
32 罗兹奖学金 每年颁发给美国.S. 公民s, for two years of study at Oxford University in England. The scholarship pays all fees and tuition in addition to a personal allowance. 学者可以获得硕士学位,第二个B.A. 或者,在某些情况下,D.Phil.


  • 初步: Aug. 1, 2024
  • 内部: 9月. 1, 2024
  • 外部: Oct. 4, 2024


To be eligible for the American competition, you must be:

  • A U.S. 公民.
  • 至少有18个,但10月还没有24个. 申请年度的第1天
  • Recipient of a bachelor's degree before taking up the award.

Please note that 罗兹奖学金 are available to 公民s of more than 20 countries besides the United States. 最后期限 for the competition in other countries may be much earlier than those in the United States. 除了, in some countries students pursuing undergraduate degrees abroad are not eligible to apply for the Rhodes. 更多详细信息,请访问罗兹网站.

顾问: 埃莉诺·斯坦福奖学金顾问.

选择标准: In keeping with the criteria established by Cecil Rhodes’s will, selection committees seek candidates who will be “intellectually, 在道德上, 身体上有领导能力,” whether that leadership is in traditional public service or not.

除了优异的综合学习成绩, strong applicants will have extracurricular activities that demonstrate qualities of moral leadership and social purpose.

最后, 尽管罗德奖学金的申请者不一定是运动员, some activity that attests to “physical vigor” will certainly strengthen their application. 除了, successful applicants should have strong preparation and a convincing rationale for the proposed field of graduate study. 


初步的应用程序: Because competition for this scholarship is so intense, it is important to begin the application process early. The initial application is intended to get you started putting together the materials you will need for later stages. 基于您的初始申请, you will receive feedback from the 奖学金 Adviser regarding whether you have the potential to receive institutional endorsement and if so what steps you should take and what concerns you will have to address to earn that endorsement.



The preliminary application will consist of the following:

  • A current, comprehensive resumé, including employment, activities, honors, skills, and languages. 这不必局限于一页. Please include a description of planned employment or other activities for the upcoming summer and fall.
  • The names of five to eight potential writers of letter of recommendation, 其中至少四人应该是教授. You are advised to inform these writers of your plans to apply for this fellowship.
  • 个人陈述工作表
  • A list of any other fellowships you are planning to apply for
  • A list of any questions you have about the fellowship or the application process

官方秋季内部申请: 在这个阶段, you submit your online application internally and are interviewed soon after by the Committee on 奖学金 and Prizes here on campus. This 网上内部申请 包括以下要素:

  • A current, comprehensive resumé, including employment, activities, honors, skills, and languages. 这不必局限于一页.
  • A “personal statement describing your academic and other interests.” This statement “should describe the specific area of proposed study and the applicants’ reasons for wishing to study at Oxford. ... This personal essay must not exceed 1000 words in length and should be written in as simple and direct a manner as possible.”
  • Three letters of recommendation, at least two of which should be from professors. (Please note that you should have an addition two to five people lined up to write recommendations if you are selected for nomination.)

Instructions for writers of letters of recommendation (请转发给你的推荐人)

推荐信作者链接 (请发邮件给你的推荐人)

在此申请和面试的基础上, the Committee will decide whether or not to endorse your application.  如果你被选为提名人, the committee will prepare an official letter of support for your application. You will also receive some feedback on your application and have a short time period in which to revise materials for your final application. The better and more polished your initial application; the likelier you are to have a strong interview, 一封强有力的支持信, 以及最有力的最终申请. 

外部应用程序: You may apply either from your home district or from District IV (Delaware and Pennsylvania). Consult with the 奖学金 Adviser about which district to choose. 

Revised application must be submitted to 埃莉诺·斯坦福奖学金顾问, at least two days before the official external deadline. 如果有必要的话, you should be prepared to make last-minute editorial corrections and must ensure the final application is submitted by the published external deadline. 


  • Rhodes应用程序, which includes a list of principal activities and honors while in college (including prizes, 奖学金, 办公室举行, 运动记录, extracurricular interests and activities) with dates
  • 个人陈述
  • 所就读学院或大学的成绩单
  • 护照照片
  • Scanned birth certificate, passport, or other proof of age and 公民ship

You are responsible for ensuring that your recommenders each upload their Letter of Appraisal. In 2010, for the first time, all letters of recommendation are due by the external deadline. 最后, 请提交一份申请表格副本, 活动一览表, 还有给院长办公室的个人陈述, 被永久记录在你的档案里. 

递交申请后: Each regional selection committee will interview selected candidates on mid to late November. Results are announced at the end of the district interviews, and students selected as Rhodes Scholars are expected to immediately accept or reject the Scholarship. Scholars-Elect must then apply for admission to Oxford; they will be given more information about that process at the time of their election.