
More than 200 attendees from 37 countries and five continents joined us by Zoom.

Conceived as a celebration of our international community and as a way to bring the College to them, the inaugural International Forum was to be a three-day program in London last March with more than 150 registrants from across the globe to attend in-person. 然后COVID-19介入了.

Fast forward to March 2021: two separate “fireside chats” were held by President Kim Cassidy with the Rt. 亲爱的. 男爵夫人 林赛·诺瑟弗,M.A. ’78, Ph.D. ’81他从伦敦打来电话,两天后又打给了托拉斯 艾米·许,94年从台湾拨入. Interactive post-chat breakout sessions enabled attendees to continue deeper conversation with Mawrters from around the world.

More than 200 attendees from 37 countries and five continents joined us by Zoom, 包括从20世纪40年代开始每十年的校友, 父母, 受托人, 高级管理人员, 扶轮社领导人, 朋友, 和志愿者. 感谢所有参与的人.

Although we cannot possibly include the breadth and depth of the conversations here, we have culled a few nuggets from the fireside chats to give you a taste.

Eleanor Tabi Haller-Jorden: There was a fascinating study by IBM about 15 years ago where more than 15,000 CEOs from a number of countries and industries were surveyed regarding their views on the future. Interestingly, they said that the most critical skill going forward would be creativity.

When you think about that in terms of COVID-19—the complexity of what we have all been coping with and the chronic unknowns that we are living with—it is a compelling thought that the talent market will reward innovation as we go forward, 不合格. 经济内部有如此多的活力, 政治, 以及社会环境, it is imperative for us to be capable of thinking in a context of the unknowns.

金伯利卡西迪:给布林·莫尔, innovation means building from our core strengths rather than moving in a completely different direction.

例如,在2000年代末,在美国有一场运动.S. 围绕创建大规模在线课程或mooc展开. 没有什么比布林莫尔更对立的了, we recognized the opportunity to explore what MOOC technology could do for us. So, our faculty started experimenting with technology outside the classroom to free up class time for more of what 布林莫尔 is known for: deep conversations and the exchange of ideas.

We became a leader in “blended learning” because no one had tried it in a small environment like ours. 十多年后,当COVID-19袭来时, 我们已经有了应对的工具和伙伴关系. We innovate by keeping an open mind and taking advantage of resources that may be unique to us. We won’t ever be an online college, but we also don’t simply reject the opportunities.

Rt. 亲爱的. 林赛·诺瑟弗男爵夫人: Parliament’s amazing technology staff had to immediately up their game because our sessions are broadcasted. 大家可以想象, 有各种各样的问题, 从同伴们不经意间的沉默,到摄像头盯着鼻子看. 从那时起, we have moved to a hybrid arrangement where a few members can be in the Chamber while receiving questions remotely. I have to admit that I attend far more meetings of value than ever before. 我们不再需要等待人们来伦敦见面. 我们可以召集来自世界各地的专家. 它的生产力令人难以置信.

The pandemic shows very clearly that we are all interlinked globally and that we must work together on global challenges. For example, the need to vaccinate the world because no one is safe until everyone is safe. Tackling climate change is another area that needs to be done globally.

艾米许:通常, 创新被认为是机械或技术方面的, 但从战略层面考虑也很重要. 对我们来说, that means partnering with brands that have similar values in terms of sustainability and how we treat workers. 在可持续性方面, 我们在同行中处于领先地位, and brand partners know to come to us to test new ideas in that area. And we often work with “younger” brands to help them build their own sustainability platforms.

金伯利卡西迪: The pandemic has made the value of the residential experience abundantly clear to us. One of the most moving and painful lessons was watching our students learn from home. They much prefer to be on campus and in the classroom with fellow lovers of learning. Many institutions have started recording lectures and are finding that their students no longer go to class, 无论是虚拟的还是面对面的. 布林茅尔可不是这样. Our students attend class even when they are recorded because they want to be in the moment. 展望未来, we will incorporate many things we have learned into our residential experience—keeping what worked best with our model, but also thinking of innovative ways to enrich what we offer and reach more people who can benefit from a 布林莫尔 education.


“In European Union countries, you are encouraged to specialize very early in education. I’m grateful for my diverse education at 布林莫尔 because it gave me a wide set of skills that I use every day in my publishing career.” —Ilona Meyer Maintigneux, 2000年、巴黎

“Listening to such a frank and open conversation between President Cassidy and the 男爵夫人 about crisis management during the pandemic reminded me that there is always a human person behind a title. I was touched by their willingness to speak honestly and with humor about the challenges of leadership in a time of (multiple!)危机.” —艾米丽·菲利普斯08年、柏林

“这是有效的, 特别是在国际大流行的这个时候, 体验一种联系的感觉, 弹性, 和其他作家一起创新. 同时, 我能够反思我的个人旅程, and use the conversations as a jumping-off point for all the work I still can and must do to help create and sustain opportunities.” —Diane Schreiber, M.S.S. '93马萨诸塞州
