲, 也听到了老师们的支持请求. We want you to know that 所有 math faculty support the intention of the strike, though we lack consensus on many crucial issues and how to respond to them. This makes it ch所有enging to craft a single response from The Department. 以下是我们作为一个集体对您11月5日发来的要求(抄送于本函末尾)的回应,我们认为可以真实地说出来。.

1. The cancellation of 所有 classes (synchronous and asynchronous) and assignments until the end of the strike.

We did not reach departmental consensus on outright canceling of classes, so individual faculty members will continue to determine their own class meeting schedules. 请知道,所有的数学教师都是善意的. But each of us is choosing our own way to show support for the strike and its goals. Please check Moodle or email from professors teaching your courses for their individual responses to the strike.

2. 保证参加罢工的学生和教员不会受到任何学术或职业处罚.


We reached departmental consensus in not penalizing striking students and faculty, 学术或其他方面. 我们同意,如果罢工结束,教学大纲和课程政策将根据学期剩余时间进行调整. 教师们打算在课程结束前见面,互相督促,仔细而公平地处理本学期的调整,并为下学期开始的教学和内容选择提供信息.

3. 保证罢工结束后, 学生将被咨询,以确定对过去和未来的作业和评估最人道的方式.


4. The continued support of the department for its students of color, particularly BIPOC students.


持续的支持至关重要. 寻找做得更好的方法也是如此. Students currently rely heavily on individual faculty members for support. 新闻部认识到它必须改进其结构, 需求, 以及针对有色人种学生的政策, BIPOC, 第一代, 低收入家庭的学生茁壮成长. 该部门承诺为此投入时间和金钱. 作为第一步, 2020年夏天, 该部门聘请了一位外部顾问, 玛尔塔Esquilin, 为数学系提供建议,使我们的学习环境对所有学生都是肯定和包容的, but especi所有y for BIPOC and for those from underrepresented communities within our department. You can read about Marta’s process at 多样性、公平性和包容性活动.





我们——数学系的学生——正在参加由哈弗福德有色人种妇女协会领导的双学院罢工, 黑人学生拒绝继续无所作为(BSRFI), 以及黑人学生联盟(BSL). We are striking in solidarity with our Black and Brown peers at both colleges and their/our demands. We stand with our peers in combating anti-Blackness in 的Bi-Co and beyond, 我们中的许多人已经承诺要罢工,直到 所有 要求(HC)/要求(BMC)已经得到满足. This strike is built upon the work that BSFRI did in coauthoring the Open Letter to 的Bi-Co this past summer, 这些需求在很大程度上仍然存在 未满足的 Bi-Co行政当局.

我们感谢系里一些教授在这个问题上与学生站在一起的努力. To that end, we demand that the Bryn Mawr Math Department, especi所有y the 律政司主席, 加强自己的立场 和它的学生(其中许多是BIPOC), 的Bi-Co, and the larger Philadelphia community that 的Bi-Co profits off of. 我们要求部门 发表官方声明 的团结. An example is the one released by the Haverford Department of Anthropology. 我们要求新闻部至少作出下列承诺:

1. The cancellation of 所有 classes (synchronous and asynchronous) and assignments until the end of the strike.

2. 保证参加罢工的学生和教员不会受到任何学术或职业处罚.

3. 保证罢工结束后, 学生将被咨询,以确定对过去和未来的作业和评估最人道的方式.

4. The continued support of the department for its students of color, particularly BIPOC students.



布林莫尔数学系意识到,我们需要从事与创造对所有学生都肯定和包容的学习环境有关的深入和可持续的工作, 专门针对BIPOC(黑色), 土著, and People of Color) and for those from other underrepresented communities within our department. 

我们部门, 类似于我们更大的社会, 正在经历一个伟大的清算时刻吗, 以及种族问题, 身份, 权力是最重要的. 这一变革运动的核心是必须认真关注我们社会各个部门的种族正义. 在布林莫尔大学数学系, 我们已经决定聘请外部DEI(多样性), 股本, & 包容性顾问和社会正义教育家, 玛尔塔Esquilin来帮助我们参与这个评估过程. 

然后我们才能确定最合适的行动方案来帮助数学系创造一个更具包容性和肯定性的文化, we must first unearth and identify the ch所有enges and strengths that exist. 为此目的, 玛尔塔将从当前的数学学生那里收集经验, 专业, 女校友, 以及系里的教职工. She will be gathering this data via confidential focus groups/listening sessions and confidential surveys. 所有数据收集完成后, 她将向我们介绍出现的主题和问题, 以及下一步的建议. 我们将与我们的数学社区分享这些主题,并征求您的反馈和参与,以确定如何最好地解决出现的问题.


History of African Americans in the mathematical sciences (July 2020)

作为数学系不断努力教育自己关于种族和种族主义在美国的历史的一部分.S., we are also learning about the history of African Americans in the mathematical sciences. A great resource for this information is this summer’s webinar series on 散居在外的非洲数学家 由波莫纳学院PRIME REU组织. 埃丽卡·格雷厄姆教授是其中之一 系列演讲嘉宾 (links to YouTube videos of the talks are available at the site too).



黑人的命很重要. We stand together with those across the country and around the world who condemn the murder of George Floyd. His murder is only the latest example of long-standing systemic racism and police brutality. We are outraged that these violations of human dignity continue to happen.

我们承认,我们中的许多人在很大程度上不了解美国结构性种族主义的制度和历史,也不了解黑人的生活受到这些制度和历史的深刻影响. This ignorance perpetuates systemic and other forms of racism which continue to devastate Black people.

我们必须做得更好. The math department commits to learning about the history of racism and oppression in the United States, to understanding how the associated structures are embedded within Bryn Mawr, 并改变我们数学界的这些结构,以便更好地支持我们的有色人种学生和同事. 作为这项工作的一部分, 我们将学习反种族主义和包容性的教学方法,并将这些方法纳入我们正在进行的部门课程修订中. 

我们欢迎您的反馈和建议.  If you would like to communicate with us anonymously, you may do so at: 






