

它是为20世纪的尖端科学而设计的. 90年后的今天,公园科学已经为21世纪进行了重新构想.


“我要说的是我最喜欢的:科学大楼的外观,像飞机一样充满生机和活力, bone and muscle under the skin; the number of small laboratories everywhere—they promise me lively independent work which the advanced undergraduate and graduate students can start today; the large chemistry lecture room, the most romantic room in the College; the Rand collection in the Department of Geology with its metals and crystals shining against their black velvet, 还有走廊里的浮雕地图.”

——1938年11月《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》转载的朴槿惠总统开幕词 女校友公告

