
No Place Like Home

Bryn Mawr and the American Academy in Rome

Hills and Streams

Four thousand miles away, in a capital city founded on the myth of twins, 有一座宫殿可以说是布林茅尔学院的历史孪生兄弟. High over the city, on the Janiculum Hill, stand the apricot-colored walls of the American Academy in Rome (AAR). Founded in 1894, 10 years after Bryn Mawr (“Big Hill” in Welsh), 学院向美国的艺术家和学者提供令人垂涎的住宿奖学金, predominantly, the ancient world. Across the 20th century, 许多推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生和教职员工都获得了AAR奖学金并担任领导职务,以至于这些机构彼此之间感觉就像家外之家. 正如荣誉退休教授戴尔·金尼所说,当时有一条“BMC-AAR管道”.” The metaphor is important; the Academy is built over the Aqua Traiana aqueduct, which was constructed in the late first century when water was power. The flow of scholars between Bryn Mawr and Rome has, over the years, carved out channels for women in classical studies, higher education, public office, and the arts.

The Roll Call

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职员工和学生的长名单一直延续到今天, with current-day professors holding not only fellowships, but also leadership positions. Darby Scott, whose Academy field trips are legendary, has been both resident and professor in charge, and Karl Kirchwey, director of the Bryn Mawr Writing Program 2000–10, was the AAR arts director from 2010 to 2013. But it wasn’t always easy to be Bryn Mawr at the Academy. At first, women weren’t allowed to be resident or dine with the men. Classical Studies admitted women early on, but the first female fellow in the arts didn’t arrive until 1960. Nor was sexism the only challenge. Philologist and archaeologist Louise Adams Holland, a “Bryn Mawr Special Traveling Fellow” in 1916, had to do lifeboat drills on the steamship over for fear of submarines. And T.R.S. Broughton, who taught classics at Bryn Mawr from 1928 to 1965, 1927年,当他收到学院的邀请时,他身无分文,只买得起去格拉斯哥的汽船. In Edinburgh, he bought a one-speed bicycle for 3 and named it Bucephalous, after Alexander the Great’s horse. Broughton pedaled the length of Britain, France, and half of Italy, until he flipped out his kickstand on the Janiculum Hill.

这种勇气定义了学院最早的布林莫尔研究员. Here are three of many examples: In 1930 Irene A. Rosenzweig won the Rome Prize in classical studies and archaeology. She would later become tutor to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s family members during their time in the White House. 9岁的露西·休·梅里特在费城的纪念堂看到了庞贝古城的立体影像. The fascination planted in her then took her to the Academy, where, in 1937, 她是第一个被允许和男人一起吃饭的女人(而不是坐在男管家储藏室里的一张摇摇晃晃的桌子上)。. The Silver Latinist Berthe M. Marti, Ph.D. ’34, was at the Academy in 1948, taught at Bryn Mawr for 33 years, and is remembered by such tender nicknames as “Dragon Lady,” “The Martinette,” and “Berthe Noir.据说,在她80多岁的时候,为了保护自己的钱包,她咬掉了一个抢劫犯的拇指.

即使你认为20世纪早期的古典学家或考古学家不是布林莫尔的产物, just dig a little deeper. Esther Van Deman, one of the most famous archaeologists of the 20th century, spent a year at Bryn Mawr, as its first fellow in Latin. “你必须明白,”这位博学的古典研究学者说 Kathy Geffcken, Ph.D. ’62, (FAAR ’55), who is writing a history of women at the Academy. “我(在艾格尼丝·斯科特学院)的老师们非常明确地告诉我,我唯一应该去的研究生院是布林莫尔.几代人以来,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜拥有美国唯一的本科古典考古学课程.S., and the classics department overshadowed prestigious male institutions; Princeton students came to Bryn Mawr to get dissertation advice. “然后,当我在布林莫尔时,”格夫肯继续说,“我完全预料到我会去罗马. 通常五六个古典学者中有两个是布林莫尔的女人. It was a home away from home.格夫肯提醒我们,并非所有女性的历史都出现在书面记录中:“背景中也有很多布林茅尔女性。, who had married male academicians," she says. “There was a sisterhood between us [fellows] and them.”

Case in Point: #1 Lily Ross Taylor

The Bryn Mawr graduate who was either the first, or the fourth, 女院士(取决于你怎么数)是莉莉·罗斯·泰勒. Rutgers classicist Corey Brennan, who taught at Bryn Mawr from 1990 to 2000, 称赞泰勒是“北美产生的最伟大的古典学者和古代历史学家”.” In 2019, Bryn Mawr celebrated Miss Taylor, as she was known to all, in a symposium organized by Associate Professor Annette Baertschi. Taylor was brilliant, beloved, and intrepid. After landing in Rome for an AAR Fellowship in 1917, 她选择参军而不是奖学金,加入了红十字会在巴尔干半岛的工作, where the director considered her his “ablest assistant.泰勒对她的作用有一个更严格的评价:“布林莫尔博士.D. 不适合计划在仓库内安排约10,000箱外科用品[. . .] particularly a Ph.D. 在拉丁语中不能帮助你称出奎宁的重量,也不能使抗破伤风血清得到最好的配置.”

如果是因为她的公共服务意识她才会去前线, it was as a public intellectual that she would later be saluted. In 1950, Time magazine celebrated her as one of the foremost and most passionate American educators of her age; she “slips quickly into the habit of running her hands excitedly through her white hair. At the end of a lecture, if her hair is very much mussed up, students know that Miss Taylor has enjoyed herself.”

Taylor wrote six monographs, was dean of the Graduate School at Bryn Mawr, was twice professor in charge at the AAR, and, at the end of World War II, spent two years working as an “analyst,” which is to say spy, in the Office of Strategic Services in Washington. 从1932年开始,泰勒和她的伴侣爱丽丝·马丁·霍金斯(1907届)住在一起。. Alice is thanked in each of Taylor’s books, 他们一直住在一起,直到83岁的泰勒在蒙哥马利大道被一名肇事逃逸的司机撞死. To say her legacy lives on is both true and apt. “My aim as a teacher,” she wrote, “is to make my students feel that they are walking the streets of Rome, and seeing and thinking what Romans saw and thought.”

Case in Point #2: Dale Kinney

Dale Kinney, Bryn Mawr professor emeritus in history of art, was a Rome Prize Fellow from 1970 through 1972. 她记得自己坐在学院沙龙的沙发上看《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》(the Fight of the Century).那是1971年3月8日,院士们熬夜观看穆罕默德·阿里和乔·弗雷泽的比赛. “We had a merry time!” she recalls. 坐在她旁边的是查尔斯·米切尔(Charles Mitchell),推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜艺术史系主任. A year later, when Mitchell was hiring, “he remembered me,” she says, “and wrote me a two-page letter, personally typed (no secretary) on air mail paper (which I still have), offering me the job. I accepted and wound up staying a while.” That “while” was 38 years, during which time Kinney served as department chair, became the Eugenia Chase Guild Professor in the Humanities, 是艺术与科学研究生院的代理教务长和院长. 金尼于2010年退休,但继续她在特拉斯提弗列的圣玛丽亚教堂的研究, which sits at the foot of the Janiculum Hill. 去年秋天,我和学院的其他成员一起参观了教堂, 金尼对中世纪教堂过道上的罗马圆柱上的异教人物的鉴定被引用时充满了敬畏和自豪. “She’s the spolia sleuth,” the group leader said, gesturing at the recycled, mismatched Ionic capitals Kinney identified. “And she was once a young scholar starting out here at the Academy. She showed us how old forms persist in new.”

Fountains and Courtyards

20世纪初,学院和学院的建筑都是将旧形式与新形式结合起来的实践. 沃尔特·柯普(Walter Cope)的学院哥特式风格模仿了牛桥,试图将女性教育的新事业与持久和长寿联系起来. Charles McKim, whose architectural firm designed the Academy, was the leading proponent of the style known as American Renaissance. 两者都是为学者们建造的乌托邦空间,可能与永恒之城一样具有持久的力量. And it works; as Brennan says, “For both Bryn Mawr and the Academy, 你必须掐一下自己,因为很难相信这个地方的存在. They are both marvelously outlandish.”

But like all fairylands, they are beautiful and ugly. 两者都是建筑幻想空间,旨在唤起欧洲的过去,以打造美国的未来. 因此,两者都有虚构的白色混合成他们的基石,直到今天. 这两个机构将永远不得不考虑强烈的种族和文化沙文主义的沉淀, as they forge a more just future.