Cheng Lab:研究经历


Ph.D. Theses:

Andy Clark, Ph.D. (2022) "超软磁流变弹性体的磁性和力学性能"

Xiao Wang, Ph.D. (2020) "具有界面Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用的多层磁性粒子"

Le Yu, Ph.D. (2016) "空心纳米结构中的扩散和磁化过程(南京大学授予)


Undergraduate Theses 

15. Mallory Yu (2022) "反铁磁耦合[Co/Gd/Pt]中磁性粒子的微磁模拟研究10 multilayers"

14. Halcyon Hu (2022) "磁流变弹性体中铁粒子偶极近似的精度"

13. Georgia Nelson (2021) "Anomalous magnetic hysteresis loops of ultrasoft magnetorheological elastomers"

12. Tong Dong (2020) "Computational modeling of magnetorheological Elastomers"

11. Merrilyn Mercy Adzo Fiagbenu (2020) "Magnetometry characterization of [Co/Gd/Pt]n=10 多层薄膜

10. Zhongying Yan (2018) "Thermal Hall effect and interface magnetism of magnetic multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions"
LeRoy Apker奖的六名决赛选手之一, 美国物理学会授予美国本科物理学家的最高荣誉,以表彰他们在物理学方面的杰出成就。

9.  Alena Klindziuk (2017) " Interlayer diffusion in Ta/CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions "

8.  Brittney Beidelman (2017) "Enhanced optical absorption in SiO2/AgBr Composites "

7.  Zhuyun (Maggie) Xiao (2015) " Magnetic and ferroelectric properties of epitaxial hexagonal rare earth thin films "

6.  Shuoying (Elias) Yang (2014) " Temperature dependence of the Spin Hall Effect in perpendicularly magnetized magnetic materials "

5.  Bingqing Li (2014) " Magnetic characterization of nickel three-dimensional antidot arrays "

4.  Soraya Terrab (2013) " Development of a temperature-controlled system for nanomechanical tensile testing"

3.  Han-Chang (Cathy) Yang (December 2011) "Fabrication and magnetic characterization of nanoporous nickel structures"

2.  Stonyana Alexandrova (2010) "Atomic force microscopy of DNA repeats"

1.  Meghan Mahoney (2010) "Spin dynamics of magnetic nanostructures"


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101 N. Merion Avenue
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