
莎朗·J. ,不行Burgmayer


W. 奥尔顿·琼斯化学教授兼研究生院院长
Ph.D. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校

伯格梅尔实验室的研究涉及生物无机化学的两个领域. 一个项目的重点是模拟钼酶的催化位点. These enzymes are widely distributed throughout Nature where they perform redox reactions critical to the health of organisms spanning bacteria to humans. The catalyltic unit—the molybdenum cofactor—has several redox active parts: the dithiolene, 蝶呤和钼. The goal of this project is to understand how these three redox units affect catalytic function. 第二个项目涉及结合并破坏DNA的钌复合物的研究. 这些项目涉及无机和有机合成, 其中许多是在惰性气氛环境下进行的. 化学反应性是用光谱分析来研究的, 比如FT-NMR, 傅立叶变换红外光谱, 紫外可见, 和荧光, 和电化学表征在布林莫尔化学系. 某些项目需要其他技术, 如用x射线晶体学测定结构, EPR或MCD, 这些都是通过与其他机构的研究人员合作完成的.

米歇尔·米. Francl


Ph. D. 加州大学欧文分校

Professor Francl is engaged in both developing new methods for studying chemical systems using 计算 approaches, 以及在应用理论模型的有机感兴趣的问题, 无机和生物系统. One example is the [n]mobiusenes, condensed aromatic molecules which mimic Moebius strips. 大分子比小分子的张力小, 但所有这些都显示出扭曲的反直觉定位. One imagines that the molecule would be less strained if the twist were distributed evenly around the molecule. 本土化的动力是什么? 对分子的反应性有什么影响? The answers to these questions can be found by mixing 计算 chemistry with a dash of topology and a generous dollop of differential geometry. Professor Francl's research group is taking an interdisciplinary approach to this and related problems.

乔纳斯,我. 戈德史密斯


Ph.D. 康奈尔大学

戈德史密斯实验室的研究项目结合了无机技术, physical and synthetic chemistry to develop and investigate novel transition metal complex-based nanostructures. Electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques are used to probe the interactions of transition metal complexes with surfaces and to develop applications including nanoelectronics and solar energy conversion. Bifunctional ligands are synthesized where the aromatic portion of each ligand has π-stacking interactions with carbon surfaces. Electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry and the use of an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) are used to study the thermodynamics, 吸附过程的动力学和动力学. 钴的研究, rhodium adn iridium complexes are directed towards fabrication of electron relays for solar energy-based hydrogen production.



Ph.D. 麻省理工学院

The Kung lab employs a variety of biochemical techniques in combination with X-ray crystallography to understand the link between enzyme structure and function.  A primary research theme is to study enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of molecules with medical or industrial importance, focusing on enzymes from biological pathways which build molecules that can be used as advanced biofuel or drug targets. 在对这些酶的工作原理有了深入的分子理解之后, we will then use this insight toward the rational design and engineering of proteins with more desirable functions not found in nature.



Ph.D. 密歇根大学

Our research interests stretch across the field of organic chemistry from traditional areas, such as synthetic reaction development and natural product synthesis to bioorganic chemistry, 包括酶抑制剂设计, 合成与测试. 在所有这些领域, 我们的主要实验活动包括有机合成或构建分子.  目前,集团中有两个活跃的项目: 吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶(IDO)抑制剂的设计与合成 and natural product synthesis with the sequential Birch reduction-allylation and Cope rearrangement.  The ultimate goal of both projects is to develop new therapeutics for the treatment of a variety of ailments, 最显著的是癌症和传染病.

帕特里克·R. 梅尔文


Ph.D. 耶鲁大学

Research in the 梅尔文 laboratory will focus on organic methodology and organometallic chemistry. The first project will center on the development of ancillary ligands for use in transition metal catalysis (see figure, 左), while the second will pursue methodology for the synthesis of organofluorine compounds (see figure, 右). Organometallic chemistry continues to revolutionize the way organic chemists approach synthetic challenges, 然而局限性依然存在.  为此,改进催化系统的发展是至关重要的. By designing novel carbodicarbenes (CDC) ligands and combining them with a nickel center, our goal will be to push the boundaries of metal-catalyzed methodologies and open up new pathways to challenging bond formations. 最终, these Ni complexes will be applied to pharmaceutically-relevant reactions in order to generate more efficient ways to synthesize vitally important compounds. 与此同时, the fluorination project will expose students to the rigors of reagent and method development. Fluorine remains an incredibly versatile element that can drastically alter many biologically-relevant properties of molecules. 然而,在有机化合物中加入氟尤其具有挑战性. We plan to address this problem through the development of improved reagents for deoxyfluorination (the exchange of an oxygen atom for fluorine). 鉴于氟在医学研究中的普遍存在, potential collaborations in this area will show the direct benefits a student’s contribution can have in other areas of science.

阿什莉米. 普卢默

Ph.D. 约翰霍普金斯大学

Ashlee 普卢默的研究

普卢默实验室专注于功能, 计算, and structural characterization of bacterial membrane proteins which play a role in the widespread virulence of bacteria. Cell membranes are amazingly complex mixtures of phospholipids and membrane proteins – these membranes surround cells and create a protective barrier against outside threats. The proteins that reside within membranes work in many critically important processes and the dysfunction of these proteins is linked to innumerable diseases, 包括动脉粥样硬化, 癌症, 神经退行性疾病. 我们的工作结合了几种不同的实验技术,包括 在体外 生化检测, 基于结构生物学的研究, 基于单元的化验, and 计算 simulations to understand 1) how these proteins work and 2) how they interact with the surrounding lipid bilayer.