Current Grad Students in Archaeology

Katie Breyer 

Katie Breyer

Katie Breyer is a Ph.D. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She received her B.A. 2018年获得辛辛那提大学考古学和古典文明学士学位,并获得文学硕士学位.A. from Bryn Mawr College in 2020. Her M.A. 论文集中于Naqš-e罗斯坦向萨珊政治景观的转变. 她之前在西西里岛的莫organtina进行过挖掘, the Vagnari Cemetery in southern Italy, worked with a small finds team at Pompeii, 最近与西撒丁岛的窦考古调查和S 'Urachi项目合作. 她的主要兴趣是空间和景观考古, urban development, mortuary archaeology, the construction of power and identity, and Roman art and architecture. 她的论文集中在撒丁岛西北部罗马殖民的殖民互动和当地反应, 探索当地居民和物质文化在当地人和罗马人之间不断扩大的互动中的作用.

Tracey Cian


Tracey is a Ph.D. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She obtained her B.A. 2010年在比萨大学获得遗产研究学位, 她的研究重点是埃及学和近东研究. 随后,她于2015年毕业于卡塔尔伦敦大学学院,获得硕士学位.A. in Archaeology of the Arab and Islamic World. In 2019 she received her second M.A. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜古典与近东考古专业毕业,目前正在攻读博士学位.D. dissertation. 这将重点关注在阿拉伯东南部铁器时代发现的描绘蛇的人工制品的重要性,作为对生活在该地区的社区之间的社会互动和人工制品本身意义的更广泛理解的一部分.

She has previously worked on excavations in Italy, Greece, Oman, 在卡塔尔,她参与了挖掘过程,并对发现物进行了编目和分类. Most recently, she was part of a survey team, led by Bryn Mawr's Professor Bradbury, in northern Lebanon.

她主要对青铜时代和铁器时代阿拉伯半岛的社会方面感兴趣, 以及阿拉伯半岛的宗教特色, Elam, and Mesopotamia in the Bronze Age and Iron Age. 她还对研究和制作来自海湾地区的前伊斯兰和晚期伊斯兰陶器很感兴趣, and their trading connections between the Gulf, the Near and Far East.

Jeff Cumonow


Jeff Cumonow is a  M.A. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. He received his B.A. 2013年获得埃克德学院历史与人类学学士学位.A. 2019年在芝加哥大学获得中东研究硕士学位,重点是晚期古董和早期伊斯兰考古学. 他曾在以色列文物局担任文物保护员和考古学家,并在东方研究所担任博物馆档案负责人, University of Chicago. 他曾在包括Tel Keisan在内的以色列各地的各种地点工作, Caesarea, Herodium, and Mampsis. Jeff的研究兴趣包括黎凡特地区从古代晚期到中世纪伊斯兰时代的城市和乡村景观的转变和连续性, reuse of structures and spolia, and environmental evolutions.

Daniel D'Elia

Daniel D'Elia is a Ph.D. 古典和近东考古学系的学生. He received his B.A. 2022年在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜获得古典和近东考古学士学位,辅修物理学.A. 于2023年在布林莫尔的古典和近东考古学中发表, 中国乳胶油:对近代化学研究的重新思考和对古希腊乳胶油及其天然产物参考文献的历时调查." Daniel has excavated in the United States, Romania, and Greece, 最近的一次是在2022年和2023年,作为志愿者参加了美国古典研究学院在雅典的阿古拉发掘. 他的主要研究兴趣包括人类和非人类的互动, particularly in relation to agriculture, subsistence, and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. 他还对具体化经验和物理现实的古代概念感兴趣, encompassing the archaeology of the body and senses, along with ancient science.

Shannon Dunn

Shannon M Dunn is a Ph.D. 古典与近东考古学系候选人, 写一篇关于伯罗奔尼撒半岛古代和古典边境避难所的论文. She received a B.A. 2010年从科罗拉多学院(Colorado College)获得人类学学士学位,辅修古典文学.A. 他的论文是《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》.她曾在希腊的波奥提亚的昂切斯托斯和亚该亚的赫里克进行过挖掘, Omrit in Israel, 并在苏格兰高地和黎巴嫩沿海地区做过调查, 后者是Bryn Mawr教授J. Bradbury. 她目前是希腊东阿提卡湾区域调查(BEARS)小组的成员. 香农在2019-20学年是雅典美国古典研究学院的正式成员,2021-22学年是准成员, as the Gorham Phillips Stevens fellow. Her research interests include Greek polytheism and cult regionalism; maritime religion; the relationship between landscape, mythology, and cult practice; the prehistoric Aegean; ancient herbalism and medicine; travel literature; early modern receptions of antiquity; and contemporary issues of cultural heritage. 她在国际会议上展示了她关于边境保护区和波塞冬崇拜的作品,并为“河马:古雅典的马”展览出版了新出版的展览卷(2022年),” co-edited with Bryn Mawr alumna Jenifer Neils, 来自雅典的美国古典研究学院.

Kari Fossum

Kari Fossum headshot

Kari Fossum is an M.A. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She received her B.A. in Classics at Mount Holyoke College in 2021. Her research interests include connectivity, mobility, 以及黑海沿岸北部和东部文化上的希腊“殖民地”在古代时期的身份形成, interactions between these Greeks and Scythians, 占据这一地区的现代民族对考古学态度的演变, and contemporary cultural heritage issues, especially in regions impacted by conflict. Kari在意大利的伊特鲁里亚遗址Poggio Civitate进行了挖掘.

Yusi Liu 


Yusi Liu (she/her) is a Ph.D. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜古典与近东考古系(CNEA)候选人. She received her B.A. 并于2018年获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校艺术史和古典文学荣誉学位.A. 他的论文是《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 SIGHT 作为一种启发式工具来解读考古遗址." Her research interests include Greek archaeology, classical receptions, museum and collections studies, and accessible curatorial practice. 玉丝目前正在写她的论文,并探索围绕这些藏品的历史和政治, display, and curation of antiquities. 她参加了2019年雅典美国古典研究学院暑期班和杜兰-锡耶纳国际法暑期研究所, Cultural Heritage & the Arts in 2023. Yusi has experience at the Bryn Mawr Art & Artifacts Collection, the Penn Museum, the Athenian Agora Excavation Archive, the Ancient Corinth Museum, and the Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum. 2023- 2024学年,她将在盖蒂博物馆的盖蒂别墅(Getty Villa)担任古董策展实习生.  

Ashley Mason


Ashley is an M.A. 近东和古典考古学系的候选人. She received her B.A. 2010年从俄亥俄州立大学古典文学和古代史专业获得学士学位.A. 2012年至2015年,她在德克萨斯理工大学担任兼职教授. 她的研究兴趣包括宗教的物质文化, 大希腊和黎凡特的宗教转变, Greek and Roman sanctuaries, and the archaeology of Jordan. 她曾在希腊、罗马时期的不列颠进行过挖掘,目前正在约旦和意大利进行挖掘.

Illizt Elena Castillo Pineda

Illizt Elena Castillo Pineda headshot


Illizt Elena Castillo Pineda is an international M.A. student from Mexico. She has a B.A. 英语语言文学(敬语提及)和B.A. in Classics (also with Honorific Mention); both degrees conferred by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). 她即将获得的比较文学硕士学位也是来自墨西哥国立自治大学, as she is currently completing her M.A. 植物和树木的寓言-象征意象在两位诗人诗歌中的特点分析论文.S. Eliot and Seneca. Illizt’s research interests are Bronze Age glyptic, Etruscan material culture, trade and transport networks of antiquity, the ancient seafaring and waterways, and ancient technology and materiality.

Caroline Pope

Pope Small

Caroline is an M.A. 古典和近东考古学系的候选人. She received a B.A. 2023年获得范德比尔特大学古典和地中海研究以及人类学学位. 她的研究兴趣包括古代的酷儿人群, especially in ancient Greece, as well as archaeobotany. 她目前在雷克萨斯的考古发掘工作, Morocco, 在罗马占领期间她在那里学习葡萄栽培.

Clare Rasmussen 

Clare Rasmussen Headshot

Clare Rasmussen is a Ph.D. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She received her B.A. 2015年获得密歇根大学人类学和古典考古学学士学位.A. in Classics from the University of Arizona in 2017. 她主要对罗马考古学感兴趣,特别关注水的研究, city planning, architecture, landscape, and cultural identity. 她曾在意大利和美国的几个地点工作过,但最近在山. 莱凯翁调查发掘项目(2016-2018)和戈迪翁考古项目(2019). 

她目前是ACOR-CAORC 2022-2023年度的博士预科研究员. While she is a resident at ACOR, 克莱尔将在她的博士论文题为“水消耗在低加波利斯:检查用水在格拉萨工作, Philadelphia, Gadara, and Pella during the Roman Period”.

Andrea Samz-Pustol 


Andrea is a Ph.D. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She received her B.A. 2010年从威斯康星大学古典与艺术史专业毕业.A. 2014年从堪萨斯大学古典文学专业毕业,她的M.A. 来自布林莫尔的古典和近东考古,2017年. Andrea’s M.A. 本文考察了寺庙采石的陆路运输物流, city walls, and houses at Agrigento, Selinunte, and Syracuse in Sicily. 她研究了石头运输的时空背景,并使用谷歌地球研究和绘制运输道路. Her research interests include Greek sanctuaries, the ancient diet, agriculture, Magna Graecia, sculpture and architecture, artistic practices, construction processes, and cross-cultural interaction. 安德里亚的论文研究了在更广泛的祭祀背景下,希腊圣殿中提供的植物代表的功能和象征意义, offerings, and diet. 她在罗马的维尼亚奇别墅进行了挖掘, the Porta Marina in Ostia, Gournia in Crete, Corinth in Greece, Tharros in Sardinia, and has worked at Morgantina in Sicily since 2015.  她是雅典美国古典研究学院的准会员(2018-2019).

Megan Sligar


Megan is a Ph.D. candidate currently working on her dissertation, 临时设置为调查景观的交叉点, burial structures, 以及陪葬品作为欧亚牧民宇宙观的反映. In 2016 she earned her M.A. from Bryn Mawr College with the thesis, “Nomads and the Luristan Bronzes: Politics, the Excavations of Louis Vanden Berghe, 与20世纪伊朗考古话语的形成.2013年,她在乔治城大学(Georgetown University)完成了古典语言学士学位后课程. She received her B.A. from Tufts University in 2011. 她在英国宾切斯特的罗马堡垒进行了挖掘, Gabii in Italy, and Apollonia Pontica in Bulgaria. 最近(2017年和2018年),她参与了乌兹别克斯坦布哈拉绿洲的乌兹别克斯坦-美国联合发掘工作. 她的兴趣包括从乌克兰到中亚的草原上的游牧民族和牧民的物质文化, landscape theory, object theory, and mortuary practice. 其他兴趣包括博物馆研究和实践, object care and conservation, public reception of antiquity, Late Antiquity, and frontier studies.

Lala St. Fleur

Lala St. Fleur is an M.A. 古典与近东考古学系候选人. She received her B.A. in anthropology from Brooklyn College in 2018, with a concentration in Japanese archaeology, and a double minor in classics and history. She received her M.A. 2020年从纽约城市大学研究生中心获得文科学位, 专攻古典考古学, Late Antique, and Islamic worlds. 拉拉的研究兴趣包括世界神话的比较研究, chthonic cults, hero cults, and religious iconography.

Bingxian Yu

Bingxian Yu









Bingxian is an M.A. 古典和近东考古学系的学生. She received her B.A. 2020年获得华东师范大学历史学硕士学位.A. in History from Fudan University in 2023, 论文的重点是阿契美尼德帝国波斯波利斯防御档案馆的印章. 冰贤的研究兴趣是古近东地区的印章和印章, especially the Achaemenid period, and the functions of seals in social life.