
A New Education Major, 电动货车s, 卡霍基亚映射, and more.


2. 准备就绪

“I feel prepared for this fellowship because of the internships I have done while at 布林莫尔, including my work with the Haverford

Center for Peace and Global Citizenship and my research fellowship at the American Bar Foundation in Chicago. I’m grateful to 布林莫尔 for the many excellent classes I’ve been able to take on international relations, for the opportunity to be published in the 三方法律评论, and for the perspective and confidence that 布林莫尔 and my professors here have given me.” 夏洛特·麦克德莫特,23岁, the first 布林莫尔 student to be named a James C. Gaither Junior Fellow by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


3. 100%的电

As part of campus efforts to lessen the College’s carbon footprint, Facilities Services

recently purchased two fully electric cargo vans. Electric vehicle technology has come such a long way, 哈罗德·马里亚说, 设施服务总监, that he had no hesitation adding the
为他的车队提供电池驱动的货车. “They seemed like a great fit for our mostly on-campus needs,玛丽亚说。, “especially since we’re not having to travel long distances.”

车辆, 福特E-Transit 350货车, which are assigned to the lock shop and HVAC, can be plugged into a regular 110-volt outlet, and an onboard app lets the driver know how much charge is remaining. An electric Blue Bus is also on order and will be plying its route between 布林莫尔 and Haverford later on this year.


4. 卡霍基亚映射

Associate Professor of Anthropology 凯西 Barrier and colleagues have received a five-year, $312,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct the largest archaeo-geophysical project to date in all the Americas.

Barrier and his colleagues will use advanced magnetometry equipment to develop the most comprehensive map ever of the city of Cahokia, located in modern-day Illinois across the Mississippi River from St. 路易斯,密苏里州. For this project they will focus on an area of approximately 5.5 square kilometers centered on “downtown Cahokia” that was home to as many as 10,000 to 15,000 residents during a period of rapid growth in the 10th and 11th centuries CE.

“You can think of it as an X-ray image of what’s preserved under the surface,Barrier说. “So, in terms of preservation of the site, we won’t put a shovel or a trowel into the ground. 然而,, the research will provide important information about how humans organized themselves in early cities. And Cahokia is one of a handful of places across the globe where humans initiated urban life without direct contact with other urban societies.”

帕特里斯N. 道格拉斯

5. 看到红色

“Anger creates change in various settings and systems. A lot of the 法律s, a lot of the policies, a lot of the changes in the world come

从愤怒. Someone saw that something in the world was wrong, and they fought day and night to make a change.——帕特里斯·N. 道格拉斯,
BMC Keynote Speaker for Black History Month, 的谈话, “Why I Am Not Allowed to See the Color Red,收到的是一个
SRO crowd at Great Hall on February 28.

Professor Emeritus  Rhonda Hughes

6. 在边缘

25年前, Professor Emeritus Rhonda Hughes made math history by launching the EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) program, which prepares women and minority students for graduate-level mathematics. 这个项目, which has won numerous national awards, has been markedly successful in increasing the number of students from underrepresented groups and women earning Ph.D.s and going on to careers in academia.

今年秋天, to honor a quarter century of EDGE, a conference called Mobilizing the Power of Diversity will take place on campus (October 12–14). 来自学术界的著名演讲者, 法律, 业务, and industry will speak at the two-day event, including MacArthur Fellows Angela Duckworth and Ingrid Daubechies, who will speak on art history and the uses of mathematics in analyzing works of art. Jamie Fiore Higgins ’98 will speak about her best-selling book 欺负市场 举行签售会.

Find out more and register at edgeforwomen.org/edge25/

这是(a) Major

After more than 30 years of offering secondary teacher certification through the 布林莫尔/Haverford Education Program (and a minor in education studies since 1998), the College now offers students here and at Haverford the option to major in Education Studies.

“There was a time when people could only imagine that you would study education if you were planning to become a classroom teacher,爱丽丝·莱斯尼克说, term professor and director of the 布林莫尔/Haverford Education Department. “And that’s a good reason to study; we have a large, wonderful group of students and alums who are classroom-based or school-based educators. But, of course, education is an academic field that people do a whole lot of things with and from. … Any of us who do professional work of any kind end up in teaching and learning and mentoring relationships. A lot of students are interested in being part of organizations and institutions that make change, 扩展访问, 增加表示, 或者改变不公平的结构. All of those efforts involve education.”