For Starters: Fall 2022

A Space for Everyone, Mimicking Biology, Expository Excellence, and more

A series of three images, one of artist Marian Bailey, one of a mural in the new Health and Wellness Center, and the third a painting hanging in a hallway.

1. A Space for Everyone

Since its opening in February, 新的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和健康大楼——被称为the well——一直是学生们最喜欢的地方. The relocation of the Health and Wellness Center, the Career and Civic Engagement Center, 以及彭斯比社区发展和包容中心,这有助于提高人们对这些学院资源的认识, 学生们也一直在享受升级后的清真和犹太厨房, as well as new multicultural, community, and prayer rooms.

Over the summer, 由费城艺术家Marian Bailey创作的一系列充满活力的艺术品(见上图)被安装在建筑中,以配合the Well通过包容性和可达性重新定义健康的目标.

贝利有意在她的艺术作品中包括残疾人和不同种族和宗教背景的人. “对我来说,主要的主题是把布林莫尔作为一个整体,我们都希望看到那里的人们是什么样的,” says Bailey. “我想表明,每个人都应该被代表,每个人都应该成为这个空间的一部分.”

the Well的室内设计师找到贝利,让他为新建筑创作艺术品, Soné Ehabé of 4 Walls Interior Design. After many discussions, 他们决定用五幅肖像来填充公共空间,用一幅大壁画来填充社区房间, 这是一个巨大的开放空间,窗户面向庭院和厄德曼人行道. son希望这幅壁画能突出,这样路过的学生就能从窗户看到这幅画,并被吸引进去.

2. Mimicking Biology

Portrait of Ashlee Plummer in a lab

“I’m excited to mimic biology in a test tube using biochemical tools. Biological processes that occur in cells are super complex. 在试管中,我们可以完全控制发生的反应和存在的分子. 这是系统地仔细研究复杂生物系统的绝佳机会.——阿什莉·普卢默(Ashlee Plummer),她最近加入了该校,担任化学助理教授


3. Mathematically Gifted and Black

Portrait of Erica J. Graham in front of a bookshelf

Bryn Mawr College Associate Professor of Mathematics Erica J. Graham ’04, a founder of the Mathematically Gifted and Black (MGB) website, 是女性数学协会2022年总统认可奖的获得者. The MGB website, which was founded in 2016, profiles nearly 200 inspiring lives in mathematics, 使用第一人称讲故事,并根据完整的生活体验将数学情境化. Every year during Black History Month, 该网站突出展示了28位在世的黑人数学家的照片,以及他们对有关他们的生活和数学兴趣的问题的回答.

4. Expository Excellence

Bill Dunham seated at a table behind several open books.

Bill Dunham, a visiting professor and research associate in Bryn Mawr's Math Department, 获得了两项由美国数学协会颁发的优秀说明文奖.

他因《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》一文获得哈莫斯-福特奖 The American Mathematical Monthly in 2021, 以及因“Möbius函数的早期(和特殊)历史”而获得的Chauvenet奖,” which appeared in Mathematics Magazine in 2018.

In his remarks on receiving the awards, Dunham mentioned Bryn Mawr’s Collier Science Library: “On its shelves, I have found Euler’s mathematical works, some fascinating 19th-century journals, 以及由夏洛特·安格斯·斯科特和艾米·诺特等学院超级明星撰写的书籍. It is a treat to graze through the remarkable collections at Bryn Mawr.”

5. Meet BMC’s New Chief Communications Officer

Portrait of Samara Sit outdoors

Samara A. 他最近加入了布林·莫尔学院,担任新的首席通讯官. 它来自康奈尔大学农业与生命科学学院(CALS), where she was associate dean and chief communications officer.

At Cornell, 他发起并领导了CALS新的战略信息平台和视觉标识的成功创建,也为学院网站的屡获殊荣的更新提供了信息. In previous roles, 他在乔治华盛顿大学媒体和公共事务学院指导学校的传播和管理,并在PBS的节目中担任制片人/记者 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.

“Bryn Mawr is a highly relevant, quintessential liberal arts institution, 我被吸引到这个美丽的校园,是为了有机会运用我的战略和数字通信专业知识,帮助提升学院已经很好的公众声誉,” says Sit. “It is a privilege to collaborate with such talented faculty, staff, and students to tell their stories in creative and innovative ways.”

6. From Kyiv to BMC

Portrait of Nataliia Gusak outside

教务长办公室与gsssr和国际学生和学者咨询办公室合作,将Nataliia Gusak带到了这里, a Ukrainian scholar from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, to the College for the 2022–23 academic year. Gusak是布林莫尔儿童与家庭福利中心的教员.

把古萨克带到布林莫尔的想法源于社会工作名誉教授吉姆·马丁, 他们是在军人和退伍军人社会工作的国际合作中认识古萨克的. While waiting for State Department approval over the summer, Gusak, Martin, 和社会工作副教授Cindy Sousa为乌克兰社会工作者提供了一个为期七周的网络研讨会项目,重点是在战争期间支持他们在乌克兰的工作. While at Bryn Mawr, Gusak计划继续与Sousa合作,研究乌克兰家庭在战时的运作情况.

7. Academic Accolade

Portrait of Alicia Walker '94 in front of a book shelf

1994届的艺术史教授艾丽西亚·沃克(Alicia Walker)被选为普林斯顿大学高级研究所(IAS) 2022-23学年的成员.

During her fellowship, Walker will be finishing her second book, 它探讨了希腊罗马神话人物如何被描绘在日常物品上,为塑造拜占庭女性的主观性提供了另一种模式. 沃克认为,女性观众认同神话人物及其叙事的描绘, promoting qualities such as physical beauty, sexual allure, and social independence, 这与当时占主导地位的基督教价值观形成了鲜明对比.

“I feel tremendously privileged to join the IAS this coming year, 我很兴奋地发现,这段时间将如何改变我的思维,并在我的图书项目上留下印记,” says Walker. “我很高兴有机会在这一年里建立新的联系和建立新的关系,并与兴趣和研究与我自己相吻合的同事重新联系.”