
文学巨匠. A代表信息. 移民研究.


1. 大数据

数据是现代生活中无处不在的一个方面, 和 how they are used 和 interpreted raises ethical 和 social issues for individuals 和 society alike. 布林·莫尔是新来的 跨学科数据科学项目, which offers a minor in data science as well as programming for the larger College community, 寻求增加数据分析的知识, 计算方法, 数据驱动的决策, 数据结构和管理, 以及数据的社会和伦理含义. The program is also working closely with the Career 和 Civic Engagement Center to provide students with opportunities to pursue related internships 和 jobs.

2. 文学巨匠


马修斯迪, 创意写作助理教授, 是费城地区获得2020年皮尤艺术中心奖的10位艺术家之一 & 遗产奖学金. Matthews’s work experiments with poetic forms to consider how language can shape perceptions of the self, 共同的历史, 以及假定的黑人概念. 丹尼尔·托迪的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》出现在2020年版的 美国最佳短篇小说. The director of BMC’s creative writing program 和 two-time winner of the National Jewish Book Award for fiction, 他出版了两部小说. 电影改编自他的第二部作品, Boomer1,目前正在开发中.

3. 太阳能发电

在12月, when Haverford Township’s Board of Commissioners earmarked $1 million for a solar project, 数学教授维克多·唐纳(Victor Donnay)的一些学生可以从中获得一些荣誉. It all began when COVID-19 prevented the Climate Change 360° from traveling to Freiburg, Germany. 相反,学生们转向网络研讨会,与那里的人交流. “We learned that a lot (more than 50 percent) of renewable energy projects in Germany have been funded by citizen co-ops,Donnay说。. “这与美国的做法截然不同.S.我们很感兴趣.约翰卢卡·芬顿(21届哈佛大学)和 萨曼莎·范·科特,20岁 与杰里米·阿金(20届哈佛大学)和 索菲亚·麦康奈尔,20岁 (who were in Donnay’s Praxis Independent Study seminar on sustainability) to research the solar potential of the Township buildings 和 possible financial arrangements. The presentation they made to the Township’s environmental advisory committee last spring was so well received that Donnay decided to continue the project with Fenton 和 杨利伟,21岁. 得到了布林·莫尔暑期科学研究项目的支持, Fenton 和 Yang made a compelling presentation to the commissioners that included an analysis of the cost, 潜在的节省, 和 environmental benefits of installing solar panels on several Township buildings.

4. A代表信息


当全国各地的大学开始计划秋季学期时, 有一点是明确的:对学生来说,透明度是关键, 教师, 员工在做安全决策时. 我们对COVID仪表板进行评级, 该网站由耶鲁大学和哈佛大学的研究人员共同创立, 给布林莫尔的仪表盘打了A. 评级考虑了更新的频率, 报告的信息(阳性病例数), 测试的总次数和频率, 和被隔离的人数), 学生和教职员工的分类, 以及当地的趋势. 访问 wolaipei.com/coronavirus/covid-19-dashboard.

5. 嗅觉测试


凯特·佩特洛娃,20届 看到一条推特上有顾客对香薰蜡烛留下负面评论, 这位对数据可视化感兴趣的心理学专业学生做了更深入的研究. 佩特洛娃也发了推特, 包括一张图表,显示自2020年初以来的情况, customer satisfaction with scented c和les dropped at a much greater rate than the satisfaction with unscented c和les. Another showed that the proportion of reviews mentioning lack of scent grew from less than two percent in January to near six percent in November. Her tweet garnered more than 30,000 likes 和 17,000 retweets 和 caught the attention of the 华盛顿邮报》《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》. 尽管我很乐意强调数据可视化的力量, Petrova warns that “just because an explanation seems plausible does not mean that it is correct, which is why additional work will need to be done if we really want to know if there is an association between COVID-19 cases 和 negative reviews of scented products.”

6. 沉迷于一种感觉

“感觉常常会扰乱我们对风险进行逻辑计算的能力. ... 当 more people do things like meet with family members who they haven’t been isolating with 和 it works okay, 它让人们相信它一定是安全的.——马克·舒尔茨,心理学教授,引用于 犹他州的别名新闻

7. 这是遗传


The National Science Foundation has awarded biology professor Tamara Davis a nearly $400,获拨款1万元,以扩展基因印迹的研究. The majority of genes in mammals are expressed from copies inherited from both parents, but a small number—called imprinted genes— are expressed only from one of the two copies. 戴维斯的研究重点是DNA甲基化, which plays a leading role in directing differential expression of the mother’s versus the father’s copy of imprinted genes. This project will examine the mechanisms responsible for maintenance of DNA methylation at imprinted genes to better underst和 how distribution of this DNA modification on the two parental copies results in their different expression patterns. “It is important to underst和 how methylation is acquired 和 maintained because normal patterns of mammalian growth 和 development are perturbed if the expression of imprinted genes is dysregulated,戴维斯解释道. The grant provides paid opportunities for students to conduct 和 evaluate research under Davis’s supervision 和 mentorship. 除了, 有专门的资金支持布林莫尔的STEM项目的学生, which fosters the education of a diverse cohort of students from urban public high schools.

8. 狡猾的


Jordan Beck ' 22的迷你蔬菜.

英语学院的教授们注意到学生们, 课内课外, 用艺术和诡计来对抗压力吗. 访问 wolaipei.com/english/covid-crafts.

9. 通往医疗保健的途径

今年秋天, about 30 high school students met on Zoom to participate in the first Underrepresented Youth in Healthcare conference. 这是一项正在进行的名为拉丁人健康之路的倡议的一部分, 非裔美国人, 和本地学生(HPLANS), 这个活动是托尼娅·布朗的创意, 他是布林莫尔大学本科后医学预科课程的学生. “在高中开设这样的课程会 ... 是什么让我走上了现在的道路,布朗说。, 杜克大学心理学和全球健康双学位的人. The two-day conference kicked off with a day devoted to health inequalities 和 health issues prominent in Black, 印第安人, 和拉丁裔社区. The second day focused on connecting the students with graduate 和 undergraduate students pursuing careers in the field. 为了组织HPLANS, Brown得到了Karen的帮助 22岁的郭,19岁的Genesis Perez-Melara以及其他几名来自布林莫尔和杜克大学的研究生和本科生. 生物学专业的佩雷斯-梅拉拉, 第一代拉丁裔学生, 抓住了参与的机会. “Mentoring minority students in STEM means so much to me because it was programs 和 conferences like these that helped me get to where I am today,她说。. 布朗说, “创世纪自愿担任拉丁裔/西班牙裔健康差异的演讲者, 凯伦自愿去做研究并与学校沟通. I can’t thank them enough for the incredible work they did to make this conference a reality.” Brown plans to make the conference an annual event that will evolve to include other topics 和 speakers. “The long-term goal would be to get as many underrepresented students as possible interested in healthcare as early as possible,她说。.

10. 移民研究


Sociology Professor Mary Osirim is participating in an interdisciplinary research seminar focusing on the African Diaspora that is bringing together scholars from a range of universities. 期末项目——学术论文, 视觉图像/照片, 和 digital humanities projects—will be presented at several participating institutions 和 at public venues, among them the National Museum of African Art 和 the National Museum of 非裔美国人 History 和 Culture. Led by 非裔美国人 Studies Professor Sharon Harley at the University of Maryl和, 该项目由Andrew W. 梅隆基金会.