


The message below was sent to the community on August 29, 2021. The online version was updated (as indicated by an asterisk) on September 1, 2021.


While holding “office hours” this week to go over COVID safety guidelines, we heard some questions about what you should do when you are feeling ill. 我们写信是要强调这一点 it is very important that you stay home if you are feeling ill. 接种疫苗的人士, COVID的症状通常表现为喉咙痛, 头不通风, 以及其他轻微的感冒症状, 包括一种头部模糊的感觉. It is important that you treat these symptoms as if they could be COVID. Please do not put others at risk by undertaking your normal activities. We therefore would like to share with you the following guidelines for what to do if you happen to feel ill:

FOR STUDENTS: Please stay in your room or at home if you are living off campus. 不去上课, 其他活动, or work (please note that we are offering an allocation of paid sick time for these circumstances). If you must interact with others during this time, please wear a mask. 不要在食堂或与他人在室内用餐. Contact the Health and Wellness Center at 610-526-7360 during regular business hours; after hours, call the 24/7 MEDICAL hotline (610-517-4921) to reach a medical services provider for guidance on when you may resume activities and to arrange a test.

如果你的COVID检测呈阳性, 你将被隔离10天, 无论疫苗接种状况如何. The College will trace campus contacts for any student testing positive and report the case to the Montgomery County Health Department.

Unvaccinated students who are identified as a close contact of a COVID-positive individual must quarantine for 10 days; quarantine can conclude earlier if they receive a negative test result from a test given 5-7 days after exposure.

按照疾控中心的指导, vaccinated students do not need to quarantine when they are identified as a close contact of a COVID-positive individual, 但它们必须被掩盖起来 在任何时候 在室内待14天. It is also recommended that they get tested 3- 5 days after exposure.* For students living off campus in a household with a COVID-positive individual, where it is not possible for the student to isolate from the patient, that student should quarantine at home for the 10 days of the COVID-positive household member’s isolation and receive a negative COVID test near the end of that time 在返回校园之前.

员工:如果你感觉不舒服, 请呆在家里, 联系您的医疗服务提供者, 联系环境卫生部门 & 安全办公室(610-526-5166). 如果您的症状没有迅速消退, 在返回校园之前, you will need to have a negative COVID test and your symptoms should be largely resolved. A negative COVID test does not mean that you will not develop COVID, so it is important that both the test and your health warrant a return to campus.

如果你的COVID检测呈阳性, 你将被隔离10天, 无论疫苗接种状况如何 (meaning staying off campus and not having in-person contact with a BMC community member). 如果你感觉足够好, and you and your supervisor have agreed that you can work or teach from home, 你可以这么做. Faculty who are teaching remotely should also notify Tim Harte. The College will trace campus contacts for any employee testing positive and report the case to the Montgomery County Health Department.

生病的员工应该利用他们的病假. 鉴于COVID大流行的独特情况, for the time being the College will continue to pay you for your scheduled hours even if you run out of sick time; we will allow your accrued sick bank to run a negative balance temporarily to ensure your expected pay amount is maintained.

Unvaccinated employees who are identified as a close contact of a COVID-positive individual must quarantine for 10 days; the quarantine can conclude earlier if they receive a negative test result from a test given 5-7 days after exposure.

按照疾控中心的指导, vaccinated people do not need to quarantine when they are identified as a close contact of a COVID-positive individual, 但它们必须被掩盖起来 在任何时候 在校园里待14天. It is also recommended that they get tested 3- 5 days after exposure.然而*, if an employee is living in a household with a COVID-positive individual, where it is not possible for the employee to isolate from the patient, that employee should quarantine at home for the 10 days of the COVID-positive family member’s isolation and receive a negative COVID test near the end of that time before returning to work. 请与环境卫生部门联系 & 安全办公室(610-526-5166)查询进一步的检疫详情. 为了自己和他人的健康, all close contacts should monitor themselves carefully for symptoms.

无论是接种还是未接种, 如果员工被学院要求隔离, then (with supervisor approval) the employee should work from home if they are able. 如果员工不能在家工作, the College is providing additional paid time off specifically designated for quarantining; a required quarantine does not impact vacation or sick balances.

Many of us have allergies or other physical conditions that mean that we routinely experience COVID-like symptoms. We understand that determining when your symptoms may be COVID is challenging, but we ask that you err on the side of caution to protect the health of every member of the community, particularly those who are vulnerable and/or who care for those who are vulnerable. We also know that this approach may create challenges for your coursework, 服务交付, 和生产力. We are all in this together, and we will make it work with collaboration, support, and patience. Thank you for all that you are doing to support the health and well-being of those who live, 学习, 在布林莫尔工作.



