
Marvelous mushrooms, 米歇尔Zauner, 酷儿布达佩斯, 和 more.


1. 主要演员


Fresh off Grammy nominations for “Best New Artist” 和 “Best Alternative Album,” musician 和 author 米歇尔Zauner ’11 returned to 布林莫尔 in December as part of the College’s Reading Series. Her reading took place in a near-capacity Goodhart Hall, where students 和 other audience members lined up for more than an hour before the 7:30 p.m. 开始时间.

Zauner spent time earlier in the day meeting with students in the main lecture hall of English House, 和 at both events she talked about her time at 布林莫尔; her best-selling memoir, 在沃尔玛哭泣; 和 the art of writing.

“I learned how to write at 布林莫尔, 真正的,” she told students in the afternoon 和 echoed in the evening. “Daniel Torday 和 the creative writing department completely changed the way I read 和 write 和 taught me everything I know 和 carried with me into writing this book. It changed me tremendously.”

在沃尔玛哭泣 focuses on Zauner’s experience 和 grief in dealing with the death of her mother, Chongmi, from cancer at the age of 56. At the evening event, Zauner read from the second chapter of 在沃尔玛哭泣, in which she writes about growing up in Eugene, 俄勒冈州, 和 her relationship with her mother as a child 和 adolescent.

“Hers was tougher than tough love,” read Zauner. “It was brutal, industrial-strength. A sinewy love that never gave way to an inch of weakness. It was a love that saw what was best for you 10 steps ahead 和 didn’t care it if hurt like hell in the meantime.”

Zauner is currently working on a screenplay for the film adaptation of 在沃尔玛哭泣. Her b和, Japanese Breakfast, has plans for a spring 2022 tour in Europe.



2. 校园的真菌

布林莫尔’s campus is strikingly beautiful. 这不是秘密. What you might not know is that it’s also home to a “surprisingly robust variety of mushrooms.” That’s according to Alex Kelly ’22, who wrote about them in a recent blog post, “The Coolest Part of Campus (That no one ever talks about).” Kelly, a Houston native, revels in the rich biodiversity of 布林莫尔’s sylvan Main Line locale. Among the fascinating types of fungi she has found on her campus walks are mossy maple polypores, 土耳其的尾巴, goldenhaired inkcaps, 最快, 林中母鸡, 和 a mysterious beauty  near Park, which Kelly thinks is an eastern jack-o’-lantern.


3. 酷儿布达佩斯


Assistant Professor of History Anita Kurimay has won a trio of awards for her recent monograph 酷儿布达佩斯 (University of Chicago Press): the Reginald Zelnik Book Prize in History, the Hungarian Studies Association Book Prize 2021, 和 the Hans Rosenberg Book Prize.

Kurimay’s research interests include the history of sexuality 和 gender, 保守主义, 而极右势力. 酷儿布达佩斯 explores the history of non-normative sexualities in Hungary between the birth of the capital as a unified metropolis in 1873 和 the decriminalization of male homosexuality in 1961.

Budapest has been a famously cosmopolitan city, a crossroads between the East 和 the West 和 a center of artistic innovation. Kurimay argues that despite the modern assumption that “queerness 和 LGBT people arrived only on the wings of Western democracy,” there has been a long coexistence between queer sexuality 和 Hungary’s historically illiberal regimes.

4. 是谁 判断?

丹尼尔教授, director of 布林莫尔’s Creative Writing Program, has been named one of the judges for the PEN/Hemingway award for a debut novel.

Torday is the author of two novels, The Last Flight of Poxl West Boomer1. A two-time winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Fiction 和 the Sami Rohr Choice Award, Torday has been honored by
the Best American Short Stories 和 Best American Essays series. A movie adaptation of his second novel, Boomer1, based on his screenplay, is in development with End Cue Productions.


5. 诗意的道具

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing Airea D. Matthews was recently named Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate for 2022–2023. 她的诗 From the Pocket of His Lip was featured in the November 11, 2021 edition of The New York Times Magazine.


Smoke rose under my father’s tongue. 那儿,一个陌生人带着
         an oboe sat on the ridge of his tooth, playing wide vibratos
         通过nimbusfog. I asked why he was there, too.

Fine tuning the orchestra of lies.

                我点了点头. They play beautifully, don’t they?

尤其是你的钥匙. 为我哼哼

The poem was selected by Reginald Dwayne Betts,  a poet 和 lawyer who created Freedom Reads, an initiative to curate microlibraries 和 install them in prisons across the country.

6. 创造空间


A new makerspace in Park 157 houses tools for 3D scanning 和 printing, 激光切割和蚀刻, 物理计算, 缝纫, 纺织艺术, 基本的木工, 木工, 标签印刷, 还有照相印刷. “We’re here so that students have an opportunity to use emerging technologies, build skills in traditional making methods, 和 explore the ways the work they’re doing in their courses may be furthered by creative making projects—essentially, testing their ideas out in three dimensions,布朗文·登斯莫尔说, 谁经营这个空间?.